We Are NOT Afraid Of Being Called A Racist

Look At This Picture, Think About It! Now You Tell Me, Who's The Racist?
Wake Up Black-America, Your Being Sold A Bill of Goods That Is Literally Killing You.

Huffington Post Offers $100,000 for Sex Tapes, Phone Records to Destroy Glenn Beck

Talk about reaching for desperation! .In the wake of Glenn Beck's hugely successful Restoring Honor rally held in Washington, D.C. this weekend, the Huffington Post has published an offer of $100,000 to anyone with evidence that would destroy Beck's reputation and take him off the Talk about political/cultural battlefield.
Shameless is not a strong enough word to describe these ignorant Pigs!

Glenn Beck did thing this to raise money for the Wounded Warriors and their families. And Huffington is raising money to bring down Glenn Beck!

His Restoring Honor Rally has made the cockroaches and snakes come out from under their rocks.


Let them laugh, let them call us names, let them defend this president who's a lame duck, and denigrate the right. The day of reckoning is coming, the "Sleeping Giant Is Awake". A few hundred thousand people have spoken and they get the idea we are angry as hell and we are not going to take it anymore!
..Yes we are "Teapartiers" and we also have a dream, and we also vote.
If you lefties want to talk about color, look to that race baiter Al Sharpton, and the policies and the rhetoric of Barack Obama who is not uniting Americans but dividing us.

The Glenn Beck Rally!

Do Jesse Jackson and Sharpton feel their livelihood threatened by Glenn Beck, will there be an end to their pocket picking?
This was a rally for ALL American's , but they don't want to open their eyes to the truth. The press would rather focus on RACE and call the Beck rally "shameless" ! Well my good friends, the MSM is Shameless!
Hundreds of thousand made it to Washington to attend this rally, are they all also "Shameless"? CNN and CSPAN are the most biased source's around. There were so many people here who claimed they are libs, and there were many, yes very many people there from ALL different race's but those New Media failed to see that for some odd reason. I guess that those people really need to look around more carefully.
Glenn Beck did a
remarkable job of redefining hope and change! Now it's our job is to vote out the Democrats and RINOs and then hold Republicans' feet to the fire. Yes we really do need "Hope and Change" NOW!
The next big "march" should be the one where we all march to the polls to take care of that, and to make this country GREAT again. We must kick them out of office and then replace them with God-fearing honest Men and Women who care about America, and who really love America.. And bring her back to the way she was before political correctness, and Socialism took over. The days of Barack Obama, and Michele Obama, and Charlie Rangel, and Ram Emanuel and Eric Holder and Barney Frank, and Chris Dodd, and Maxine Waters, and Timothy Geithner, and Hillary Rodham Clinton and Janet Napolitano, are so over.

It's time that Mr. Obama realized that we are not at war with George Bush!

Roger Clemens Will Probably Go to Jail for Lying to the Biggest Group of Liars in America

Why Is Roger Clemens Being Indicted for Lying to a Bunch of Liars?
What I would like to know is where in the United States Constitution does it say that Congress has the power to oversee, discipline and manage ANY sport or for the matter, ANY Professional Baseball League? Or any other American “Pass Time” at all?
What business is it of the federal government whether or not professional baseball players use “performance enhancing drugs”?
In What Way Does Dope Use in a Sport Threaten Our Republic? And why aren’t they more concerned with attending to the people that are screwing up our economy, security, immigration, and our the still broken healthcare system. And why aren’t they putting the people that are lying about any of those subjects on trial? For instants, giving a National Disaster like Charlie Rangel the chance to cop a plea! Where is the outrage from the Congress for what these Profession Schmucks like Chris Dodd and Barney Frank did to our economy! Or is the Congress still Blaming George Bush for that as well?
Can somebody explain that to me…please. Any body! Why did they get the old Mea Culpa privilege when they destroyed housing market? It seems as if congressman never prosecute one of their own, as we saw so clearly with Ted Kennedy who actually not only got away with Murder but was re-elected to the Senate time after time . These people violated their own rules constantly but as we have seen so often it always gets swept under the rug. Did Hillary Clinton LIE about getting shot at by Sniper fire at in Bosnia? You bet your bippie she did, but when she got called out on it, she merely said that she “miss-spoke” and it all went away! Hillary not only lied, but here squeaky clean Daughter Chelsea lied to cover up Hillary’s lie. And so did Sinbad the comedian, who traveled with her.
And as snipers fired over the heads of Sinbad, Sheryl Crow, and Chelsea, First Lady Hillary Clinton calmly greeted a little 8-year-old Bosnian girl. Saying “when are we going to eat?”
But their account for this cover up LIE has NEVER been challenged.
How can she ever again expect to be taken seriously? And these Liberal Idiots wanted her to be President?

And I don’t remember them calling in the Bunko squad on that one! So why don’t Roger Clemens get the same chance? But no, only Congress gets the chance to investigate their own! Oh, the Hypocrisy

This is outrageous! It’s only “misspeaking” when it’s a fabrication by a Liberal/Democrat, but it’s LYING when it’s anyone else. This is the new standard definition, a LIE.

If Major League Baseball wants to ban steroid use in their league, then so be it. If they want to allow it, then so be it too. Let THEM take disciplinary action against players who use that stuff. It’s the Major League Baseball owners, the teammates and the fans who Roger Clemens and all the others who allegedly used that stuff should answer to, and not to Congress!.
But why in hell do we need to be having CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS over this crap? Is this not a waste of the Tax payers money and a waste of time for the Elite bastards in Congress!
Doesn’t congress have more important things to do…like say, Maintaining a Navy, Maintaining a Currency, Engaging in Treaties or Declaring War with Other Nations, Boarder Patrol, Establishing and Maintaining Post Offices and Post Roads, counting the screwups of their Congressional Colleagues, Giving Medals of Honor to people like Harry Belefonte, Tiger Woods, and Barbra Streisand. etc?

And yes, the biggest sack of corrupt liars are in DC, so who the hell are they to indict anyone for lying.
Imagine if George Bush had “misspoke” about some experience that made him “ready on day one”. Or if John McCain did. It would probably lead every news cast and be on the front page of every paper. Don’t you think there is a definite double-standard here?
We mocked George Bush’s inarticulateness of the word Nuclear and we let Obama off the hook after 20 years of being influenced by Reverend Wright.
And the witch hunts pogroms and persecutions at Conservatives and Conservative Talk Show Hosts continue. Ah yes, double standards. Hugo Chavez can call George Bush "EL DIABLO" and get thunderous applause from the Left. That’s newsworthy!

Lighten Up Friday!

A cabbie picks up a Nun.

She gets into the cab, and notices that the VERY handsome
cab driver won't stop staring at her.

She asks him why he is staring.

He replies:
'I have a question to ask you but I don't want to offend you.'

She answers,

'My son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive.'

'Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me.'

She responds,
'Well, let's see what we can do about that:

1, you have to be single and

2, you must be Catholic.'

The cab driver is very excited and says,

'Yes, I'm single and Catholic!'

'OK' the nun says. 'Pull into the next alley.'

The nun fulfils his fantasy, with a kiss that would make a hooker blush.

But when they get back on the road, the cab driver starts crying.
'My dear child,' says the nun, 'why are you crying?'

'Forgive me but I've sinned. I lied and I must confess, I'm married and I'm Jewish.'

The nun says, 'That's OK.

My name is Jack and I'm going to a halloween party.'

Oh sure, we really need another Mosque in New York City! Especially a 13 story tall one!

These pictures are of Muslims marching through the STREETS OF LONDON during their recent ' Religion of Peace Demonstration.

Why would anyone be against housing another place of worship for such nice, peaceful Muslims?!

Our Dear Leader & First Mucher Were Just Guzzling Beer & and Sucking on Fried Oysters

It seems as if the first family who were stuck holed up in their island resort for three rainy days, have had it with the rain and bad weather so they decided to ignore the doom and gloomy weather and decided do some serious vacationing. Starting with some serious eating! So the Great Ones along with their two daughters Sasha and Malia took a trip to their favorite Martha’s Vineyard Fish Shack on the waterfront section of Martha’s Vineyard yesterday afternoon.
All the local Liberals gathered around to watch as Our Dear Leader wearing his White Sox baseball cap and his Mooching Bride greeted ,shook hands, high fived, and posed for pictures with the common folks. The president ordered from the take-out window of the snack bar section of the eatery.
The Obama’s lunched with several companions including adviser Valerie Jarrett and about 15 others. While Michelle the Queen of FRIED foods guzzled down a platter of FRIED goodies while telling everyone else to eat "healthy"!
As the Messiah-like figure walked around the restaurant, acting like one of the Boys, Obama sucked on a Corona bottle while waiting for his meal. Michelle ma belle was noticed guzzling down a plate of Fried Oysters, a Lobster Roll and other FRIED specialties.

Not exactly your typical Happy and Healthy Meal.

Turning to the team of reporters who accompanied him on the trip, Obama said he didn't want to hear any lectures about his cholesterol. And above all, he said, don't tell his wife, first lady Michelle Obama, about his lunch.
It must be noted that when this extraordinary meal called lunch was over, the president paid for it with cash ! With Cash! Was that some kind of signal for us th see? Are we supposed to believe or think that he pays for his personal trips out of pocket? Give us a friken break! Or that the Community-Organizer in Chief paid for Minnie the Moocher’s Vacation in Spain! And by the way, did you know that last March in Savannah, Ga. Obama sat down for a Southern style lunch at the famous Mrs. Wilkes Dining Room, a popular restaurant and tourist attraction in Georgia and had a lunch piled high with FRIED chicken, a bowls of beans, sweet potatoes, and macaroni and cheese. Also not exactly your typical Happy and Healthy Meal. Back to our Vacation at Martha’s Vineyard.

I Sure do likes my lobstah!

But I was told that the Muslims are a peaceful bunch!

Wanna see what the "tolerant" religion of peace is like!


Everyone Should See This Video

Michelle Obama Made A Secret, Mysterious Visit to “The Great Mosque” During Her Last “Vacation” Trip To Spain!

While Our Dear Leader Barack Obama was “Spending his Birthday” in Chicago with his Buddies” and Oprah but not with his family and then giving a speech at his Ramadan dinner endorsing the Ground Zero Mosque. Our Dear First Lady Michelle “ma belle” Obama was paying a VERY early morning visit to the Great Mosque at Granada, which overlooks what was once Islam’s most important outpost in Europe, the Alhambra palace in Granada!
Coincidence? I think not. I rather think that once again a attempt to pull the wool over our eyes was made..
So it seems as if Our Dear First Lady Michelle “ma belle’ Obama and her daughter Sasha, visited the Alhambra Mosque at dusk on the second day of her visit to Spain, one day after Barack had celebrated his 49th birthday without his family with Chicago friends, and didn’t even let any of her 60 friends that she took along with her know about this strange and mysterious visit. Not even to mention the spending the untold millions of our money on this trip with her crew of 60 friends while she visits a mosque..
While Michelle Obama was roundly criticized as a SPENDTHRIFT American Marie Antoinette during her visit to Spain, was she on official Mosque business for her husband?
This simply begs the answer to the question, why did he send her alone to Spain on his Birthday. Was it an diversion from the real reason for the vacation?
It is important to point out that there is absolutely no reason to believe anything that these two say. It is also important to as, How much did George W. Bush know about this and when did he know it! (Sorry I just couldn’t resist).
I seem to remember when Obama promised, an end to false promises, and that his administration would be an open and transparent one!

Well Mr. Obama, Americans are tired of lies and hidden agendas.

By not revealing her visit to the Masque to the media Michelle Obama has created a scenario of secrecy. What is she trying to hide? Something smells here. This late vacation to Spain coming only about 10 days before their Vacation to Martha’s Vineyard, just don’t seem right.
Ands if they are Christians as they want us to believe, how come she didn’t visit a Church? You would think that one of the slime balls in the media would have the guts and the balls to ask her!
We all know ever so well that NO Christian ever would make the mistake by saying "My Muslim faith."! None!
On Sept. 11, 2001, our Great Country was attacked and 3,000 plus people were murdered in the heart of New York City and this President has the gall to preach about freedom of Religion and preach tolerance at Ramadan dinner in the White House!
Obama was playing us all for suckers!
Shame on anyone that did not care about the church he attended for 20 years and what their belief was and is. And our politicians have no backbone and have sold us out and put us into the hands of a man that is out to destroy us. Americans are suffering and the Obama’s frequent vacations and parties seem to indicate they do not care one bit about this nation. In the month of August alone, the Obama’s will have had 3 vacations, Michelle Obama and daughter along with 60 friends in Spain with an entourage of 70 Secret Service agents.

And then they vacationed in Florida only days away before their 10 day vacation in the upscale resort island of Martha’s Vineyard.
During their vacation this week, Obama, and our First Lady Michelle and their two daughters, Sasha and Malia, are staying at the Blue Heron Farm, a 28-acre waterfront estate owned by William Van Devender.
And to think this was all on our dime.

Yep, it seems to be the Democrats MO. They pour on the welfare reform to get campaign money and they promise to throw money at the poor to keep them quiet ,and to get votes and then they give the screws to the working people to pay for it all. And while he plays in the sand and the ocean, and while they eat their Lobster and Caviar, Iran gets more and more dangerous.
This president has been an America nightmare. Our Great Divider in Chief. Our Liar and Cheat and his wolf-pack ! If we ever get out this mess we are in I only hope that Americans have learned a lesson for generations to come and for all time. I hope one day a book is written about how one man in the office of the presidency almost destroyed the greatest nation on earth and was rescued by noble Americans who stood up and said no way.
OK...everyone...I have got to run. Chatting with you all today was FANTASTIC, but it's time to get to work..

The Mosque Near Ground Zero

By:Pluperfect, NEW YORK – Hundreds of impassioned demonstrators — all waving American flags, but separated into two groups by police — descended on the site of the proposed mosque near ground zero, with opponents chanting, "No mosque, no way!" and supporters shouting, "We say no to racist fear!" The two leaders of the construction project, meanwhile, defended their plans on Sunday, though one suggested that organizers might eventually be willing to discuss an alternative site. The other, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, said during a Middle East trip that the attention generated by the project is actually positive

Hundreds of impassioned demonstrators — all waving American flags, but separated into two groups by police — descended on the site of the proposed mosque near ground zero, with opponents chanting, "No mosque, no way!" and supporters shouting, "We say no to racist fear!"

Americans are tolerant of differing religions. The question is, can we afford to be tolerant of a religion that doesn't tolerate America? And I'd say that plowing two jumbo jets into the World Trade Center, another into the Pentagon, and another into a field before hitting God knows what, altogether killing 3,000 innocent people in a couple of hours, is indicative, not so much of a religion, but of a psychopathic set of beliefs. Muslims like Rauf keep insisting that we get over it, and look inward and ponder our beliefs, like we're the ones in need of reform.. And what about the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Catholic Church in which worshipers gathered long before the World Trade Center was built and which stood immediately in front of the second tower . . . until those blood-curdling Islamist bastards — so spiritually GUIDED by the Fort Hood massacre IMAM completely destroyed it? Why has that church’s repeatedly requested permit been denied? Huh! Why, Mr President... Why? Where is your sanctimonious fact check on that one? Where is your speech on that one? Do you pick your agenda’s?
Who is funding the New York City "Cordoba"? Why such a secret? And why New York City? And why Ground Zero? And why don't Christians and Jews, and the he St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Catholic Church have the same status as Muslim's?

Is it now alright to be accepting money from terrorist organizations such as CAIR and Hamas.
Also is it now alright for Iran's offer to provide money for this “so called” Community Center that is just a front for a Mosque! Shouldn’t some one tell us all we want to know about the motivation of these and any other sponsors?
And why is it alright for Mayor Mike Bloomberg to brush this off by saying it’s nobody’s business where the funds are coming from? And how can he justify that by saying it’s “alike” any unknown person putting money int the basket passed around in Church? How stupid is he to make such a comparison?

How about a show of tolerance from you Mr. Obama and from Feisal Abdul Rauf, the mastermind behind this Mega Monstrosity of a project, and his radical Muslim Brotherhood buddies to throw a church, and a synagogue and a Hindu temple into the middle of Mecca? That would be a show of tolerance!
The time for special treatments that allows Islamists who are aggressive toward us while they demand our tolerance, weakness and submission is over! We have not been able to rebuild the World Trade Center in nine years. Now we are being told a 13-story, $100 million Mega Mosque “ Community Center” or whatever will be built within a year overlooking the site of the most devastating surprise attack in America’s history! No Mr. President! No Mosque. No Surrender. No Tolerance. The time for us American’s to take a stand is now!

AND Please, let’s stop giving this guy Obama excuses. He is not acting like an idiot , HE KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HE IS SAYING. He hates White Christian Free-Enterprise America.
Has anybody ever heard him say he loves his country? No! If he did I must have missed it, too.

And give us a break and stop with that "religious freedom" BS! This has nothing...NOTHING at all, to do with "religious freedom" I’m just about as sick as that crap as I am with the “Race Card”
And stop using that lame excuse to try to justify your displeasure in out right to protest this.. No one has told the Muslims that they can’t build a Mosque. No one has told them that when they built the 100 plus other Masque’s that they already have in New York. The only thing that those of us who oppose it are saying “don’t do it THERE.” There are thousands of other places in NewYork and across the nation that dictate where various businesses and other organizations can build. This is no different. There has already been discussion in NY about allowing this bunch to put the Mosque somewhere else. But now that Obama has once again stuck his nose in where it doesn’t belong, things are escalating out of control.

He acted stupidly, and so are a whole bunch of his sympathizers who are in support of this act of urinating on the memories of thousands of murdered Americans.

When the going gets tough, Obama goes on vacation.

Obama’s approval rating has crossed into a new LOW!.. One month ago on July 12, Obama’s approval and disapproval both stood at 47 percent in the Real Clear Politics poll average. On Tuesday, the president’s approval had fallen to 44.4 percent. Disapproval had jumped to 50.4 percent.
Well some Americans, no matter how ignorant, are finally beginning to realize that they were scammed.
Over half of Americans have figured this guy out. What scares me is those who haven't?


The protest against the mosque plans was coordinated by the Coalition to Honor Ground Zero. They call the protest "all out," and on their website and claim that "protesters will tell President Obama, the Hamas terrorist organization, Mayor Bloomberg and Imam Rauf: No Cordoba Mega-Mosque at Ground Zero."

I'm sorry that I couldn't be there with them today, but I'm there with them in mind & spirit.
It's time for Mr. Hope and Change, and Bloomberg to listen to the will of the people.
This is not about religious freedom. This is about respect. There is no room for a mosque anywhere near Ground Zero.

All I Can Say Is God Bless Israel, They Are Our Only Real Ally

Yes it is true that the US still gives direct aid to Israel and I hope that will never end. But, President Obama, “The Vacation King”, is more concerned about being photographed with Arab Kings than with the Israeli Prim Minister. He bows to the Saudi's and snubs Israel.
Iran said it has decided where to build 10 new uranium enrichment sites, and Obama's "false" friend.

It's not exactly
Breaking News
that Obama was never too fond of Israel. He has called residents of Israeli settlements "obstructionists"! It’s very clear that Obama has a different policy toward many of our traditional allies, including Israel, England, Japan, and France than all of our previous administrations with the exception of Jimmy Carter.

Israel is the only one that has the will, the guts, and the capability strike Iran's terrifying nuclear reactor.And when the time comes, notice I said "when" not "if" the time comes, Israel MUST, and WILL attack. Unlike the Obama administration who threatens with "Sanctions" and more sanctions.. All Obama does is threaten Iran with "Sanctions" the US. should know damn well by now that Sanctions don't work! It has never worked anywhere else before either. as long as there are these rogue, dishonest, worthless, countries like Russia sanctions will never work. We would like to see economic sanctions as the answer as the alternative to military power, but that's only a dream. But I suppose we will pass more sanctions and more sanctions until they have time to arm warheads to destroy Israel. However Israel is not that stupid and will not stand by and wait for that to happen.
Our Dear Leader has sent Her Thighness Hillary Clinton to bargain with an Evil Empire like Russia and to so stupidly agree to destroy and to limit our nuclear arsenal and capabilities.
Obama needs to get real. His inexperience is ridiculous and he is naive to believe it will do a damn thing other than to bite us back.
If we don't know it Israel does, whatever it takes, we have to shut Iran down before its too late.
Iran needs to be dealt with swiftly and sternly. Sanctions are and always have been a joke. Now is the time to put our cards on the table and show these buffoons that we mean business. To even think that Russia is going to be of any help is like believing that the Moon is made of Cheese. How many types of sanctions does it take before somebody says enough is enough and takes action?
The only help Russia is going to be, is in getting Iran's nuclear programs going .
But in reality, I don’t think that Obama will ever do what is needed to stop Iran. I won't be surprised if we'll just stand back again and allow Russia to help fire up Iran's Nuclear reactor and thus having Iran raising havoc with Nukes. It was said that the Russian supplied fuel will be transferred to Iran's Nuclear reactor on September 5th, and that It will take six to seven months to reach the maximum power level. So lots of luck my friends and welcome Iran to the next Terror threat to the United States. As they say, We ain’t seen nothing yet! Like it or not, believe it or not, Iran is intent on instigating a war.
As for you Libs, the ones that are bitching about why are we supporting Israel, I know it's hard to swallow, but the truth shall set us all free. And if you believe people like Vladimir Putin and
Ahmadinejad and are against our relationship with Israel as some of the ass-whips I've been debating on other blogs, you just watch the courageous, and relentless Israeli freedom fighters work, maybe you'll learn something.
But these Lib's would rather sit back in their arm chairs and Blame George Bush and to bitch about Halliburton and about Katrina. And complain about the use of Waterboarding. And defend Madame Pelosi., and Charlie Rangle and go to war over building a Masque at the foot of Ground Zero. Do they even remember Ground Zero and what happened there? Do they even remember September the 11th? Like the nut-jobs who believe that the 9/11 attacks were "an inside job", like Rosie O'Donnell. Or did they already forget it as Our Dear Leader would like us too.!
And for the "do gooders" who really believe that Sadaam didn't have WMD s and that Dick Cheney was really our biggest threat, just ask the Kurds to the north in Iran, that's why we never found the gas.. He used it on his own country men.

So People Think That Obama Is a Muslim!

I Don't Believe That!
I Don't Think That Muslims Are Allowed to Eat Lobster and Drink Champagne

I Really Appreciate How Humble the Obama's Are

It's times like these that you can Truly Appreciate ONE Aspect of Jimmy Carter's Presidency... He wasn't a Self-Involved, Indulgent Show-off while the Country Suffered in his Final (2) Years in Office. The same can NOT be said for Barry and his Wife. Shameless doesn't even begin to Describe it. The American People are Tired of this Elitist Shit while they Lose Jobs, Tighten Belts, and if they are lucky, Live Paycheck to Paycheck. We are in the "Worst Economy since the Great Depression" and they take Vacations after Vacations in Spain, Kennebunkport, Martha’s Vineyard, Miami, or wherever she chooses to vacation. and throw the Parties for their Elitist Hollywood cronies. I guess that he forget that He and his Wife are Employed by us. Shameless doesn't even begin to Describe it. Man if this were a Republican First Lady behaving this way,the Leftist nutters would be on this board completely freaking out. This extravagant vacation was in poor taste considering how many Americans are currently suffering. Any Leftist defending this,can never be taken serious again on any issue.
This is a perfect
example of an Affirmative Action candidacy.

This President Is Not Listening!

Something Is Dangerously Wrong with this President. He Is Not in Touch at All with the People. He Is Not Listening!
Obama sides with ass-holes like Chavez, and the Mullahs of Iran not the Iranian people who were protesting in the streets! He agrees with the illegal’s in the United States, and not the People of Arizona, he agrees with the President of Mexico. He agrees with his friend the Harvard professor Henry Gates, and not the Police Department of Cambridge Mass. And he agrees with radical Islamic Iman Feisal Abdul Rauf on the Masque and not the people of New York.
How dare the Mayor of New York and the President of the United States allow such a slap in the face to our country, and to New Yorkers.
I hope that this Masque speech of his and the lack of his handling the Oil Spill will be his Waterloo. Let's hope this is not swept under the rug.

Nancy Pelosi’s call for an investigation into those who opposethe Masque!

McCarthyism, Marxism, Socialism? You Pick It!
The debate over the Ground Zero mosque has jumped the shark with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s call for an investigation into those who oppose it.
Sieg Heil, You Bitch Comrade Pelosi. She better do her investigating before November 3rd because we are going to your Marxist's Ass's allover the place. You and Dirty Harry Reid and Charlie Rangle and Maxine Waters, and the rest of your scum. You are all done in this country.

And she has the chutzpa to ask who’s funding the efforts? In stead of asking who is funding this Masque! Is this the "Transparency" Obama was talking about?
Nazi Piglousy is pathological delusional piece of shit. And needs to get the hell out of Washington.

For the first time in my life as an American, and as a vet, I am ashamed of my Countries representatives.

Dr. Laura And The "N" Word!

On CNN's Larry King Live last night, talk-radio star Dr. Laura Schlessinger announced that she's leaving the talk-radio racket after her contract expires in December. (Snip) All three TV networks jumped on the story last week that she'd used the N-word repeatedly to a caller in describing how black comedians can freely use the N-word, but others cannot.

This doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out Dr. Laura fell into the same trap as so many others before her. My guess would be that this caller was a whole Set-Up. Is Al Sharpton around!
The "N" word is a death sentence for a career in the public forum, unless one is a liberal, of course.
Like her or not, she was a get even choice for the racist NAACP, to rip her head off....
There was no malice intended in what she said! .
But when Rev wright can say God Damn America nobody thinks twice about it, in fact they elect Obama who sat in that church as he said it. And when ranted on and on about terrible white people. And the Libs were silent.

Islam is at war with the United States, but, the United States will not even use ‘offensive terms’ to describe the enemy.

The Vacation King Mr. Omama is telling us that we are being “Offensive” to the Muslims by not bowing down to their hideous demands. Is he being “Offensive” to other religions by not allowing our placement of Creches and the Christmas displays in Department stores. And didn’t Mr Obama tell Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that building homes in Gaza would be offensive to the Palestinians? Where was his tolerance then?
Barack Obama’s policies regarding peace in the Middle East have been one-sided since he took office. He was never tolerant when it came to Israel.
From day one Obama has shown his anti-Israel bias. Let us not forget when he went to the Middle East apologizing to the Muslims for America . Yep, he went all over the Middle East but could not find time for a stopover in Israel.
And just a few short months ago Prime Minister Netanyahu was invited to the White House for negotiations. And the “TOLERANT ONE” Mr. Obama humiliated him when he wouldn’t even invite him to join them for dinner... and left him standing there alone while he left to have dinner in private. NO DINNER FOR YOU, Mr. Prime Minister!
The fact that the president chose to make such a statement during a State dinner honoring Ramadan in front of a large Islamic audience is beyond ironic! Am I alone wondering why our White House is celebrating Ramadan in the first place? Call me insensitive and see if I give a rat's ass about it.
Another question that enters my mind is why is this controversial Mosque getting the go-ahead to be built after an existing building is demolished and for the past 9 years since the St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church was crushed when one of the towers fell on it still all tied up in red tape?
This church has been there since the 1920's and still has not been given the authority to go ahead and re-build it. Why hasn't Barack Obama or Governor Patterson, or Mayor Bloomberg offered any help getting that project on track?
This Mosque if built at Ground Zero will be an insult to all of the dead and their families.. ..it will be exactly what they want a symbol of conquest and not at all about RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. That the phony leftist line is a lot of crap-ola that is being stuffed down our throats, to try to shame us. .
You just can't tell me that Obama’s sabotage of the economy is not deliberate, we can only hope the economy does not collapse before 2012.
This whole thing is a front and hopefully Obama and his bunch of Marxist’s will suffer from it in November.
Islam is at war with the United States, but, the United States will not use ‘offensive terms’ to describe the enemy, yeah, that's gonna work!
Wake the hell up America. These are evil lying, dangerous, people we have in our Government today.

Obama Hits A New Low ~ In More Than One Way!

First lets take a look at his over all approval rating.
The ( brain-dead) people who Obama approve of Barack Hussein Obama sinks to all time new low of 42 percent in this mornings Gallup’s daily tracking poll. And (get this now) the Americans that support his handling of the budget deficit sank to an all time low of 31 percent. and just 29 percent. And here’s the real deal! When it comes to immigration Jugears only gets 29 percent of the people to approve of that. So I guess that his fleecing of the private sector, NATIONALIZING the automobile industry, NATIONALIZING health-care, NATIONALIZING the finance sector and soon his promise to put a moratorium on offshore drilling, which will all but NATIONALIZE our Oil industry. Along with the fact that he as driven America into a debt that we will never climb out of, he has alienated our best and strongest allies, while inspiring all the dictators around the world, and all this in 18 months.? Mosque at Ground Zero? Gutting Defense? That's just icing on the cake,
And we are to expect welfare’s biggest friend who has been a disaster or a president to even begin to understand the real needs of hard working AMERICANS? It appears to me that any of the people who approval of him are stuck on stupid. How can Any American support his handling of the budget deficit when he has increased it by 9 times!? Are they that How can 31% of Americans support his handling of the budget deficit when he has increased it by a factor of 9 times!?

Rush Limbaugh nailed it from the very beginning. Prior to King Obama's coronation, he said that Obama's election would make things worse. He predicted that the libs would mistakenly believe they have a mandate to push a liberal agenda, that they would push unpopular legislation and that criticism of that legislation would be called racist. And lo and behold it came to pass. Andi t's gonna get much, much worse.
Obama and Holder are the true racial cowards, when neither of them made any statement about the comment about the Black Panther leader wanting to "kill cracker babies”. Instead Eric Holder saw NO reason to press the issue on this thug parading around a poll booth intimidating whites with a night stick. And he calls us “Racial Cowards”!
It seems that their idea of race relations is clearly one sided.

What about the liberal's concern with racism present when liberals compared Bush to Hitler?
Why weren't they all over that?
People have become aware to the dishonesty of Obama and the misery of his Administration is becoming apparent to more and more Americans. The fact that he didn’t have any experience at the get go doesn’t matter now. People have opened their eyes and many have taken off their blinders and they have become aware of the incompetent job performance and tone deaf behavior that this President has shown us.
Hope and Change and yes the inspiration that many have had has turned into hopelessness and disillusion. He's is no longer the one they were looking for the “Hope and Change” is now revealed as much as the man's character is revealed, the “Hoped” for hero has “Changed” to a zero.
Those that give King Obama any kind of approval on race relations are obviously are watching CNN and reading their local Liberal/Progressive Rag or reading much too many of these liberal blogs I see around the boars a a daily basis. They twist the facts like a pretzel bender. Or maybe they are stupid enough to buy and read the New York Slimes.
And how about Obama's Arrogance of Extravagance? How about Michele Obama spending only God know how much of our dollars on that Vacation in Spain! And did she really have to take 60 of her friend's with her? Was it right when so many American's can't even hold on to their own homes and are jobless! Was that not a slap in our faces? This administration is looting the the taxpayer at record levels. This shows the disrespect and the arrogance that Barrack and Michele Obama has for the American Taxpayer.

Michelle Obama's self-absorbed extravagance and arrogance is an outright vicious slap in the face to all those American’s that sit at home in the United States because they can’t afford to take any Vacations in this economy. So instead of her showing us how she understands the situation, she goes on the most expensive Vacation any First Lady has ever gone on. To a FIVE STAR hotel in Spain nestled in the hills overlooking the town of Marbella. Where she took 60 rooms for 4 nights at $5,400.00 per night.
And along with 60 friends outside of American. Fine job Ma Belle, great work, and by the way, how does your Garden Grow? The Victory Garden that you told us about and how it’s going to save so much money by growing our own. Your Hypocritical Loser!
But think of it this way, the more time this fraud of a president and his wife spends away on vacation! The less time he would have to do the unbelievable damage that he is inflicting on this Great Nation!
One of our bigger problems today, as recently seen by the NAACP, is shouting the word "RACIST" at the 1st sign of any disagreement. It simply leads to more division among the races.
BTW, there is something ironic about a group that defends the rights of only one race calling a group that defends the rights of all people "racist”. Hence their name The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
And I cannot believe how dumb BO has been about the Mosque issue.
The mosque fiasco is NOT primarily a constitutional issue relating to Freedom of worship.
There are plenty of Mosques in New York and believe me when I say plenty. And there is no problem with building another one. So don't give me that crap about FREEDOM OF WORSHIP.
For God's sake the very name of the proposed organization, “Cordoba” surely gives the game away.

And to you people that are preaching about the violation of the Constitution, let me say this! There is nothing in the US Constituion that says you have to be or that you should be intolerant of other people's sensitivities. There is nothing in the US constitution that says you should go out of your way to deliberately stir up other members of your society by taking such a provocative step as to deliberately stick it in our faces. This is not at all about tolerance or freedom of religion. It's about respecting the 3,000+ dead from the attack on our freedoms and country on September the 11th! Would you put a stature of Hitler on the beaches of Normandy? Would you put a Kamikaze Museum at Pearl Harbor? Are you kidding me with this political correctness BS?
Of course another New York City Mosque can be built, but to insist on building it in such a place at such a time, is the height of INSENSITIVELY . Where is their tolerance and sensitively. You want to talk about an insult to the cultural values of the Constitution, well this is it. No checks and balances. No tolerance, just a deliberate in your face provocation. Americans don’t need any lessons about freedom and tolerance. We have learned our lesson well, and we are not going to sit around on our backsides and take it anymore. Who’s stupid idea was this in the first place, and who was it that approved it? Were they smoking crack? Their sheer arrogance indicates a total contempt and utter lack of respect. And they have the balls to call us the people who are against this monstrosity intolerant about THEIR beliefs and freedoms. These people and Mayor Bloomberg as well, won’t be happy until they see Muslim domination of the world.

If they win this one, Jihadists the world over will laugh at us with contempt, and be emboldened to further acts of terror. Never mind why they hate us. They only hate us because we are not one of them. And they will stage further attacks simply because we appear weak on all fronts.

Here's A Shocking Story!

Obama said that 'my intention was simply to let people know what I thought. Which was that in this country we treat everybody equally and in accordance with the law, regardless of race, regardless of religion.

Obama speaks in favor of new mosque site at dinner to mark the start of the Ramadan fast.

Barack Obama Supports Building The Mosque Near Ground Zero !
A Muslim supporting a Muslim’s attack on the United States . Why should we be surprised? No surprises here, not by me. . Our president has time and time again kowtowed, bowed and sided with the Muslims while telling Americans to go stick it!
After avoiding the controversy for as long as he could and saying NOTHING for weeks or even months, Our Dear Leader finally announced his strong support for the “ Mega-Mosque” or should I say the “so called” “Cultural Center” only two blocks away from Ground Zero. Our gutless Kenyan President has finally showed us where his true loyalty lies, and it’s not with the 9/11 families, or with the First Responders or even with the vast majority of Americans that do not want this Masque at Ground Zero at any cost. . And why did Sheikh Obama wait until White House held its grand celebration of Ramadan to make this announcement? Huh? Because of his strong believes of religious freedom? Bull-shit! Islam is about as tolerant as a rabid Pitbull. And Obama is about religious freedoms as he is about being tolerant about Sarah Palin.
I guess by building that Masque, Barack Hussein Obama finally will find a place where he and his family will feel comfortable worshiping now. As if it wasn’t enough that he sent Imam Rauf, the founder of the Ground Zero Mosque on a global “goodwill trip: all over the Arab world using your tax dollars as well as mine to raise the cash to build this thing. Why do we send Muslim representatives to the middle east on taxpayer’s money to raise funds for this monstrosity? And I understand that another trip is planned and has been approved by Hilary Clinton. It's truly Sick-en-ing.
Mr. Zippo, I would like to know why you would allow a Mosque at Ground Zero and NOT let my Children pray in School? And why cant they say the Pledge of Allegiance in School? And why has God been taken out of everything, yet you allow Muslims to do whatever they want, wherever they want! Including praying in Schools.
Apparently the people in our White House have more tolerance for Muslims than they do Christian and Jews. AFTER ALL Obama would never be so rude to a Muslim King as he was to the current Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu when Barack Obama walked out of his meeting with Mr. Netanyahu to have dinner in “Private”.. He would never do anything like that to a Muslim Palestinian.
And why is it that only us Americans have to have the sensitivity and tolerance of others, but the “others’ don’t give a flying “F” about us Americans, in fact they hate us so much that they want to kill us!. So why is it a surprise to anyone that this lousy president of ours would support the building of a structure that boasts the Muslims victory on 9-11 . Obama has done absolutely nothing for this country except make it worse.
I wonder what everyone that voted for the "Hope and Change" is thinking now. Or do they even care! This man and his administration is destroying our country. This has nothing to do with freedom of religion. It has everything to do with erecting a monument to the Muslim’s victory on September the 11th.
How dare our Government even think of allowing this to happen . We are being taken down from within . When will this treason end ? When will this end? This @#$% is doing everything possible to tear our country apart. When will we stand up and put an end to his madness? Obama, and Bloomberg are thumbing their noses at America. Bloomberg is a douchebag..
If Bloomberg is so hung up on “Freedom of Religion” he should as these Muslims when are they going to allow a Synagogue in any Moslem country?
I hope that all you liberals out there and "PEOPLE OF COLOR" that voted for this clown can see the damage you have done.. I hope that now that he has proved his hatred of our country and complete incompetence as a leader you won’t make the same mistake again. But deep down in my heart I know that you will.
Yes, why are we surprised?
Ground Zero and it’s surrounding area is sacred ground. Us Americans do NOT have to grin and bear it. We do NOT have to accept the Bad with the good! We do NOT have to Grit our teeth and let a Masque and as so called Islamic Cultural Center be build two blocs away from where we were attacked and seen 3,000 people slaughtered. We do not have to prove anything to anyone about Freedom of Religion. Not when our enemy has truly made himself to be very well known.
The courage and heroism of so many of our First Responders is a true testament to what we Americans are all about. We do not have to prove anything else to anyone.
Ground Zero is consecrated by the blood and the life lost there. We don’t need a Masque there, And we surly don’t need anyone to play politics about what we believe in. This is not a place for playing politics. Any thing that these phony bastards want to build no matter what they call it is a slap in the face to all the 9-11 families and all the First Responders, all New Yorker’s and all Americans. Not only is it a slap in our faces, it desecrates the area and dishonors the memories of these Heroes and Victims. It will be a sign of conquest and Victory to the Muslims as it was in Cordoba, Spain. Let the Muslims Grit their teeth and bear it.. Let the Muslims accept the Bad with the good. And let the Muslims build their so called Islamic Cultural Center somewhere else!
I wonder how many true New Yorkers, and Veterans, and Iron Workers will be willing to build this monstrosity?
These ignorant libturds don't care that over 3,000 innocent people were killed there, they only hear what their Dear Leader tells them, and they obey.. .
This President can ALWAYS be counted on to make the WRONG decision! Even a CNN poll found that 68 percent of those surveyed did not approve of building a mosque so close to where the World Trade Center towers fell and murdered almost 3,000 people.
And while we are on the subject of President Obama, why did he suddenly abolish the position dedicated to transparency in his White House? I wonder how many point he’s going to drop in the polls next week, I’d guess another 10-15 points.
Mr. Obama, you can't hide your true colors for long. The dim-witted brain-dead and blind Obama butt licking liberals think this Mosque or “ so called Islamic Cultural Center” is a sign of freedom of religion issue. It is really a waste of time and it has become so tiresome to try and explain the most obvious things to these people. After all they still believe that Michele Obama’s 60 friends paid for their own way to Spain.

So, Obama says that everyone in the United States has the right and the freedom to worship.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn't a crucifix removed or covered up at Georgetown when Obama spoke? No, I’m not wrong, Obama demanded religious symbols be removed from the stage at Georgetown. Yes, our President of the United States goes to a Catholic University to speak and requests a symbol and all mentions of Jesus to be covered up while he’s there.
Georgetown University says it covered over the name of Jesus Christ because it was inscribed on a pediment on the stage where Obama spoke and the White House Obama team had asked Georgetown to cover up all signs and symbols and to cover Jesus’s name.


The Imam behind the plan to build a mosque near Ground Zero is on a Muslim multi-country trip to the Middle East PAID FOR BY OUR STATE DEPARTMENT -- to help him raise the $100 million for this asinine project! Yes The guy is traveling around the world to get money to build a mosque at Ground Zero.
When asked about this the State Department spokesman Crowley said" I think we are in the process of arranging for him to travel as part of this program, and it is to foster a greater understanding about the region around the world among Muslim-majority communities"
But a London-based Arabic-language newspaper that interviewed Abdul Rauf reported that he says he also will collect money from Muslim and Arab nations around the world -- raising the possibility his goodwill mission could help him build contacts in oil-rich states.
Why should anyone respect the citizens of this country when the elected officials have forgotten their job is to represent us, ahead of any other country's people or religion's interest.
And why is our government allowing and paying for anyone to raise funding a religious organization?
Folks, It is your American DUTY to make Obummer a one-term President. It is up to the people of this once great county of ours, to vote these PC idiots out of office!

And you can’t blame Bush for it either..

Lady Of Spain, or Michelle O , The Owner of the White House Garden for Homeless People.

Is this President Blind, or is he totally incompetent? Can he not see that the Housing market is continuing to sink as is the Job market? The stock market had its third straight major loss yesterday!
We've arrived at a point where our nation that no longer needs outside enemies to destroy us, we are committing suicide, we are being destroyed from within. After the biggest housing disaster of the century, now we find that Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac are asking for BILLIONS more! Just face it people the big crap sandwich is back to bury us once again. And the stupid asswipe liberals everywhere are still blaming it on Bush . We are in the biggest mess this nation has ever seen, and nobody want's to see that you can't clean up a "mess" by spending 13 Trillion dollars more. And all Robert Gibbs has to say is
"ah, ah, that, ah, I'll get back to you on that."
And Jugears continues to tell us that we are climbing out of this recession! And how his "Transparency is going to turn this around! The only transparency I can see is their scheme to strip every civil liberty away from us hard-working, independent,responsible people, and bury us further. Meanwhile, the lazy bums living off of entitlements, without working a damn minute, has all the same things you're out there working your butt off to achieve, without lifting a finger.
They have no shame at all, they can't be that stupid and now see thru this. And how can they line up and support one of the all time biggest crooks in Congress of all time Charlie Rangel !~
The Obama's obviously like to party and travel and are going to do it no matter what.

Want to do something American this November? We have vote this whole dysfunctional government out and send them on a PERMANENT vacation. Get rid of them all before they pass laws giving amnesty for the 20 odd million illegal aliens that are already living on the dime of of the American Taxpayers.
Racism, as we all know, is very much alive and it's seen in every excuse the Liberals need to blame their failures.
A vote for Obama or ANY member of his party is a vote to destroy America… And that included Dodd, Landrieu, Reid, Waters and her highness the Idiot of them all the Queen Nancy .
The progressive/fascist idiots are gonna regret the day that they ever heard the name Barack Hussein Obama. It looks as if the skunk has replaced the American Eagle as the new symbol of America. It is half black, and half white, and everything it does stinks!
The apology tours, and his assault on American's must stop. The insane spending must stop and the idiotic million dollar vacations must stop. As much as they would like to think so, they are not Royalty. Her Royal Majesty Queen Michelle, can not spin her way out ot that last Vacation in Spain by weaving another lie. This is beyond being Marie Antoinette. This is a insult and a slap in the face to the entire country. She can just NOT get away with spending our money while we are out of jobs and losing our hard earned money that we saved for our retirements. I don't give a flying fig if it is her daughters desire to see Spain or her girlfriends bereavement distraction .
We were told that Michele “ma belle” made the trip because she promised one of her closest friends, a longtime Chicago pal who just lost her father, she would spend some quality time with her. So why did they go to Spain at this time?
Why didn't they go and take her 60 friends somewhere in the United States, that would be something that would help the U.S. economy? Yes, why not stay in an American Hotel, and save the taxpayers money on the government plane.
But no, they wanted to have dinner with the King of Spain, and stay in a 5 Star Hotel!
Maybe next time around they will go to Kenya and stay there..

We are a nation so deep in debt that even our children won’t even see us come out of it. We are a nation that worries more about how great it is that the First Lady is concerned with inner-city obesity than Unprecedented Deficit.

Isn’t it funny that I never remember George Bush being that popular when he appointed Arnold Schwarzenegger to be the director of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports! But when Michelle Obama started a program to encourage regular exercise, the lefties went berserk
And we are a nation sliding closer and closer to a nanny state, where big brother watches over us from birth to death. We are a nation that worries more about the president being a “Cool” guy that plays golf and Basketball, than Obama's Unprecedented Spending Spree! Michelle is no better than Jugears, they both have disdain for this country and both are thumbing their noses at us.
The heck with American unemployment being the highest in decades and the heck with another Depression looming and the heck with the fact that our life’s savings are being eaten up, and our IRA’s depleting by the minute , it’s all just one big fun filled party time and another vacation after vacation for the Obama family! Talk about being out of touch! How many vacations do they need with the tax payers footing the bill and them sticking it to us!

And now the Vacationer-in-Chief and his Mooch-in-Chief spouse will get their photo-ops in the Gulf before the Vacation in Martha’s Vineyard.
Remember when Obama said to some TV newsperson during an interview that he "would rather be a good one-term President than a mediocre two-term President"? That should have been a clue. And when I heard the '”First time I'm proud of my country” routine, and when I heard that Obama had been in that racist Wright's church for 20 years, and taking his kids there. I figured that this guy could NEVER win the election... My oh my, how wrong I was. I also guess that we can not underestimate the Liberals and the Liberal press. This just confirms the old adage...Socialism sucks every time and everywhere it's been tired.
I'm tired of the double standard for us regular folks - try telling the IRS I must have forgot to the pay my taxes for even one year. But Charlie Rangle made it his routine.

Ex Mayor David Dinkins Offers Middle Finger To Heckler At Charlie Rangel's Birthday Party

As guests made their way into Charlie Rangel’s 80th-birthday dinner at the Plaza Hotel Wednesday night, a heckler shouted at former mayor David Dinkins that he was “attending a party for a crook.” Dinkins — whom the Times describes as "a paragon of statesmanship and dignity" — responded by turning to the man and flipping the bird.

After much hemming and WHORING from invited guests beforehand, most of the big names — including Michael Bloomberg, Andrew Cuomo, and Chuck Schumer — showed up, and were treated to a meal of roast beef, gon hat cheese, and onion rings. A spokesman for Rangel said that he sold 800 tickets for the event — which doubled as a fund-raiser, with tickets starting at $200 which I'm sure was really donations to his Defense fund.

And all those slimy Democrats who went to Rangel's party showed America who the Democrat Party really is. It's a filthy disgusting party that celebrates and donates to a Political CHEATING, CROOKED piece of crap who is about thrown out on his ass because of all the cheating he has been getting away with for 40 years.When you hold a party and Al Sharpton is one of the Top Guests, you know what other scum is going to attend.They called this a "Birthday Party." But a quick check on Wikipedia will confirm that Rangel's birthday is June 11th. When's the last time anyone you know had a "Birthday Party" 2 months after their birthday. Because this wasn’t a Birthday Party, it was a public show of “support” by people who are in his debt or were too afraid not to attend.

Rangel is a prolific fundraiser whose power has come from a combination of contributions (through his PAC) to other powerful Dems and playing on people’s fear of being called racists if they say anything bad about the “senior member of the Congressional Black Caucus. So you can call this Pay-ola.

It is no surprise that David Dinkins gave someone the "middle finger". After all, isn't it the gesture that he gave NY City when he ruled as the city's mayor?

This only goes to show you that a little wealth and a little fame doesn't change a scummy piece of shit, one term ex-Mayor or not!

And Michael Bloomberg thought this was all a big joke! I guess he represents New York to the Birthday Boy!

Hillary Clinton for Vice President in 2012?

Time magazine, in an item Wednesday on its website, said Obama perhaps should consider the proposition -- "dump Biden" would be part of it -- as he begins planning for his reelection bid in 2012. And some Democratic strategists say that if Obama's re-election prospects look shaky, he could dump Vice President Joe Biden from the 2012 national ticket and choose Hillary Clinton as his vice presidential running mate. Hillary Clinton for Vice President in 2012? "The Drama Queen" as opposed to the "Human Gaffe Machine." Two Socialist Peas in One Pod? Oh yeah won't that be great! Cash in your IRA's Folks, it's all over but the Ration Lines. A Racist Socialist and a "Anti-Semite Lying Socialist in a Pants Suit " The question is, which one is worse? And will Michelle ma belle even allow him to make that choice? Another good reason for all of us to pray and get out there and vote to be sure Obama does not get close to the White House ever again after this term. But I for one think that Bararck Obama will lose and lose big big in 2012 and Hillary Clinton does not want to lose along with him. My opinion? I don't think that she will not accept a VP spot right now and spoil her shot at the "WHOLE ENCHILADA" the next time around .

Joe Biden is an idiot, I think that we all get that.... but Obama is a disaster with or without Biden and with or without Hillary Clinton