Obama’s Accomplishments? Well the closing down of the confirmed TREASONIST website WikiLeaks hasn’t been one of them!

Twice before, WikiLeaks has published military documents that were classified as “Secret” despite warnings from Washington that doing so would cost lives, but what has happened since? NOTHING!.
And where has Barack Obama been for the past 2 days? He has time to play golf and basketball and to listen to hip hop. But where is Barack now? Did he think that sending out the smartest woman in the world would take care of everything? .Or was that lame 3 minute speech from his “Press Secretary” supposed to explain this mess? But have no fears, Robert Gibbs handled it in his usual way, once he got past his UMMMS, AHHH, and UMMMS and AHHH’S, he suggested at his briefing yesterday that the Obama administration condemns Wikileaksm. Well DUH! Why haven’t they done something about it already. I listened to Robert Gibbs response to a question that asked about what the President thought about the Wikileaks document leaks and He couldn't LIE fast enough, he couldn't give a straight answer. It was full of hummfing and stuttering and everything but what we wanted to hear.

That stupid comment was almost as bad as Eric Holder’s “Hinting” at possibly prosecuting! HINTING! This sounds to me like the way he dealt with the Black Panthers. Is this they way we deal with people that have violated our law? Man, how unique is that!

An Attorney General who is actually “THINKING” of prosecuting those found to have violated our laws. This is the same Eric Holder who has taken about two years to pick a place to hold the trial for Khalid Sheik Mohammed, and in two years he still has failed to make that simple decision. So how is he expected to answer a question at a news conference? But ask him about Glenn Beck, and he’ll tell you about treason. As the Progressive bunch on the left will. Talking about the Progressive bunch on the left, I wonder how do they feel about the way Our Dear leader is handling this? Or are they still talking about Katrina, and Richard Nixon! Remember Valerie Plains? Remember how long her name was in the news, and how they demanded for someone to be punished for that crock of crap. Well, let’s see how this works out. I’m betting that it all goes away.....................

To the Liberals, *ahem*, the “progressives”, it has not been a secret that the presidency of Barack Obama has been more than shall we say “disappointing”, although there are those who would never admit to that. Obama's performance has been much less than just mediocre, and I'm not referring to Obama's basketball game. The way that the lefties will tell it of course is all the fault of the Republicans who wouldn’t go along with his outlandish and outrageous policies and as he calls it reform bills. The same Republicans are outnumbered in congress and in the Senate, The same Republicans who where shut out of negotiations, and who were put down and called terrorist by that Judas in the Oval Office and his pals in Congress especially the one who marched around with the oversized gavel in her hand. We all saw how Congress works and we were horrified at what we saw. I know that I was.
As the media ass-wipes like those on CNN and MSNBC like the Idiot who seems to always has that “Tingle going down his leg” whenever he’s in the company of Bill Clinton or Barack Obama. As well as so many others on the “Hope and Change bunch of the Losing the Left." The mainstream media's love affair with Barack Obama seems to always be willing to give a free pass to him. But those on the left live to make fun out of Fox news.
The same bunch of lying and cheating politicians that pushed Health care, climate legislation, immigration reform, and pushed all those distasteful the stimulus packages down our throats.
Well things just didn’t work out the way the New Jesus thought they would, did they? No, the Americans got wise to this self indulged Big Spending Vacationer In Chief thought. The real, true and loyal Americans only were more fired up by the un-American changes he and his administration delivered , like raising the debt ceiling to over 14 TRILLION. and the Republicans and Tea Partiers were not only mad and sick and tired of him and his so called Changes that they became hellbent on reversing them. Thus the outcome of the November elections.
Why is it that one cannot disagree with Obama's policies without being accused of being a racist?
This President, unlike his predecessors, the inept liar went along with all of the nations who have been threats to America for years and decades. Everyone with even half a brain knows that the Russians are not our friends, and that we can’t trust them or Iran or any of these Communist bastards, who have been wanting to destroy us and our standard of living for as long as time itself. But Our Dear leader thinks differently he thinks that if he bows down to these ugly dictators they will suddenly change their ways and become friendly to us. Complete and utter hogwash! Well it didn’t work and it’s not going to work. During his campaign, it was so clear that he was what he is today, a friend of the enemy! You Liberal/Progressives/ Morons were warned that Barack Obama was nothing but a lying fraud and a loser. It was right out there in the open, right on the table, his every friend was nothing but a fraud and a criminal as well as racists and Marxists. But you wanted Hope and Change from George Bush so badly that you put this man and his cronies in the White House, and we got exactly what was expected. But as long as Obama plays his “blame game" you Liberals still have faith in him. Well good for you. I hope that you still have a few bucks in your pocket to by a few Christmas Gifts. Things overseas are as bad as they could get for Americans. The whole world thinks that the American people are a bunch idiots, and they showed it at the last G2 summit when they all but showed Obama the door. He has been weak, ineffective, and powerless in the foreign arena. He has shown to have no backbone or skills with dealing with our adversaries.
It also should be noted that his entire cabinet along with his Secretary of Sate and Secretary of Homeland Security are as effective as a Bull with tits. And today’s display of his inability to stop the latest WikiLeaks release was an example of how ineffective he really is. Can anyone explain how the Attorney General with his “scambusters” can stop a few home boys from counterfeiting and peddling and some Nike sneakers, Ugg boots and designer handbags and DVD movies but they can’t stop theses WikiLeaks?
And Yes, that Pile of Puss, that sack of Crap, that vile of venom John Kerry told Qatari leader Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim Al Thani, that the Golan Heights should be returned to Syria, and that a Palestinian capital should be established in East Jerusalem as part of the Arab-Israeli peace process, and that he was "shocked" by what he saw on a visit to Gaza.
According to the leaked WikiLeaked cable, the prime minister told Kerry, "We need to broker a quick reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah and move forward quickly on rebuilding Gaza…
So they sent out the Secretary of State Ms. Thunder-Thighs Hillary Clinton to wave her finger at Wikileaks the director Julian Assange for distributing this highly sensitive and classified material. She warned that she will be taking "AGGRESSIVE STEPS" to hold those who leaked the information accountable. Yeah right. I could go on and on, but we’ve all seen this crap before, remember our old friend Sandy Berger Clinton’s National Security Advisor, who stole documents and put them in his socks, and Bubba called him “Sloppy”! I guess that the unauthorized removal of classified documents is called “Sloppy”. LMAO. So much for national security then, and so much for it now! This is a perfect example of the inept people we have running this country today.
But no one is going to pay for this, this is just another example of Obama’s extremely poor job as president. It's time for Michelle and Zippo to get out of town again. Maybe this time they’ll take 500 of their friends to Aruba to look for some clues to Natalee Holloway disappearance.

Americans find it difficult to place their trust in a President such as Barack Obama. Why you ask? Because, by any definition , he is a socialist intent upon forcing socialism on the people of the United States. You say you don't believe it? Well I can understand that, we Americans have had it so good for so long that we have trusted our Government and our leaders including our politicians not matter what. Come hell or high water, we Americans always had trust in our leaders. And rightfully so, because we never had reason to distrust them until very recently. We never had the crooks and cheats and lairs in our Government until recently. And until the election of this fraud we call our Dear Leader we never called our president a Marxist, or a Socialist and we never had reason to think that our president wasn’t the man he was made out to be, and that our president would be associated with the likes of a Bill Ayers and a Reverend Wright or was controlled by a anti Semitic and anti American like George Soros . Or that our president would appoint a self admitted COMMUNIST like Van Jones to be one of his advisers. . You still think that he is a trustworthy good guy? You still think that he is not a socialist? Then consider three definitions of "socialism," courtesy of the good book written by Miriam-Webster.

1) Any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2): A system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3) a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay.
And think of this: The goal of socialism is communism...Vladimir Lenin

A new Zogby Poll shows that Obama’s approval rating has sunk to 39%, a new low for his 22-month presidency that began with so much hope and excitement. And frankly I'm surprised that the approval numbers are even that high. And
95% of the blacks still approve of what he is doing. That kind of says something doesn't it.
And, Lookee here at this! Obama has even fallen into a statistical tie with none other than Sarah Palin. How embarrassing is that! But he is still a zero to me.

Obamadinejad Gets12 Stitches After Getting Whacked in the Lip!

Lifes A Bitch!
Baaaaaaaaa, Hey Man, I thought that you're supposed to protect me!
But thank God for ObamaCare.

The White House has identified the person whose elbow injured President Barack Obama during a pickup game of basketball on Friday. His name is Rey Decerega and he works for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. The White House also released a statement from Decerega, who says he enjoys playing basketball with Obama and is sure the president will be back out on the court again soon. Obama needed 12 stitches in his upper lip after being hit by Decerega's elbow during the game.

Being president is extremely stressful these days, with North Korea knocking on the door of going to War. The US Navy sends a Aircraft Carrier to Korea, and unemployment as high as it is. The President needs to get in some Basketball time during times like these.
Maybe Barack should be spending some more time at the office instead of playing basketball with the Dude from the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute!

Why do you Hate Black People and Muslims?... That's the Sarcasm that we are going to be hearing from the Left after this Post... (Just in Case it's not Obvious too you)

What has become of the America that I once knew and loved?

What has become of the America that I once knew and loved? Where it’s no longer accepted to say “Merry Christmas” or to even mention the word God! What ever happened to America and Baseball and Apple-pie? Where are the Presidents that we once looked up to and not only loved and appreciated, but we TRUSTED them to do what was right for America. Now we distrust our leaders and every one of the politicians that are elected. They are no loner the role models to our children or to us, We no longer hear our children say that they want to be the president of the United States when they grow up. And who can blame them. Except for the very few that for reasons that we can only imagine wish to be like their God in Washington Barack Obama. There few are the few that stand around the unemployment lines and stick their hands out for the entitlements that they are not entitled too. Now the world has different Super powers, the rest of the world no longer looks up to the USA except when they need our help or our money. How can we expect others to look up to us when our leader bows down to them! How in the world did we end up with this anti-American atrocity in the White House? How did this happen? How did our country breed such a population of ungrateful, uninformed, stupid, un-American society? Why do we have such idiotic people voting for a inept, unqualified, uniformed, and un-American person only because of the fact that he is black and they wished to make history and because of their hatred of the former man in the white house? A man who’s loyalty is not to America but to see American brought down to the level of the people that want our country destroyed. How can a president of this country want the people to attacked us to be respected? How in the world did we elect clueless a president who is not concerned with the civil rights of the American public at our airports. A man that flaunts his outlandish and outrageous vacations in the American public’s face. We need to make a big and drastic change in our leadership in 2012 before he can do any more damage. And, George Soros should be prosecuted as a Nazi collaborator which he was, his money confiscated and distributed among his victims. We have turned over retired auto workers to the international courts for prosecution, why should Soros money shield him from the same treatment? This anti Semitic lunatic needs to be thrown in jail along with the other crooks that are occupying political positions in our government. The TSA should be dismantled and the thugs who are employed there need to get the jobs that they are qualified for, like sweeping the floors.. I submit that IQ tests should be used before people are allowed to vote, yes, I’m being sarcastic, but sometimes it’s needed to make a point. The whole country has turned upside down, you see the word racist which is really a code-word for Conservative, everywhere, on TV, in all media, and in every conversation except in the world of Rap singers etc where it’s just fine for them to say things such as “Kill The White People” and “Kill Their Babies” and call each other the sacred “N” word.
We need to vote for any Republican who runs against this loser in the Oval office as there isn’t anyone in this party of lunatics that are equipped to be our leader. Barack Obama’s latest polls have even fallen into a statistical tie with none other than Sarah Palin, the same Sarah Palin that these leftist have been trying their damest to destroy for the past 2 years, by attacking her, by making fun out of not only her but her entire family. But it seems as if the more they try, the more they fail. .
And now they are warming over the “smartest women in the world” to possibly challenge Obama in the primaries next year. Well, isn’t that special?

My Thanksgiving Wish for Myself and for All of You.

My Thanksgiving wish and for all of you and for myself is that we look at each other as the Americans we were back about a decade ago. When we all had one common thing in mind, the Love and the Security of America, and the freedom that we always had here..
Thanksgiving was always the favorite holiday of mine. How could it not be? After all, we spend it with our loved ones, we eat until we bust, then us guys sit around and watch some football. And it’s the one holiday that we don’t even have to give gifts. If you're a regular reader to my blog, you know that my posts have been very opinionated and straight to the point. If I'm going to be completely honest here, I’ll admit that is what I live for.. My main activities during the holidays will not include any of my ranting and raving, so let me get that off of my chest right here and now. . I give my opinions exactly from my heart I do not hold back because I might hurt someones feelings. If you feel embarrassed or insulted then you are free to go elsewhere. You can find plenty of blogs that make excuses for the CRUMB we have in the White House right now. I’m sure these Bush bashes and Obama worshipers will have something on their blogs to satisfy your needs. Those leftist, Obama Lovers, America haters, and the blame Bush, hate Glenn Beck people with their Socialist agendas will give you your daily need for your leftist thrill seeking need for Criticizing America while praising the Socialist in Chief. Don't don’t come here and expect me to listen to you whine and blame Bush, he’s has been out of office for 2 years now. This is Obama and his commie cronies watch now. . America does not need this Marxist Dictator. If you can’t find America to be Beautiful and a Wonderful place to be in then try Cuba, China, or Russia or even Iran. . We have so much to be thankful for here that Our Cup Runneth Over. I realized that I am only a small voice in the crowd that blogs about the issues of the day, but still I am grateful to those who read what I have to say especially those of you that comment here..
Speaking me personally, blogging has became a regular part of my daily life and I’d like to address an issue that has happened few weeks back. And I welcome the opportunity to address it. There are those who have nothing else to say or do but attack me and “BLAME” me for whatever the problem du Jour maybe. I’m perfectly content to be unpopular with those on the left as I feel the very same about them, those people can whine about whatever and whoever they want to blame, for whatever. But be sure that what you have to say and who to blame for it is correct. . .. As I said, my Cup Runneth over this Thanksgiving for many things. Such as my gratitude to all those who are over-seas putting their lives on the line for us freedom loving Americans. And to the Fallen and Wounded Warriors and their families. To my wonderful wife and to my children who has put up with me and my shtick. I was going make this a longer post, but I don’t need to. As let me end it by wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
Now, carry on and may God Bless America. And may God bless the thousands of men and women serving our country and keeping freedom alive. Happy Thanksgiving.

What Is Wrong with Our Country? And What Has It Come Too?

OK, it's official, the people in our Government have completely and totally lost their minds!
If Janet Napolitano allows Muslim women in their Hijab’s or Burkas or Masks or whatever their body garb of du jour may be to reject body scanners or full body pat-downs, then something is seriously wrong with our Government. And I have completely lost ALL faith in our Countries Laws and Law makers.
Does anyone in Washington remember that it was Muslim extremist that crashed those planes into our buildings? And that it was Muslim extremist that crashed the planes into the Pentagon. And it was Muslim extremist that killed 3,000 innocent civilians . . So if someone wearing a hijabs is exempt from getting patted down like the rest of us sheep have to do them we are in very deep trouble. Most of the time we do not know if a man or a woman is under those black curtains or sheets and masks anyway. The Muslim women could hide anything under their sheets, or burka or their so called clothing are a much larger threat than anyone else in the population, so how is anyone supposed to know if they are a member of Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or anyone else that is a Islamist terrorists? So if I'm going to have to do it. If I am force to be degraded in this manner then I want to see these Muzzies get patted down and to get behind that naked screening thing also. And I want to see a full body scan of full body scan of Comrade Napolitano, and a full body scan of Comrade Pelosi and and a full body scan of Comrade Moochie Obama.
And if they are not searched from head to toe we are nuts.

Charlie Rangel's Supporters and Pals Call for Mercy

David Dinkins Supports Charlie Rangel, Don't You Love Cronyism?

In stead of being put int be JAIL for a for a crime like NOT paying taxes for 7 plus years Charlie the “Outrageous Fraud” Rangel was given a slap on his wrist by ONLY censured! It didn’t make any difference that he robbed from the poor people in his own district and lived like a King by not paying his Taxes and renting out his rent controlled condo to his own Campaign Headquarters.

to show that the Democrats will go to any length to protect a crook as long as he is on their side.
Charlie Rangel is just like any other criminal that has been caught with his hand in the “cookie jar” this man has been full of in corruption and lies for over 40 years. Why is he just given a slap on the wrist and made to stand u[ before his peers and be lectured too? I want to see his ass and all the rest of the creeps like him in a orange jumpsuit.
It’s not enough that he was ONLY given a slap on the writs, he was re-elected by the same people that he stole from and now these IDIOTS and the rest of the people that are “Supporting” him don’t even want him to be CENSURED!
Yes, the Leftist Idiots INCLUDING that other Jackass the FORMER MAYOR of the City of New York David Dinkins is standing by their Man. Man? I wouldn’t call that slime ball a Man!
Yep, David Dinkins has said that poor Charlie has had enough, and added that “YES, HE WAS NAUGHTY BUT HE WAS PUNISHED ENOUGH. PUT A “NOTE” IN HIS FILE AND LEAVE HIM ALONE ALREADY”!
DINKINS ADDED, "It was painful" to watch, Dinkins said. "I love him. He's my brother."
"Please understand what has happened to this great, proud man. He has been humiliated. Enough and he should NOT be further penalized'"

Give Me A Friggen Break! Since when to we put a note in a Tax Cheats file? I wonder how many people in jail today for Income Tax fraud got a deal like that?
This creep Rangel is no different than any other liberal, they all want to break the law and then cry foul. Ah, but we forgot one little difference, Charlie Rangel just happens to be black, and so is David Dinkins, and also a fellow Affirmative Action Crony.
I guess that Rangel thought that AFTER he get caught NOT paying any taxes on his Caribbean vacation home, and his Manhattan Condo and his other Manhattan apartments he would pay the back taxes owed and straighten everything out. Obviously, doesn't understand the meaning of the way Income Taxes work. And that you are supposed to pay them BEFORE you get caught.
But his IDIOTIC supporters and his STUPID constituency say that he was just keeping “Sloppy Records”. Yeah right! The whole bunch of these morons should be ashamed of themselves for knowing what he had, done year after year and still re-elected him year after year. He not only cheated them, he cheated the Rule of Law and he cheated all the American people along with his constituents. Lying to the courts,, cheating, stealing, and income tax evasion is a criminal offense, a slap the wrist is not punishment enough for this creep. If he were a white republican, they would be calling for his neck and made to step down. But not Charlie! His pathetic cowardly excuse was that he kept sloppy records?
Look at what they did to the former Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik under former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, he given FOUR years in jail, and was ordered to pay $188,000 in restitution and to pay past-due taxes and penalties on six years of tax returns. And Look at what they did to Joe Bruno the former NY State Senator a 81 year old, who was sentenced for fraud, and will serve two years in prison. Why? Perhaps because they were both White and both Republicans.

"Show Us Your Naked Body, or We'll Feel You Up." It's Your Choice!

The loud mouthed Libs were very vocal when George Bush was making changes in some of our security measures after 9-11, he was tapping into INTERNATIONAL telephone conversations made by some people thought to be shall we say questionable. And the folks on the Left went wild. The issue of the invasion of privacy was the topic of the day, every day and everywhere you went. Well he did keep us pretty damn safe is all that I have to say.

He didn’t go so far as to have us stand in front of X-Ray machines exposing our private parts, or having Sister Mary wearing her habit being GROPED, Or a little three year old girl having her private parts invaded by some $4.00 an hour low life that gets his jollies off at the legal chance of being a pedophile . It’s ok to exempt these Muzzies who are the cause of all of this in the first place but GROPING young children is fine?

Who were the ones that were bringing these bombs and powders, and whatever onto the planes. They were 16 to 35 year old MUSLIMS. Not American Nuns, and not Grampa, or Grandma in a wheelchair. And not little 6 year old. Mary Jane!

Our Dear Homeland Security Secretary Janet From Another Planet Napolitano has avoided answering the big and most important question about whether hijab-wearing Muslim women would be given the same security body scans, or full-body pat-downs as all the other passengers are required to have prior to boarding an airplane.. She was asked right out about CAIR’s recommending that Muslim women wearing hijabs should refuse to go through the full body pat-downs before boarding airplanes. .”Will you insist that they do go through full body pat-downs before boarding planes?"

Ah but you see, The “Good Book” otherwise known as The Holy Quran, 7:26-27; 24:300-31; 33:59. Clealy states and COMMANDS, that Muslim women wear the hijab, the head and neck covering and it is a violation of Islamic teachings that men or women be seen naked by other men and women. Ao there you have it. We wouldn’t dare to violation any of the Islamic teachings, would we? For heavens sake, Our Dear leader has told us that we can’t even put the words “ Islamic” and “Terrorists” in the same sentence! So there you have it Janet From Another Planet Napolitano is not only defending the use of body scans or body pat downs for all travelers. Yes the use of body scans or body pat downs will apply to passengers of all ages young and old, and to all Nationalities Chinese, English, Irish, Greek, Dutch, French, German, Israeli, and Canadian but not for Muslim women, who would be exempted from the full procedure and require only a limited pat down in the head and neck area, or optionally a self pat-down in the head and neck area. Like Muslim women wouldn’t be hiding explosives or other dangerous items beneath their burqas would they! This only confirms that the TSA along with Janet From Another Planet Napolitano, and Our Dear Leader The Vacationer in Chief are completely inept! While we go around getting our civil rights invaded. And like Ron Paul put it, “ What’s going on in the airports is simply a form of government humiliation” The Muzzies are winning once again and the Freaken Lefties are once again silent, and Our Dear Leader the Muzzie in Chief is silent as well. Maybe OBAMA and his Belle Moochelle and his children should try it, and tell us how he liked it! Oh, I almost forgot, Muzzies are exempt. . Were is the uproar from the left about the ISSUE OF THE INVASION OF PRIVACY now? Why wasn’t the Christmas Day bomber’s Father listened to when he went to the authorities and told them what he thought his crazy son was up to?

So Solly, No Tears For Charlie!

New York Daily News:
In the end, Rep. Charlie Rangel sat alone and teary-eyed in front of colleagues, Democrats and Republicans alike, who had judged him guilty of bringing discredit on the House of Representatives. There was in that moment, as Rangel proved unable to speak and covered his face with his hand, the first sign that the old lion from Harlem, decorated war veteran, seemed to understand how sorrowfully his hubris had done him in. At 80 years of age, in his 40th year of congressional service but already stripped of the chairmanship that was the culmination of his career. And Rangel, for what seemed the longest time, could not. When finally he rose, he said what he should have said many long months ago: "I apologize for any embarrassment I've caused you individually or collectively as a member of this greatest institution in the country and the world." As the committee filed out for the vote in a closed session that would recommend censure by the full House, Rangel slumped with his fingers tented in front of his face, a nervous leg twitching, beset by the thoughts of a man who was the agent of his own humiliation

Comrade Charles Rangel the shameless corrupt sack of crap has been found GUILTY and his whole world has caved in. He lied, he stole, he cheated and he got caught And George W. Bush had nothing to do with it!

I read a lefties blog this morning and I was SHOCKED (sarcasm) to see the following ..."And of course his judgement in these matters was bad and he deserves his censure, or he perhaps should resign. I haven't thought about it that much"
Shocking! To say the least. Shocking to read that a blogger would bother to post an entire post on this subject and "not thought about it that much.” Humm.

Pandering to Muslims Again! And Now They Are Getting Away With Not Going to Go Through Airport Body Scanners

Yes, we have met the enemy and they are once again the Muslims. Or are they the United States Government? I am old enough to remember when I looked forward to take a vacation and to get on an airplane, and be treated royally, with those lovely gals asking me if I wanted a pillow or a blanket and what I wanted to have for lunch or dinner, and what was my drink of choice. But it’s more than a bit different now, now I find myself dreading to stand on those long lines and taking off my shoes and not being allowed to carry a nail clipper or a Swiss Army knife, and my wife can’t even bring a bottle of perfume or a jar of whatever face-cream she uses on her face ,and so on and so on. A few moths ago on a trip to New Orleans a friend of ours asked me to bring back a few bottles of Special New Orleans Creole Style Hot Sauce. Forgetting the new airline rules for the moment, I put the 3 jars in my carry on bag so that they wouldn’t get broken in the baggage compartment. When I went through the Security line, the agent (if that’s what this moron was) after looking though my bags found the 3 jars and told me that I couldn’t take them on board and that he would have to take them from me before I boarded. Knowing damn well that he wasn’t going to throw them away but would most likely take them for himself, I took them from his and spilled them into the garbage. So like I said, flying on an airplane is not like it used to be. But them again what is? But help me out here, I just can’t figure this one out. Wasn’t it because of the fact that there has been several attempts on blowing up airliners in the past few months? And wasn’t ALL these attempts ALL been done by people with Muslim names? Like the Christmas Day bomber a Nigerian named Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, not exactly a Jewish sounding name like Levy or Schwartz or even the common American sounding name like Smith or Jones. It wasn’t a Goldberg or a Williams or a Robinson that smuggled explosives onto a airplane hidden in his underpants.
And if you remember correctly, the Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad, was caught after he was already on the plane and after checked in at JFK Airport, and after he passed through security.

But it seems as if it is a violation of Islamic rules that Muslim Men or Women be seen naked by other Men and Women, and that Muslim Women will not be touched my Mean ole American Men. So we are going to have to exempt them from going through these Screening Machines and ESPECIALLY from “Pat Downs”. So what’s the deal here? Why are we even bothering? Did anyone really expect a Nun or a 6 year old little American Girl to be shoving a bomb up their rear-end? So what this all boils down to is that Obama and Janet Napolitano our Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security is punishing the stupid American people who like sheep are doing as they are told, while the Muslims waltz right through. Janet Napolitano and t he TSA say that they are committed to keeping American passengers safe and insisted all this is necessary. However I feel like I'm losing my rights and my privacy more and more every day. While Our Dear leader flys all over the friggen world in Air Force One. I don’t see his friends like Oprah Winfrey ever going through these scanners. And I’m sure that they never would.. If this is the new law of the land than I strongly agree that the law must be enforced by having everyone no matter who they are do whatever it is that we must do. If my Human Rights are to be compromised then so should people of any religion and that INCLUDES Muslims. They didn’t like it when we were profiling people because the “Rights” of some were being violated, so what the hell lets violate everyone’s rights. Benjamin Franklin said it best. "HE WHO WOULD TRADE LIBERTY FOR SOME TEMPORARY SECURITY, DESERVES NEITHER LIBERTY NOR SECURITY." Once again, the Terrorist are winning.

Bristol Palin: Hypocrite? Not In MY Book.

So Bristol Palin is a Hypocrite because she is teaching other to practice abstinence! That my friends is BULL!
Bristol is a genuine courageous young woman , and NO, she is not a Hypocrite because she is teaching other to practice abstinence. Yes she was young and she made a mistake and she has more than paid the price for that mistake. But she has the guts to face the wold and go ahead and follow her convictions like the strong young lady she is.
How about the First Lady telling other what to eat and what NOT to eat when she does exactly the opposite of what she preaches. And walks around with a backside as big as a cement Mixer.
As a role model for good eating habits and nutrition, she is pathetic!

I have watched Bristol dance on Dancing With The Stars, and of course, she absolutely is not the best dancer on that show, far from it. But she also is not a professional performer as EVERY one else on that show is, and guess what, she isn't a professional Cry Baby like Brandy is night after night either. Bristol was there as a amateur, learning how to dance from scratch, as it should be and she did pretty damn well.
No, she should not win and no she shouldn't even be in the finals, but she was voted into the finals because she happens to be very well liked as so many other contestants on that show have been voted into the finals for and even won. Yes, many of the former winners have won for the fan base they had and not for their talent. Did you think that
Emmitt Smith was the best dancer on that show when he won? No it wasn't, it was Smith's fan base that voted him. And the same goes to Donny Osmond. He didn't deserve to win either. And no one knew it more than he did.

I can remember how Mario Lopez and his partner Karina Smirnoff had tears in their eyes over their disappointment. And their wasn’t any doubt at all that they should have been the winners. But how about Jennifer Grey who playing a dancer in the movies and had to have months and months of dancing lessons to do that part. Is she supposed to be an amateur?
Sometimes the dancing and the performing are second to the fan base that the performers have, and apparently Brandy did not have the fans that Bristol did. And to tell you the truth from Brandy's attitude I could see why. Yes, she is the better dancer, but she annoyed the hell out of me with that constant crying act.

And I’m sure that Brandy got lots of votes from people only because they hate the Palins as well. But in the end, it's all about voting.
But to get back to Bristol, what is wrong about a young girl who made a big mistake by not following her family’s belief in abstinence? And what is wrong in trying to educate others about the consequences that stem from teen pregnancy? Nothing! But because her mother is Sarah Palin, all the creeps come out from under the wood-work and bitch about everything that she does, no matter how hard she tries to do the right thing.
If you want a real laugh, you want to find the article that tells about the guy who shot up his own TV when they announced that Bristol beat Brandy.
Why don't people like this get the help they need before they vote! Don’t you just love it when Lib’s like David Letterman or Joy Behar, or some off the bloggers out there in La La land get pissed off! And how about when David Letterman joked about her sleeping with NY Yankee’s Alex Rodriguez, and then gets busted for sleeping with his own secretary. That was also funny? Yeah right a Big old mean ass-wipe putz trashing an 18 years old girl because she’s the daughter of a Conservative candidate. Is Letterman to chicken to joke about Clinton’s children? Or Obama’s? But he’s right up there with the rest of the Loony Tunes to poke fun at Bristol Palin isn’t he!

And now they are ambushing Sarah Palin... When Barbara Walters asked her if she thought she could beat Obama, and Sarah replied, "I believe so," What in the world would she be expected to say? NO? Personally, I think that my newspaper delivery boy can beat Odumbo. Not that I’m looking for her to be the candidate, and I’m not. But I just believe she can. I do agree that her negatives being too high, and that she has already been destroyed by the Lefty Loony’s . But I also think that she would be a better President than Obama - by a mile, because she actually loves this country.

But I can guarantee you one thing, if the economy doesn't turn around by next year, you can bet your last dollar that Hillary Clinton gets the nomination.

Why Glenn Beck is Against George Soros

Glenn Beck is calling George Soros what he really is, the Puppet-master of Barack Obama a atheist, self hating antisemitic ex-Jew and dangerous man, and if anyone can't see that they are defying ignorance. Glenn Beck is telling it like it is, George Soros ha always wanted to see the United States have an economic collapse and see our economy destroyed. He and the other Socialist Pigs like him are waiting in the wings to see just that. And he is the man behind Barack Obama’s idiotic policies that are causing all of our problems and our economic woes.
Barack Obama is to stupid to know how to do these things on his own.

And I’d bet Dollars to Donuts that it was he who was behind Hillary Clinton’s withdrawal as a candidate for the Presidency. He knew that she couldn’t win that’s why he threw his support to Obama.
Lets face it the Progress’s hated Glenn Beck from the minute his show premiered, and thus the threats to boycott etc.
All I will say is, Eat Your Hearts Out!.

So You Thought The Tea Party Movement Was A Joke!

Yeah, It was A Joke alright.
Yes they laughed, and joked and belittled the Tea Party, however the Candidates backed by the Tea Party and or Sarah Palin scored a major victory in Tuesday's election. In fact it was the largest sweep in 50 years.

We've only just begun!

The Worm Has Turned.

We have begun! There are signs that our country is beginning taken back to sanity and to the freedom that we enjoyed prior to the take-over by the gang of Socialists in Washington at the moment. Slowly but surly the worm has turned. Maybe by the time 2012 rolls around more of the blind followers of the "One" will open their eyes and see the damage that has been done in the past 2 short years.
He has all but brought this country into Third World-ism, he has given the illegals special privileges he has threaten to shut down new stations only because of their objective opinions, he has raised our taxes, and brought us int to the biggest debt this country has ever seen before and at the same time he has given trillions of dollars to other countries so that their budget would balance and then slapped you in the face by calling YOU the enemy. Yes, you and I who have been loyal citizens and patriotic, and who have served our country in the past have become "The Enemy" His "Speaker of the House" has even called us "Domestic Terrorists"
But where is she now? We told her and others like her where she can go last November the 2nd, at the ballot box and we threw you all out. We gave Washington a real good housecleaning, but not
thorough enough. But we will finish the job on 2012 when we completely and carefully kick out the rest of these incompetent and crooked leeches in Washington. It may have taken them longer and much too long but even the left is finding out what the rest of us figured out a long time ago, even back at Obama's inauguration when they brought in that bunch of racist and bigots to speak. We saw it with his association with people like Jeremiah Wright, and Reverend Lowery and that domestic terrorist Bill Ayers of the radical Weather Underground Organization. So tell me Mr. and Ms. Lefty, how did you all miss it? Why was this Socialist your hero then? It all was out in the open, why were you so selectively blind?
I just don't get it.
Why was there such a need to shut your eyes and mouths? Was it because you wanted to make history so badly by electing a Black Man, that you didn't care about anything else? Or was it anything but Bush? Were you still blaming Bush at the ballet box that much you would have elected a Dictator to replace him? Well you did just that. So you managed to make history with the election of Obama, and we all are paying the price. You elected an apologist to America, a man that would bow down to every Dictator on earth. Something this country has never done before and hopefuly never will again.
expectations of Hope and Change went out the window as fast as he could say Bush did it.
But from all that we saw the rise of the Tea Party movement and God bless those who knew what to do and did it! Even a large amount of Democrats had an eye opening, of course there are always those die-hard exceptions, but we never had any hope for those in the first place.
But our main objec­tive for 2012 is to make sure that the cur­rent pres­i­dent doesn’t get re-elected, and get the chance to kill this country the way he wants to.

Am I a bigot? Or is this Principle an idiot? I guess it depends on who you ask these days.

I was very happy to see Joe at Jo-Joe Politico write his latest post called “"This IS America...Isn't It?" I was very glad to read it because for a while I thought it was just me that was so angry about this.
I did comment about it on his blog but It inspired me to go a bit further and writ a post on it as well.
The TRUE story is about Cody Alicea a 13-year-old Boy in California who was told to take very small American Flag off the back of his bike, so that he would not offend anyone. The boy said that he was doing this to be patriotic and to honor the Veterans, like his grandfather on Veterans Day. But the School’s Principle said that he MUST take it off, because on Cinco de Mayo some Mexican kids wore Mexican flag tee-shirts and it caused some problems, and that he wanted to avoid any racial tensions. Well Duh! This is NOT Mexico and this kid did not bring the American Flag into the School building, he simply had it on the back of his bike and put it in his backpack when he entered the building. And this is bad? Well the last time I checked this is America, and we don’t make rules and or regulations because of the way a few Mexican kids say or act. What the hell is this country coming to and where the heck are we going when the Principle of a School in the United States of American tell a kid that he can’t put an American Flag on the back of his bike riding to School. I can remember when almost every kid in American had a small American Flag on the back of their bikes, I know that I did.
Don’t you remember the good old days when there was an American Flag in every School room and we recited the pledge every morning? Well those days are gone forever. We can’t even mention the word God in School any longer. Is this what we what schools teach our kids these days? Am I a bigot? Or is this Principle an idiot? I guess it depends on who you ask these days.
I heard about this on the radio a few days ago when I was having breakfast with my wife. And I haven't heard anything about it since. I was so mad that you can't imagine. I told my wife that I just do not recognize my own country anymore. What the devil has happened to patriotism? There just isn't any of it anymore and I think that this government is more interested in pleasing the Muslim population then they are about anyone else.
This makes me say "For the first time in my life I am ashamed of my country". And trust me I never thought that I'd be saying that.
Remember the revolution that swept across American last week at the voting booths, well we need to go MUCH further. We really need to put our collective feet down and say that we have had enough. When are we going to stand up to these anti-American bastards? When and where? If we can’t in California, and we can’t in Arizona, where is next? Are we going to let these Liberal Socialists just run all over us? This story is so pathetic that I just can’t believe it’s true.
Make no mistake about it, we are still Americans not matter if Obama likes it or not we still live in the greatest country in the world and we should all be proud to say so and to display the American Flag if we want to. I want to know why this story hasn’t been given more publicity than it has! It’s unfortunate that this story of this issue has been buried in the media.
But the story has a happy ending, because of all the controversy, and all the people were honking their horns in protest the school said that they changed their mind, and now Cody can fly his flag. Well thank God for that.

It’s All Over, You Can't Blame Bush Anymore.

What a joke this Clown Obama has turned out to be. The Hope, Changie Man. Aka The Messiah, aka The Devine One, aka,

The Vacationer in Chief’s air has escaped, he has become deflated, America has began to sober up from their over-dose of Kool-aide. \The Obamamania has become deluded. The delusional bunch that had voted for Hope & Change has seen that the Change has NO Hope. As sure as the sun rises, that bunch of self-centered, arrogant, stuck-on-stupid, mess of morons who backed Barack Hussain Obama in the last presidential election luster has faded because of the recession,as soon as they realized that they are still going to have to work for a living, and the chicken in every pot as well as the new shinny car in every garage did not exactly go the way they thought it would. The Obama magic and the Michelle ma belle “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country” Obama’s love affaire is sizzling out faster than you can say “spend, spend, spend” three times fast. The one time Obamama maniacs have lost faith in their Messiah and his bride when they saw her parading around in Spain with her $1,000.00 sneakers and eating Lobster and Iranian Caviar when they were sitting home eating Big Mac’s and Taco Bell Burritos. The unemployment rate is now at 10.5% way above the governments "predicted" forecast. We have the heights rate in the past 25 years of unemployed workers. What happened to those 5 million jobs? Our savings, IRA’s, are depleted. Can't blame the old school anymore. This is happening on The Big "O's" watch. But thanks to you Liberals, you took the Messiah Shtick hook, line and sinker! Well we can all rejoice for a bit, the bottom is all caving in on him now. The results of the last election saw the Republicans gain control of the House and big pickups in the Senate. We saw the dethroning of the lying arrogant, Queen Nancy Pelosi and we saw her being whisked away hopefully never to be seen in public politics ever again. Old skanks like her should not be in control of the American people ever again. . And all that was good. Liberal elitism is starting to be seen as it really is. Hopefully she will be going the way of the Al Gore’s and the John Kerry’s and the rest of the scum. And hopefully she will get back on her broom and fly back to where she came from.
When Obama Turns Blind Eye to New Black Panther Voter Intimidation; and ha his Attorney General drop the charges. When Obama puts his two cents into the everyday things in public life like a friend of his who happens to be a College Professor who was arrested or the building of a Mosque in New York City, that my friends is Socialism. And that is what we American do not want!

Yes Mohammad , American Is My Country Too

Welcome to the Take Our Country Back Blog, the Blog that All the Liberals and some of the Pussy Republicans Are Complaining About.
Today I’d like to devote my post to the Liberal-Progressives -and so called Democrats that think that “I” am the Devil. And that “I” am the one who is (as they say) dangerous & sick! I may be “sick”, sick of what this bunch of Commies that are in Washington right now. And I’m sick of our President bowing to the dictators of the Commie world and his world tour of apologizing for America. And his need to “Change” this country form the greatest world power in the world to a second rate or even a 3rd rate nation. And I’m sick of his now only bankrupting it’s citizens, but bankrupting the whole country, and at the same time weakening our military while everyone else is building up theirs such as Iran and Russia. Yes I’m sick of what they have done and are continuing to do to this great country of ours. Yes, I am 100 percent against what this country of ours has turned into. So if you think that I’m sick because of this, then I guess that I am.
And by the way, I am also sick of the way that Our Dear leader placates to the Muslim world.
The same Muslims that condone terrorism. those who condemn it are few and far between. Ok, I’ll admit that there are those that do not fit into that description, but where are they? Why don’t we hear them speak out? We are actually being held hostage in our own Nation. If we go to an airport we are put through hell before we can get on a plane, now we are to be full body scanned and the women are felt-up from head tp toe and every place in-between Ah but we now have the Muslims who has by the way caused this horrific mess protesting this so that they would be exempt form being “full body “scanned! How’s that for chutzpah?
What Islam considers to be moderate Muslims are the Muslims who do not participate in the physical part of jihad, fighting, bombing, etc. These moderates are moderate ONLY because they don’t fight, but they still do support the goals of Jihad and the terrorists, thus the dancing in the streets, and the parade of joy when they burn another American and hang his charred body from their bridges .
Do you really think that if the majority of Muslims actually wanted to stop the few thousands or millions who are conducting and participating in the terrorism couldn’t stop them? Do you think if all those Muslims wanted to put the extremists out of business, they couldn’t? Who do you think funds these terrorists and who do you thing supplies them? Well my friends it the so called “Moderate” Muslims who contribute to all the phony charity fronts for terrorist organizations in their phony Mosques. And our Government knows that as well as I do. Thus the reason why we infiltrate these Mosques. And thus the reason why we have these sting operations that have been catching these bombers before they strike.

And I am being conservative when I say that if you can side with this administration and you are not a liberal, then you may not be a liberal but you are terribly naive.

After 9/11, did you see or read anywhere where any of the millions of Muslim-Americans condemning it? Did I miss it the news if millions of Muslims spoke out? No, yes we did see less than a handful of Muslim clerics speaking out against terrorism. A few at best. The rest of them were cheering and dancing in the streets at the sight of the towers coming down with thousands of innocent people in them.

Look at Europe today, look at France and Great Britain they are well on their way to becoming Islamic states, looks at the daily riots in the streets there and look at the bombings there. Do you think that America is far away from that scenario? We are only a decade or two behind. Look at the percent of the growth of Muslims here, look at what we Americans are doing now that we never before dreamt of doing. We now have to be full body screened at the airports, we now have to eliminate God form just about everything we used to say and do here in America. Our President wanted all the Religious symbols covered up when he spoke at a Notre Dame University. He demanded that the image of Jesus be covered with a drape . They don’t even try to hide what their mission is anymore, they are so brazen and outspoken that it feels as if we are in another country. Did you ever think that our own Speaker of the House, that Power Hungry Radical would call us American’s “Domestic Terrorists” because we were republicans?
Do these same people condemn the beheading of Americans? How much disapproval did they express at the bombing of the World Trade Center, and where was their disapproval about the proposed building of the Mosque in the footprint of Ground Zero? And where is their out-cry every time there is another attempted bombing as there was with the Fort Hood ass-ole, and the Times Square Bomber, and the Christmas Day Bomber, and the Underwear Bomber, and the 4 Muslims that wanted to blow up Fort Dix in New Jersey? Where were they than? And where are they now?
And Arizona the only sane state in the Union has their Immigration law placed on hold pending a court challenge. A challenge to what? ENFORCING the law? Our Attorney General is more dangerous to us then our enemies are. We can not afford to pay any more taxes to support them, where are the politicians that have the guts to say enough is enough and send them back to Mexico or where ever else they came from, they are breaking the law and should not be rewarded for it.
As for my calling the Muslims “Terrorist’s “, how many terrorists can you name who aren’t Muslim today? Take a look at the FBI’s most wanted terrorists list and show me one name that isn’t Muslim and if so how many of them are there?.
And if I’m sick because of the things that I read in our daily newspaper that seem impossible even to me to be true, please, oh pretty please will someone, anyone tell me, why did Hillary Clinton ( of course with the instructions from Our Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama II (aka Barry Soetoro, aka The Messiah, announced that the United States has transferred ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS in new aid to the Palestinian Authority to help close its budget gap, while OUR budget gap is a wide as “The Chunnel” that links London to Paris. Make any sense to you, or is it even to insane to you as well?
And here in New York, we have Al Sharpton telling off the newly elected Governor of New York for a lack of diversity in his transition team, when this pussy Andrew Cuomo hasn’t even picked a team yet. One creep telling another Creep what to do .
So you liberal, excuse me “Progressive” bloggers that have nothing better to post about other than to call me and other republicans those filthy and negative names, calling US liars and and “Shitheads” and using the “F” word when describing us or Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck, or Sarah Palin.
The same jerks that worship the likes of Jon Stewart, and David Letterman, and are glued to "The View" every day.
The point that I’m trying to make here is that these so call comedians can and will make fun of you because of your Conservative values and even try to destroy you has they have tried to do with Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live, but don’t you dare to portray Muhammad or any Muslim or even a black as a joke, or you will be fired or boycotted until you are fired.
And these anti American Progressives, who would rather defend the Black Panthers and the Communists and Terrorists, and La Raza, and George Soros, and make excuses for Van Jones, Bill Ayers, and the NAACP, and the Black/ and Latino Caucus and that lovely bunch over at the Color of Change,but bash George W. Bush and blame him for everything that’s wrong with Barack Obama! And are still bashing and blaming George Bush for water boarding that CREEP Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of 9/11.
What is sickening are the people and the States that keep putting the same old Democrats back in office. The people like Harry Reid and Barbara Boxer and Vermin like those.
Last week the Republicans made historical gains in the midterm elections, although this was great, but we are not out of the woods yet this was only the first step, yes we did remove the gavel from the Wicked Witch of the West. But she was only part of it, that idiot Janet Napolitano, and Eric Holder along with Tim Geithner, Rahm Emanuel, and Her Thighness Hillary Clinton has to go as well, and them we could look forward to 2012 with enthusiasm and inspiration.

We didn’t get this mess overnight and we won’t get out that fast either. We, the anti-Progressive citizens of the United States will have our day. But unless we get rid of all these useless bureaucrats in Washington forget it.
So how did Obama do on his 2 Billion dollar trip? It hasn’t been a great week for Zippo.
No South Korea trade deal; no Indonesian Anti-terror agreement; no strategic arms deal with India; the Chinese President slaps him in the face. So it’s safe to say that Obama got his ass kicked at the G20 conference.
"$2 billion was spent on this trip and all I got was this lousy T-shirt"
And now he has to come home and face a Republican Congress.

I rest my case.

Thanks, Your Higher Taxes is be paying for My healthcare! Thanks President Obama


A Chilling Experience, Big Butt Does It Again!

Jakarta, Indonesia (AP) — A conservative Muslim government minister admits he shook hands with first lady Michelle Obama in welcoming her to Indonesia but says it wasn’t his choice.

Sparking a debate that has lit up the blogosphere.

“I tried to prevent (being touched) with my hands but Mrs. Michelle held her hands too far toward me (so) we touched,” Information Minister Tifatul Sembiring told tens of thousands of followers.

By the way, let me get this straight now, Michelle Obama visited a Mosque in Indonesia, but.... didn’t or wouldn't visit the Sikh shrine in India and India is predominantly Hindu! Or did she go to any of the world famous Cathedrals while she was in London, what a shame she had to miss such a great opportunity.
(scratching my head)....I'm just a bit curious.
They are saying that he won’t go to a Sikh temple because he would have to wear the Sikh head dress and if he does wear it, people might think he’s a Muslim. However. He WILL go to a Muslim mosque. So you try to figure that out. I guess as the old saying goes, that you can take the Muslim out of the Mosque, but you can never take the Mosque out of the Muslim... or something like that. .

I wonder what kind of gift they brought over to Indonesia since they gave that beautiful I-pod to the Queen?

Maybe it was a picture of him sitting at the Oval Office with his feet on the desk!

Ah, Ain't It Great To Be King!

Nancy Pelosi is going to throw a party to celebrate the Congress's "accomplishments"

Nancy Pelosi is going to throw a party to celebrate the Congress's "accomplishments" ( or lack of them) .

Soon to be EX-Speaker Nancy Pelosi will host a reception Wednesday afternoon on Capitol Hill to celebrate "The accomplishments of the 111th Congress," according to an invitation sent out Monday.

The event will offer congressional Democrats, many of whom will not be returning to Congress next January, an opportunity to reflect on the party's legislative victories over the past two years. These have included the passage of major healthcare reform, financial regulatory reform, and climate and energy legislation. Not likely to be lost on attendees, however, is that the unpopularity of many of these "accomplishments" among voters went far to contribute to a wave of Democratic losses in last week's mid-term elections, in which Democrats lost control of the House and their majority in the Senate was weakened.

But instead of receiving "will attend" responses, she received a letter in form of a petition from many of the politicians that just lost the recent election telling her to sit down and shut up. The told her that in case the wanted to run for office again they didn't want her around to help them loose again. Adding a request for her to Step Down. The defeated House Democrats do't want anything to do with Nancy any longer. If she calls her “accomplishments”, contributing to the ruination of our Country, then she could be right. She may call them accomplishments but I and most of the American that I know would call them betrayals and sellouts. Pelosi needs to retire to the Funny Farm and give this country a break. But nothing short of driving a Stake through her Heat is going to stop this Witch from hell. And what gets me is the liberal idiots that spend their time blogging about how stupid Sarah Palin and George Bush are, never EVER mentioning the ignorance of Nancy Pelosi or Barack Obama, and their democratic cronies including Joe Biden. If I hear one more Democrat calling me the ENEMY or a Domestic Terrorist, I swear, I’m going to throw my show that the TV. By the way, you don’t read the dumb jokes and see the stupid names that the anywhere the liberal bloggers were calling the Tea Party movement anymore do you. It doesn’t seem to be so funny now that they won over 3/4 of the seats in Congress does it? These entire past two years would be laughable if it hadn’t set our economy back to the days of pre World War II. And today Barack Obama is going to give a speech dedicated to the Muslims, reaching out to the Islamic world ONCE AGAIN! Isn’t there anything else on this guys mind? I heard that he will be saying that America is not as powerful today as it was a year ago! And he is proud of that? Well, since taking office, Barack Hussein Obama has indeed brought change to this country. My question is, who in their right mind is Happy about this Change? Ask yourself this, do you REALLY think that with Obama as our president, are we better off, are we safer, is America stronger, are we more respected, are you in better or worse financial shape,, then the America your parents left us? Then the America you grew up in? Do you want to celebrate the Socialistic accomplishments of the past two years? America, is this the Change you wanted?