Islam is at war with the United States, but, the United States will not even use ‘offensive terms’ to describe the enemy.

The Vacation King Mr. Omama is telling us that we are being “Offensive” to the Muslims by not bowing down to their hideous demands. Is he being “Offensive” to other religions by not allowing our placement of Creches and the Christmas displays in Department stores. And didn’t Mr Obama tell Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that building homes in Gaza would be offensive to the Palestinians? Where was his tolerance then?
Barack Obama’s policies regarding peace in the Middle East have been one-sided since he took office. He was never tolerant when it came to Israel.
From day one Obama has shown his anti-Israel bias. Let us not forget when he went to the Middle East apologizing to the Muslims for America . Yep, he went all over the Middle East but could not find time for a stopover in Israel.
And just a few short months ago Prime Minister Netanyahu was invited to the White House for negotiations. And the “TOLERANT ONE” Mr. Obama humiliated him when he wouldn’t even invite him to join them for dinner... and left him standing there alone while he left to have dinner in private. NO DINNER FOR YOU, Mr. Prime Minister!
The fact that the president chose to make such a statement during a State dinner honoring Ramadan in front of a large Islamic audience is beyond ironic! Am I alone wondering why our White House is celebrating Ramadan in the first place? Call me insensitive and see if I give a rat's ass about it.
Another question that enters my mind is why is this controversial Mosque getting the go-ahead to be built after an existing building is demolished and for the past 9 years since the St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church was crushed when one of the towers fell on it still all tied up in red tape?
This church has been there since the 1920's and still has not been given the authority to go ahead and re-build it. Why hasn't Barack Obama or Governor Patterson, or Mayor Bloomberg offered any help getting that project on track?
This Mosque if built at Ground Zero will be an insult to all of the dead and their families.. will be exactly what they want a symbol of conquest and not at all about RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. That the phony leftist line is a lot of crap-ola that is being stuffed down our throats, to try to shame us. .
You just can't tell me that Obama’s sabotage of the economy is not deliberate, we can only hope the economy does not collapse before 2012.
This whole thing is a front and hopefully Obama and his bunch of Marxist’s will suffer from it in November.
Islam is at war with the United States, but, the United States will not use ‘offensive terms’ to describe the enemy, yeah, that's gonna work!
Wake the hell up America. These are evil lying, dangerous, people we have in our Government today.