The Natives Are Restless and the Citizens Are Not Very Happy

The American Eagle Is Pissed Off
Enough is enough already, Demarcates, Republicans, and Independents of all races, colors, and religions are getting fed up, it's not just us "WACKY, RIGHTWINGERS, or us NUT-JOB, RACIST CONSERVATIVES." Everyone in every state, who cares, who really gives a damn needs to keep the pressure on these Washington legislators. No more back-room, closed door deals, no more buying votes with secret deals!
Let the Washington crowd hear it from us all.. Let them know that the country is waking up and standing up and saying "no more of this, we are not going to take it anymore." It's not just about health care, but that's our main and strongest message. We're coming after you all! We will see you all in November. You want to know how it feels to stand on the UN-Employment lines? "Can you hear us now?"
The anyone in Washington or even in your home State tells the you to believe that they had nothing to do with any of the bribes, kickbacks, or sweetheart deals that developed during those marathon meetings between the lobbyists, and the unions and Pelosi, Reid, Rahm, or even Barack Obama, when he twisted arms and made those enormous deals to buy votes, and manipulated the Governors and Senators with his private deals, don’t you believe even one words of what they tell you. They lie with a straight face, because they are so good at that. Even Justice Alito said that it was “not true” to Barack “snake oil salesman” Obama when he made that contemptuous State of the Union speech.
And now we have TWO member’s of Congress up for trial before the November elections Charlie Rangle and his cohort Maxine Waters. Ain’t that grand! But who know how the Democtats that put these two ass-wipes in office will respond. They could be found guilty of the ethics charges against them both and their constituents will return them right back to office in November. I don’t doubt that for one second! Who’s going to be next? Could it be Bahney Fwank?

And who ever thought we’d witness anything like the Federal Government attacking one of the States in our lifetime? What is this a Civil War? Arizona is getting attacked and boycotted for enforcing a federal law. But thank God that the governor of Arizona isn’t taking any of his crap.
Since he took office, Obama has been making a private war against private citizens, private companies, and now our own States! He is completely out of control. And you lefties have the nerve to say that he is not a Socialist?
Obama, Holder, Pelosi, and Reid are too gutless to enforce Federal immigration law because they’ve got this little amnesty idea working to make 12 million illegal’s into good little koolaide drinking Democrats. And put 11 Million of them on permanent welfare. We need to remember Arizona when it comes to voting in 2010 and especially 2012!
Well folks, November isn’t far away, I Hope everyone is ready to Change. It can’t come soon enough. If you do not fight back, if you do not vote them out, then you will not prevail, and you will become part of the problem.