Roger Clemens Will Probably Go to Jail for Lying to the Biggest Group of Liars in America

Why Is Roger Clemens Being Indicted for Lying to a Bunch of Liars?
What I would like to know is where in the United States Constitution does it say that Congress has the power to oversee, discipline and manage ANY sport or for the matter, ANY Professional Baseball League? Or any other American “Pass Time” at all?
What business is it of the federal government whether or not professional baseball players use “performance enhancing drugs”?
In What Way Does Dope Use in a Sport Threaten Our Republic? And why aren’t they more concerned with attending to the people that are screwing up our economy, security, immigration, and our the still broken healthcare system. And why aren’t they putting the people that are lying about any of those subjects on trial? For instants, giving a National Disaster like Charlie Rangel the chance to cop a plea! Where is the outrage from the Congress for what these Profession Schmucks like Chris Dodd and Barney Frank did to our economy! Or is the Congress still Blaming George Bush for that as well?
Can somebody explain that to me…please. Any body! Why did they get the old Mea Culpa privilege when they destroyed housing market? It seems as if congressman never prosecute one of their own, as we saw so clearly with Ted Kennedy who actually not only got away with Murder but was re-elected to the Senate time after time . These people violated their own rules constantly but as we have seen so often it always gets swept under the rug. Did Hillary Clinton LIE about getting shot at by Sniper fire at in Bosnia? You bet your bippie she did, but when she got called out on it, she merely said that she “miss-spoke” and it all went away! Hillary not only lied, but here squeaky clean Daughter Chelsea lied to cover up Hillary’s lie. And so did Sinbad the comedian, who traveled with her.
And as snipers fired over the heads of Sinbad, Sheryl Crow, and Chelsea, First Lady Hillary Clinton calmly greeted a little 8-year-old Bosnian girl. Saying “when are we going to eat?”
But their account for this cover up LIE has NEVER been challenged.
How can she ever again expect to be taken seriously? And these Liberal Idiots wanted her to be President?

And I don’t remember them calling in the Bunko squad on that one! So why don’t Roger Clemens get the same chance? But no, only Congress gets the chance to investigate their own! Oh, the Hypocrisy

This is outrageous! It’s only “misspeaking” when it’s a fabrication by a Liberal/Democrat, but it’s LYING when it’s anyone else. This is the new standard definition, a LIE.

If Major League Baseball wants to ban steroid use in their league, then so be it. If they want to allow it, then so be it too. Let THEM take disciplinary action against players who use that stuff. It’s the Major League Baseball owners, the teammates and the fans who Roger Clemens and all the others who allegedly used that stuff should answer to, and not to Congress!.
But why in hell do we need to be having CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS over this crap? Is this not a waste of the Tax payers money and a waste of time for the Elite bastards in Congress!
Doesn’t congress have more important things to do…like say, Maintaining a Navy, Maintaining a Currency, Engaging in Treaties or Declaring War with Other Nations, Boarder Patrol, Establishing and Maintaining Post Offices and Post Roads, counting the screwups of their Congressional Colleagues, Giving Medals of Honor to people like Harry Belefonte, Tiger Woods, and Barbra Streisand. etc?

And yes, the biggest sack of corrupt liars are in DC, so who the hell are they to indict anyone for lying.
Imagine if George Bush had “misspoke” about some experience that made him “ready on day one”. Or if John McCain did. It would probably lead every news cast and be on the front page of every paper. Don’t you think there is a definite double-standard here?
We mocked George Bush’s inarticulateness of the word Nuclear and we let Obama off the hook after 20 years of being influenced by Reverend Wright.
And the witch hunts pogroms and persecutions at Conservatives and Conservative Talk Show Hosts continue. Ah yes, double standards. Hugo Chavez can call George Bush "EL DIABLO" and get thunderous applause from the Left. That’s newsworthy!