This Is How Liberals Behave When You Give Them a Platform. Ever Hear The Expression “Trailer Trash”?

By Nile Gardiner is a Washington-based foreign affairs analyst and political commentator. He appears frequently on American and British television and radio, including Fox News Channel, CNN, BBC, Sky News, and NPR.

ABC’s The View insults the Queen in cruel display of mockery of the British royal fanily

If further evidence were needed of the decline of American network television – aka the “mainstream media” or MSM - look no further than ABC The View’s dumbed down and crass coverage of the royal wedding. The Emmy-award winning show is watched by a large audience on weekday mornings, and its hosts on Friday included Oscar-winning actress Goldie Hawn. One of the The View’s co-hosts yesterday, Joy Behar, a controversial liberal “comedian” with her own show on CNN Headline News, thought it would be immensely funny to mock the 85-year old Queen as “a bumble bee with a drinking problem” simply because she was wearing a yellow dress to the wedding of her grandson Prince William. Here is what she said while watching footage of the Queen entering Westminster Abbey – the video can be viewed here: “A bumble bee with a drinking problem! Holy moly. Who wears yellow? – I’ve never seen a queen wearing yellow. Happy? She looks like a taxi cab – keep that meter running Queenie.” Behar’s hugely offensive comments, which inexplicably prompted roars of laughter from the audience, were in extremely poor taste, and cruel and mocking in nature towards a public figure who is greatly revered by the British people, and widely admired by most Americans. They represent another low for US network TV, and ABC, owned by The Walt Disney Company, should issue an immediate apology to the Royal family as well as its own viewers for this crass display of monumental bad taste. This was nasty, gutter-level mocking of the Monarch of America’s closest friend and ally, and a bridge too far for a broadcaster that is supposedly dedicated to quality programming.
Like this Ugly Mule has any taste in clothing! Her and her side-kick Fat Ass Whoopi Goldberg who looks like a harpooned beached Wale, couldn't find her Fat Ass with both hands.
It seems like all the Progressives have one thing in common, they are all the ugly and jealous of those who aren’t.

These are the same Obama Apologists and sympathizers, and the same Kool Aid drinkers, the same name caller's the same race card players, and the same Bush blamer's. All this coming from Joy Behar who is the Poster Girl for a obnoxious, classless lowlife piece of crap. There nothing new here. And the Progressives talk about Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. What a friggen joke