
The Imam behind the plan to build a mosque near Ground Zero is on a Muslim multi-country trip to the Middle East PAID FOR BY OUR STATE DEPARTMENT -- to help him raise the $100 million for this asinine project! Yes The guy is traveling around the world to get money to build a mosque at Ground Zero.
When asked about this the State Department spokesman Crowley said" I think we are in the process of arranging for him to travel as part of this program, and it is to foster a greater understanding about the region around the world among Muslim-majority communities"
But a London-based Arabic-language newspaper that interviewed Abdul Rauf reported that he says he also will collect money from Muslim and Arab nations around the world -- raising the possibility his goodwill mission could help him build contacts in oil-rich states.
Why should anyone respect the citizens of this country when the elected officials have forgotten their job is to represent us, ahead of any other country's people or religion's interest.
And why is our government allowing and paying for anyone to raise funding a religious organization?
Folks, It is your American DUTY to make Obummer a one-term President. It is up to the people of this once great county of ours, to vote these PC idiots out of office!

And you can’t blame Bush for it either..