Lady Of Spain, or Michelle O , The Owner of the White House Garden for Homeless People.

Is this President Blind, or is he totally incompetent? Can he not see that the Housing market is continuing to sink as is the Job market? The stock market had its third straight major loss yesterday!
We've arrived at a point where our nation that no longer needs outside enemies to destroy us, we are committing suicide, we are being destroyed from within. After the biggest housing disaster of the century, now we find that Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac are asking for BILLIONS more! Just face it people the big crap sandwich is back to bury us once again. And the stupid asswipe liberals everywhere are still blaming it on Bush . We are in the biggest mess this nation has ever seen, and nobody want's to see that you can't clean up a "mess" by spending 13 Trillion dollars more. And all Robert Gibbs has to say is
"ah, ah, that, ah, I'll get back to you on that."
And Jugears continues to tell us that we are climbing out of this recession! And how his "Transparency is going to turn this around! The only transparency I can see is their scheme to strip every civil liberty away from us hard-working, independent,responsible people, and bury us further. Meanwhile, the lazy bums living off of entitlements, without working a damn minute, has all the same things you're out there working your butt off to achieve, without lifting a finger.
They have no shame at all, they can't be that stupid and now see thru this. And how can they line up and support one of the all time biggest crooks in Congress of all time Charlie Rangel !~
The Obama's obviously like to party and travel and are going to do it no matter what.

Want to do something American this November? We have vote this whole dysfunctional government out and send them on a PERMANENT vacation. Get rid of them all before they pass laws giving amnesty for the 20 odd million illegal aliens that are already living on the dime of of the American Taxpayers.
Racism, as we all know, is very much alive and it's seen in every excuse the Liberals need to blame their failures.
A vote for Obama or ANY member of his party is a vote to destroy America… And that included Dodd, Landrieu, Reid, Waters and her highness the Idiot of them all the Queen Nancy .
The progressive/fascist idiots are gonna regret the day that they ever heard the name Barack Hussein Obama. It looks as if the skunk has replaced the American Eagle as the new symbol of America. It is half black, and half white, and everything it does stinks!
The apology tours, and his assault on American's must stop. The insane spending must stop and the idiotic million dollar vacations must stop. As much as they would like to think so, they are not Royalty. Her Royal Majesty Queen Michelle, can not spin her way out ot that last Vacation in Spain by weaving another lie. This is beyond being Marie Antoinette. This is a insult and a slap in the face to the entire country. She can just NOT get away with spending our money while we are out of jobs and losing our hard earned money that we saved for our retirements. I don't give a flying fig if it is her daughters desire to see Spain or her girlfriends bereavement distraction .
We were told that Michele “ma belle” made the trip because she promised one of her closest friends, a longtime Chicago pal who just lost her father, she would spend some quality time with her. So why did they go to Spain at this time?
Why didn't they go and take her 60 friends somewhere in the United States, that would be something that would help the U.S. economy? Yes, why not stay in an American Hotel, and save the taxpayers money on the government plane.
But no, they wanted to have dinner with the King of Spain, and stay in a 5 Star Hotel!
Maybe next time around they will go to Kenya and stay there..

We are a nation so deep in debt that even our children won’t even see us come out of it. We are a nation that worries more about how great it is that the First Lady is concerned with inner-city obesity than Unprecedented Deficit.

Isn’t it funny that I never remember George Bush being that popular when he appointed Arnold Schwarzenegger to be the director of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports! But when Michelle Obama started a program to encourage regular exercise, the lefties went berserk
And we are a nation sliding closer and closer to a nanny state, where big brother watches over us from birth to death. We are a nation that worries more about the president being a “Cool” guy that plays golf and Basketball, than Obama's Unprecedented Spending Spree! Michelle is no better than Jugears, they both have disdain for this country and both are thumbing their noses at us.
The heck with American unemployment being the highest in decades and the heck with another Depression looming and the heck with the fact that our life’s savings are being eaten up, and our IRA’s depleting by the minute , it’s all just one big fun filled party time and another vacation after vacation for the Obama family! Talk about being out of touch! How many vacations do they need with the tax payers footing the bill and them sticking it to us!

And now the Vacationer-in-Chief and his Mooch-in-Chief spouse will get their photo-ops in the Gulf before the Vacation in Martha’s Vineyard.
Remember when Obama said to some TV newsperson during an interview that he "would rather be a good one-term President than a mediocre two-term President"? That should have been a clue. And when I heard the '”First time I'm proud of my country” routine, and when I heard that Obama had been in that racist Wright's church for 20 years, and taking his kids there. I figured that this guy could NEVER win the election... My oh my, how wrong I was. I also guess that we can not underestimate the Liberals and the Liberal press. This just confirms the old adage...Socialism sucks every time and everywhere it's been tired.
I'm tired of the double standard for us regular folks - try telling the IRS I must have forgot to the pay my taxes for even one year. But Charlie Rangle made it his routine.