Farewell to Charles Rangel and Maxine Waters

" Ethics " and
Charles Rangel or Maxine Waters don't even belong in the same sentence

I wonder how many times the word "Racism" will come up during their hearings?
These crooks keep breaking the laws until they are finally caught! Lets hope they both look good in orange!
And somehow their accusers will wind up being painted as racist . Is it racist to judge these bastards by the corruption of their characters rather than the color of their skin?

The House ethics panel charged Charlie Rangel with some very serious violations of House “Ethics” rules. Some suggest he could and should be charged by the IRS for not reporting mucho of his income. But it seems as if the band plays on. Still the donations to his campaign for re-election is pouring in. Doesn’t that say a lot for his stupid constituents, are they not voting on race alone? Come on now, why else would they re-elect such a freaken and brazen CROOK? It’s very hard for me to recognize any good work Charlie Rangel has done for constituents, while he continually sticks it ti them.
Although I think that there is no doubt that he need to go…I seriously doubt it will happen.. We have seen this before. He’s going to give his sob story, full of horse shit and lies, and then toss in the race card, and the left will lap it up. Some things never change, and this is a prime example of it. That sorry speech he made on the Congress’s floor yesterday was the straw that broke the Camel’s back. It was so delusional, that he sounded and looked more like he belonged in a asylum, then in Congress.
He is a stinking disgrace, and while he spoke yesterday under house rules , instead of speaking about the Bill that was up for approval, he spoke about his personal problems.. Nancy Pelosi, the one that has been protecting him for all these years, should have exercised her right as speaker to shut him down and shut the place down. He's nothing less than another worthless Washington Parasite!
Shame on him, and shame on her, and shame on those democrats who applauded the old thief.
He said that he was losing sleep. Well how much money has his Community and his constituents lost because of him? But you just watch, the harlem crackheads that keep voting him into office, will do so again.
Sorry, Charlie. Your time has come, you've got to go. It would be a lot easier if you would go quietly into the night, but if not, you can get thrown out on your corrupt rear end. And you might want to take some others with you, starting with Maxine Waters.
Folks, it's your DUTY to find out what you are voting for.
There is only one way to stop people like him and there are so many more like him in office today. Vote and vote against every incumbent, with no exceptions, get them all out of Washington. .. That’s the only solution to get these lying, thieving traitors out of office.. Through the ballot box. And anyone who supports him is no better.