War! What Is It Good For?

War! What Is It Good For? In This Case... Absolutely Nothing!
War? Who likes war? And who likes Obama' s decision to bring home 10,000 troops this year and the rest by 2014? First of all, why are we announcing it? Does it make any sense? It just don’t make any sense to me. To me this was done strictly for political reasons as are most of Obama’s decision are. Do I want to end the war? Of course I do. Who wants to go to war? Who wants to continue any war? Who wants to have our troops sent to these hell holes? You’d have to be a complete idiot to want a war to continue. However, we all know the whole purpose of Obama’s recent decision to sending the troops home at this time . As we also know the purpose of Obama’s other recent decisions, such as the release of the oil reserve at a time when the price of oil has been going down continually. So why now? So why pull our Troops out of Afghanistan now? Why walk away from a war that we have sacrificed so much for? Do you think for one minute that the families of the boys that were lost there are happy about this? Should they be happy that their loved ones died in vain? Happy that we walked away now that their loved ones were killed for a cause that our president don’t believe in? So why don’t the left see it that way? What is going to happen the day after we walk away? I’ll tell you what. The Taliban is going to walk all over that country and everything we did there, everything that we accomplished there is going to go down the toilet. Like we did everything we did in vain. Can you just close to door and walk away? Well I guess that you can, but should we? I guess it all depends on who you ask. Does that ideal make any sense to you? What will the Taliban do now that we already announced that we are going to be pulling out? And who in their right mind tells the enemy when the day is that we are decreasing our troops from the front? Do you think that the Taliban regime is going to walk away also? The hell they will! They are just going to wait until we walk out and then raise hell. And everything we did would have been done for nothing. Have we heard any American General say that this is a good idea? Or don’t we care about what our Generals say or advice any longer. It took Our Dear Leader months to increase our troops in Afghanistan after the General McChrystal requested it and then what happened, he was fired because of some idiotic things his aides said to an anti-war reporter. We have to listen and believe in the Generals that have their boots on the ground. If we can’t do at least that, then lets get the hell out now!
Look, I’m not in favor of War, I’m not in favor of this war or any other war Certainly not the war in Libya for example. For what? To kill Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi? I am not a Qaddafi-lover, but this is absolutely ridiculous, We all know that Pakistan had been harboring Bin-Laden all this time and yet we do nothing about it! Congress is enraged ? Big deal, we still send them billions of dollars in aid, for what? To build Mosques, Roads, and new schools? The hell with that, we need that money to fix our own country.
And quit sending our hard earned money, from those of us who work and pay taxes, to all these shit-holes and countries that hate us and want to kill Americans! That’s just plain STUPID!
Just today, Admiral Samuel Locklear, commander of the NATO Joint Operations Command involved in the Libya war admitted to a U.S. congressman that NATO forces are trying to kill Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi.
I am as against this war in Libya as anyone is. But with that said, let me say this:
If we are going to commit to a war then we must do so by committing fully, war is hell and war is about “Breaking things and Killing people” You just can not fight a war any other way. I find it to be not only ridiculous but funny that some Democrats whine about the fact that we may have killed a few civilians, and yet are in agreement with Obama going to war in Libya.

Sooner or later the NATO forces, (led by the USA) will kill Muammar Qaddafi or he will flee to another country, that is something you can bet on And then the Liberal bias media will call the Libyan operation another glorious triumph for Barack Hussain Obama , Our Dear leader. And Conquer. I always thought that this in was violation of US policy regarding assassination of foreign leaders.., But who am I to argue with Our Dear Leader! But I am not in favor of walking away and leaving that territory to the enemy either,.. So this is not a easy decision. But do be doing what Obama is doing NOW, is not right either, not when it’s done for his own political agenda. Yes, it’s a tough situation, but it’s a decision that has to be made at the right time and for the right reasons. And neither are right at this time or for the right reasons. No, I'm not happy with the President’s decision and No, I do not support this President in this move. Yes, It's true, Obama is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, but face it most of the time he is just Dammed! I’ll be the first one to admit that I don’t agree with this policy or ANY OTHER policy that this man has put on his plate. No, I'm not happy and I do not and will not support this President. I think that ALL of his policies have been anti American and against just about everything that I believe in. I won't say I know the answers, but I do know that this is a bad decision. We should never announce any time table to the enemy. That I do know. No wonder his democratic base is crumbling like a house of cards. This decision is shamefully misguided, and everyone can see that it is being done strictly for his own dishonorable political agenda. With that said, let me say this. If we are not going to fight wars to win anymore, but just to upset our enemies then we may as well call it quits and get the hell out of every place that we are in. If we are going to commit to fighting a WAR, then we MUST do so on OUR terms. We can not be so damn politely correct and expect to win. We can not fight a war and not even call the enemy what they are, in this care “Terrorists” What and who are we afraid of?
Part of the problem is that we are fighting this war with our hands tied.

This country is supposed to have the most sophisticated , the most advanced and the most destructive arsenal of weapons in the world. And far more advanced technologies. When are we going to use them? We had a handful of idiots fly a few highjacked Airplanes into several of the biggest buildings in the world and killed about 3,000 innocent people and at the same time they made monkeys out of us. This not only lead to the death of 1000's of our men and women on the battle field but to the destruction of our economy, Their gang-leader escaped us for 10 years and we still are fighting with our hands tied. What in the world are we afraid of? We should have learned that in Vietnam, but we didn’t. And we are doing the something all over again. The war against the Islamist terrorist is essential and necessary but it must be fought to win . And we can do it if we are allowed to. Or your going to have these creeps called the TSA groping your kids, and Grandparents and innocent travelers all over the world on a daily basis and that’s going to be only the beginning. The only way we are going to win this war as in any other war is to kill people and break things. Unfortunately, that’s the only way wars are won. We must be motivated to win. And by the way...
Syria is Next