The Glenn Beck Rally!

Do Jesse Jackson and Sharpton feel their livelihood threatened by Glenn Beck, will there be an end to their pocket picking?
This was a rally for ALL American's , but they don't want to open their eyes to the truth. The press would rather focus on RACE and call the Beck rally "shameless" ! Well my good friends, the MSM is Shameless!
Hundreds of thousand made it to Washington to attend this rally, are they all also "Shameless"? CNN and CSPAN are the most biased source's around. There were so many people here who claimed they are libs, and there were many, yes very many people there from ALL different race's but those New Media failed to see that for some odd reason. I guess that those people really need to look around more carefully.
Glenn Beck did a
remarkable job of redefining hope and change! Now it's our job is to vote out the Democrats and RINOs and then hold Republicans' feet to the fire. Yes we really do need "Hope and Change" NOW!
The next big "march" should be the one where we all march to the polls to take care of that, and to make this country GREAT again. We must kick them out of office and then replace them with God-fearing honest Men and Women who care about America, and who really love America.. And bring her back to the way she was before political correctness, and Socialism took over. The days of Barack Obama, and Michele Obama, and Charlie Rangel, and Ram Emanuel and Eric Holder and Barney Frank, and Chris Dodd, and Maxine Waters, and Timothy Geithner, and Hillary Rodham Clinton and Janet Napolitano, are so over.

It's time that Mr. Obama realized that we are not at war with George Bush!