I Guess That The Joke's on the Liberal Media Witch Hunt Dogs, After Sarah Palin's Emails Turns Up With Nothing They Can Spin or Make Whoopie Over.

New York Post,

The all-points-bulletin attention that national media organizations gave to the release last week of official e-mails from Sarah Palin's tenure as Alaska's governor sure backfired. Not only was Palin not discredited by the emails, but they exposed to the public a competent leader and a rather decent human being. Imagine the disappointment of The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and other outlets. To help sift through 24,000 pages of e-mails,
The Hill :Washington DC, by Armstrong Williams.
It was the biggest non-story story in Washington since Al Gore’s global warming tirades. I’m talking about the release of thousands of emails of former Gov. Sarah Palin last Friday in Juneau, Alaska. The release of emails (printed on paper) had reporters forming lines the lengths of which made the O.J. Simpson trial look like a queue at the local Dairy Queen.News outlets such as The Washington Post publicly heralded their “read 'em here first” status. Never mind that no reporter had actually spent any time and bothered to read them.

Stop the presses! Where’s the scandal?

Nice try, but No Cigar. Try Bill Clinton, he may still have one hidden.

God it must tough being a Liberal/Progressive these days... Getting SO excited and full of joy and then brought down to a angry and unhappy state. And on top of that then having to watch Sarah Palin smile and say.....SCREW YOU!.

Now lets get back to slamming that despicable liberal Congressmen Anthony “Weenie” Weiner.And on another note: Even thought it wasn’t front page news. Just as predicted, the Sarah-haters in the media and the Lefty/Progressive NUTS who were posting that Sarah got the Paul Revere story all wrong even though she actually got it right (and they got it wrong). Time to wipe that Egg of of your faces..