The Spin Of The Century?

The Spin Of The Century? No just another explanation from the White House.
The War Powers Act: the War Powers Resolution CLEARLY says that
60 or 90 days after notifying Congress of the introduction of armed forces ‘into hostilities or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated,’ the president must receive Congressional authorization or terminate the mission.”
However, our Dear Leader claims that the War Powers Act Does Not Apply to Libya because there aren’t any “Hostilities” There aren't any “Hostilities”! What do you call bombing the compound of the Countries leader?
Folks our ship is being steered by a Drunken Captain.
This is clearly proof that Obama ignored the War Powers Act
Obama can do no wrong in his own mind.
This is another case of Obama lies and the others one swears to it. As our planes fly over Libyan territory and fired missiles and drop bombs daily, as our ships fire cruise missiles at Libyan territory daily, Our Dear Leader has the Gaul to say that this is NOT “Hostilities” .
And while the Libyan “Hostilities” involvement continues past the War Powers Act expiration, Obama is warming up his engines and his cruise missiles towards attacks in Yemen. Screw the
War Powers Act, we don't need no stinken War Powers Act!
And yet our lefties friends continue to defend him. Go figure!
By any standard, Obama make Bush look like a Genius.
America has lost it’s mind by electing this man. Hope and Change? Still waiting?

And by the way, Obama's “Non-War” in Libya is costing the U.S. $9.5 million every single day.