Like I said, he shouldn't released it when asked. But for him to say he sat back and watched in "bemusement". That's a bit much for me. This isn't funny. It's not funny that there's even a Birther movement either. None of it's funny.

I hope it's over, too, but I think we'll still have a "fringe" who will say the birth certificate is forged or something dumb like that.

The birth certificate that Mr. Obama produced during the presidential campaign and that was posted on the internet was a document that ALL officials of the state of Hawaii, Democrat AND Republican [the then governor was a Repub.] attested to and declared a factual and certified document of birth.

This very same document is used to attain a US passport by thousands of Hawaiians.

Yet, the GOP was not satisfied with this proof of birth.

My question is why? Why did they keep hounding the president for more and more evidence? Why did the birthers suspect THIS particular president was not forthcoming on a birth certificate that every other Hawaiian has used and had approved as evidence of citizenship when they applied for a US passport?

IMHO, it is not Mr. Obama's burden to prove anything else, once he provided his birth certificate.

I know Pam is too good a person to want to face that this whole controversy was race based. But I'm forced to come to that conclusion when no other president in the history of this country has had to show his papers in the insulting and demeaning manner that this first bi-racial president has had to.

Where were the birthers when GWB became president? Why should it be assumed that he was born in America and Mr. Obama was not? Why wasn't Mr. Obama's birth certificate believed when he first produced it?

We all know the answer.

Teresa, not all states have the same requirements for motor vehicle transfers. If PA required that long form, it does not necessarily follow that all states do.

Mr. Obama was born in the United States of America to an American mother. That makes him incontrovertibly an American and qualified to be our president.