Hillary Clinton for Vice President in 2012?

Time magazine, in an item Wednesday on its website, said Obama perhaps should consider the proposition -- "dump Biden" would be part of it -- as he begins planning for his reelection bid in 2012. And some Democratic strategists say that if Obama's re-election prospects look shaky, he could dump Vice President Joe Biden from the 2012 national ticket and choose Hillary Clinton as his vice presidential running mate. Hillary Clinton for Vice President in 2012? "The Drama Queen" as opposed to the "Human Gaffe Machine." Two Socialist Peas in One Pod? Oh yeah won't that be great! Cash in your IRA's Folks, it's all over but the Ration Lines. A Racist Socialist and a "Anti-Semite Lying Socialist in a Pants Suit " The question is, which one is worse? And will Michelle ma belle even allow him to make that choice? Another good reason for all of us to pray and get out there and vote to be sure Obama does not get close to the White House ever again after this term. But I for one think that Bararck Obama will lose and lose big big in 2012 and Hillary Clinton does not want to lose along with him. My opinion? I don't think that she will not accept a VP spot right now and spoil her shot at the "WHOLE ENCHILADA" the next time around .

Joe Biden is an idiot, I think that we all get that.... but Obama is a disaster with or without Biden and with or without Hillary Clinton