Ok, it's about time that we stop beating a dead horse like Anthony Weiner

Ok, it's about time that we stop beating a dead horse like Anthony Weiner we've got much more serious problems facing us right here in the US of A to spend so much time on a Weiner just doesn't make any sense..
The problems facing Obama, and ultimately facing us the people in America are mounted so enormously high that it's a task to know where to begin.
Health care otherwise known as Obamacare, the weakened economy and the threat of a double dip recession, immigration and the fact that illegal immigrants are hurting our job market because of cheap labor. The fact that as a senator, Obama supported immigration control, and campaigned to improve the border security and to stop the millions of people that come in the country illegally. Was only another promise un-kept.
The War(s). Nobody's talking about bringing the Troops home anymore, now we are focused on a third war, and who know how many more will follow.
How many times did Obama say that he would set a timetable for troop withdrawal in Iraqi .How many times did Obama say that he would set a timetable for troop withdrawal and an ultimate end to the war in Afghanistan, instead he increased the number of troops deployed there. And at the same time he brought us into a third war.
How may people voted for Obama because he vowed to close Guantánamo, the prison that has come to symbolize Torture, and the abuses of those poor Muslims that were detained there and the fact that it symbolize everything that was wrong with George Bush’s WAR ON TERROR And those words “WAR ON TERROR” had to go as well.
Well the detention center at Guantánamo is still open and the “WAR ON TERROR” still exists. Maybe not in those words, but in reality.
And whats going on with our best if not our only true, reliable ally in the Middle East?
Has Mr. Obama suddenly become a champion of Hamas and Hizbullah who also wants Israel destroyed. It looked that way last moth as Mr. Obama stabbed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the back when he made that vicious speech asking Israel to move her borders back to pre 1965.
And as the price of Gas continues to rise, what are we doing about it?
America’s unhappiness over gas prices is going to be another nail in Obama’s coffin. No one wants to hear the nonsense that there is nothing that he can do! No one want to hear anything about what the “Speculators on Wall Street are doing. We want to hear about what America is doing to relive us from foreign pressure and we want to hear that we will be drilling for oil here in America. And stop the tree hugging and protecting the wild Owls in Alaska.
I don’t know much about what the prices of gas is in the rest of America but I’m sure it’s pretty much like it is here in New York, where we are paying $4.50 per gallon for gasoline and 20% more to put food on our tables. And thats not the "hope and change" we were looking for. Most families just can’t survive doing that much longer and our countries economy can't survive that way either. So we see the people getting into debt and losing their homes and the joblessness, and the lack of leadership just goes on and on and the people on the left can’t see anything wrong here! So what do the mentally challenged do? They Blame George Bush and attack Sarah Palin, and write letters to Glenn Beck's sponsors. Yeah that’s going to help.
Not to mention that the Stock Market has been on a losing streak for weeks, this past week it has tumbled to a record low since 2009. Yesterday it fell below 12,00o. Home prices have shrunk to a point where the homeowner either can’t sell it, or if they did it would be at a tremendous loss.
But if us Conservatives complain, we are labeled as
being Racist. I say who the hell cares what you call me, just get this DISASTER OUT of the White House.

It’s the economy stupid.