It sounds harsh and cruel, but U.S. House Speaker John Boehner's threat to shut down all but essential federal government services if the Democrats on Capitol Hill can't actually reign in spending is not only the fiscally responsible approach, it is also one that would be popular with the public.
Yes, Shut The Government Down Already! Republicans should not give in, we should not compromise any grounds regarding the budget. Let's not let Nancy Pelosi terrorize and scare us once again by claiming that 6 million seniors would starve to death over these cuts. How would she know, she's waiting for the bill to pass before she reads it. Besides I think that Obama really isn't very interested in Seniors anyway, don't he want to get rid of Seniors, with Obamacare anyway? Face it this wouldn't be the first time that the government was shut down, we’ve heard all of these horror stories or threats before, and most of them are all BULL. Don't threaten the Seniors by telling them that they wouldn’t get their social security checks, because that's not true, it's just another Nancy Pelosi lie. One of the worse things that could happen would be that renewing passports or first time passports would be delayed. Big deal. I think that we could live with that. The IRS will still be collecting your checks, the Airports would continue to operate. And the sky will not be falling. So let's not play Chicken Little. The Democrats are well known for their lies, threats, and distortions so lets not be fooled by them once agin. Did they give a damn when they were in charger of the Congress? Did they ask US to compromise then? I don’t think so. The Democrats don’t give a damn about the economy or the country’s well being or the Seniors or anything else but their own well being. So lets not buy their crap again. No the sky will not fall, the hard working people who actually get up every day and go to work, will still get up every morning and go to work. The lazy bums who sit around and receive handouts for doing nothing, well they just might have to get off their fat ass’s and try to find a job. And if they don’t then it’s too friggen bad. There might be a hold on the free goodies for a while, that’s about it. Barack and Moochie will still take their Million Dollar Plus Vacations. In fact they might even use this as an excuse to take another on. After all if the Government is “Shut Down” what is there for them ti do in Washington? Obammy is coming here to New York tonight anyway, it’s Al Shaprton’s big night to host his Brother at $3,000 a plate in Harlem to make she that he regains come of the Black votes he’s is losing. The average America’s family life will still go on, the world will not crumble before us.