Here's A Shocking Story!

Obama said that 'my intention was simply to let people know what I thought. Which was that in this country we treat everybody equally and in accordance with the law, regardless of race, regardless of religion.

Obama speaks in favor of new mosque site at dinner to mark the start of the Ramadan fast.

Barack Obama Supports Building The Mosque Near Ground Zero !
A Muslim supporting a Muslim’s attack on the United States . Why should we be surprised? No surprises here, not by me. . Our president has time and time again kowtowed, bowed and sided with the Muslims while telling Americans to go stick it!
After avoiding the controversy for as long as he could and saying NOTHING for weeks or even months, Our Dear Leader finally announced his strong support for the “ Mega-Mosque” or should I say the “so called” “Cultural Center” only two blocks away from Ground Zero. Our gutless Kenyan President has finally showed us where his true loyalty lies, and it’s not with the 9/11 families, or with the First Responders or even with the vast majority of Americans that do not want this Masque at Ground Zero at any cost. . And why did Sheikh Obama wait until White House held its grand celebration of Ramadan to make this announcement? Huh? Because of his strong believes of religious freedom? Bull-shit! Islam is about as tolerant as a rabid Pitbull. And Obama is about religious freedoms as he is about being tolerant about Sarah Palin.
I guess by building that Masque, Barack Hussein Obama finally will find a place where he and his family will feel comfortable worshiping now. As if it wasn’t enough that he sent Imam Rauf, the founder of the Ground Zero Mosque on a global “goodwill trip: all over the Arab world using your tax dollars as well as mine to raise the cash to build this thing. Why do we send Muslim representatives to the middle east on taxpayer’s money to raise funds for this monstrosity? And I understand that another trip is planned and has been approved by Hilary Clinton. It's truly Sick-en-ing.
Mr. Zippo, I would like to know why you would allow a Mosque at Ground Zero and NOT let my Children pray in School? And why cant they say the Pledge of Allegiance in School? And why has God been taken out of everything, yet you allow Muslims to do whatever they want, wherever they want! Including praying in Schools.
Apparently the people in our White House have more tolerance for Muslims than they do Christian and Jews. AFTER ALL Obama would never be so rude to a Muslim King as he was to the current Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu when Barack Obama walked out of his meeting with Mr. Netanyahu to have dinner in “Private”.. He would never do anything like that to a Muslim Palestinian.
And why is it that only us Americans have to have the sensitivity and tolerance of others, but the “others’ don’t give a flying “F” about us Americans, in fact they hate us so much that they want to kill us!. So why is it a surprise to anyone that this lousy president of ours would support the building of a structure that boasts the Muslims victory on 9-11 . Obama has done absolutely nothing for this country except make it worse.
I wonder what everyone that voted for the "Hope and Change" is thinking now. Or do they even care! This man and his administration is destroying our country. This has nothing to do with freedom of religion. It has everything to do with erecting a monument to the Muslim’s victory on September the 11th.
How dare our Government even think of allowing this to happen . We are being taken down from within . When will this treason end ? When will this end? This @#$% is doing everything possible to tear our country apart. When will we stand up and put an end to his madness? Obama, and Bloomberg are thumbing their noses at America. Bloomberg is a douchebag..
If Bloomberg is so hung up on “Freedom of Religion” he should as these Muslims when are they going to allow a Synagogue in any Moslem country?
I hope that all you liberals out there and "PEOPLE OF COLOR" that voted for this clown can see the damage you have done.. I hope that now that he has proved his hatred of our country and complete incompetence as a leader you won’t make the same mistake again. But deep down in my heart I know that you will.
Yes, why are we surprised?
Ground Zero and it’s surrounding area is sacred ground. Us Americans do NOT have to grin and bear it. We do NOT have to accept the Bad with the good! We do NOT have to Grit our teeth and let a Masque and as so called Islamic Cultural Center be build two blocs away from where we were attacked and seen 3,000 people slaughtered. We do not have to prove anything to anyone about Freedom of Religion. Not when our enemy has truly made himself to be very well known.
The courage and heroism of so many of our First Responders is a true testament to what we Americans are all about. We do not have to prove anything else to anyone.
Ground Zero is consecrated by the blood and the life lost there. We don’t need a Masque there, And we surly don’t need anyone to play politics about what we believe in. This is not a place for playing politics. Any thing that these phony bastards want to build no matter what they call it is a slap in the face to all the 9-11 families and all the First Responders, all New Yorker’s and all Americans. Not only is it a slap in our faces, it desecrates the area and dishonors the memories of these Heroes and Victims. It will be a sign of conquest and Victory to the Muslims as it was in Cordoba, Spain. Let the Muslims Grit their teeth and bear it.. Let the Muslims accept the Bad with the good. And let the Muslims build their so called Islamic Cultural Center somewhere else!
I wonder how many true New Yorkers, and Veterans, and Iron Workers will be willing to build this monstrosity?
These ignorant libturds don't care that over 3,000 innocent people were killed there, they only hear what their Dear Leader tells them, and they obey.. .
This President can ALWAYS be counted on to make the WRONG decision! Even a CNN poll found that 68 percent of those surveyed did not approve of building a mosque so close to where the World Trade Center towers fell and murdered almost 3,000 people.
And while we are on the subject of President Obama, why did he suddenly abolish the position dedicated to transparency in his White House? I wonder how many point he’s going to drop in the polls next week, I’d guess another 10-15 points.
Mr. Obama, you can't hide your true colors for long. The dim-witted brain-dead and blind Obama butt licking liberals think this Mosque or “ so called Islamic Cultural Center” is a sign of freedom of religion issue. It is really a waste of time and it has become so tiresome to try and explain the most obvious things to these people. After all they still believe that Michele Obama’s 60 friends paid for their own way to Spain.

So, Obama says that everyone in the United States has the right and the freedom to worship.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn't a crucifix removed or covered up at Georgetown when Obama spoke? No, I’m not wrong, Obama demanded religious symbols be removed from the stage at Georgetown. Yes, our President of the United States goes to a Catholic University to speak and requests a symbol and all mentions of Jesus to be covered up while he’s there.
Georgetown University says it covered over the name of Jesus Christ because it was inscribed on a pediment on the stage where Obama spoke and the White House Obama team had asked Georgetown to cover up all signs and symbols and to cover Jesus’s name.