Dr. Laura And The "N" Word!

On CNN's Larry King Live last night, talk-radio star Dr. Laura Schlessinger announced that she's leaving the talk-radio racket after her contract expires in December. (Snip) All three TV networks jumped on the story last week that she'd used the N-word repeatedly to a caller in describing how black comedians can freely use the N-word, but others cannot.

This doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out Dr. Laura fell into the same trap as so many others before her. My guess would be that this caller was a whole Set-Up. Is Al Sharpton around!
The "N" word is a death sentence for a career in the public forum, unless one is a liberal, of course.
Like her or not, she was a get even choice for the racist NAACP, to rip her head off....
There was no malice intended in what she said! .
But when Rev wright can say God Damn America nobody thinks twice about it, in fact they elect Obama who sat in that church as he said it. And when ranted on and on about terrible white people. And the Libs were silent.