Calling A Spade A Spade.


Non-Official Moochie Obama Announces Her Official Visit to Africa

Yes, You Read This Correctly.

Michelle Obama announced Friday that she's heading to Africa on an official visit later this month, stopping in South Africa and Botswana to continue her work encouraging young people around the world to become active in their countries. The first lady will visit Johannesburg and Cape Town in South Africa and Gaborone, Botswana, during the June 21-26 trip. Besides youth leadership, Mrs. Obama will also focus on education, health and wellness.

So the OFFICIAL First Lady is going to take Grandma and the girls on an OFFICIAL VACATION to South Africa and Botswana . How do you make "official" visits, when you are NOT an Official? I’m sitting here Googling, and using my Wikipedia Encyclopedia, but I just can’t seem to find "The Office of First Lady" anywhere in the US Constitution..
Ah, but she is an Official, an Official Sponger off of us Taxpayers. Does anyone care to guess how many Airplanes, Limos, Security Guard, Hotel rooms, Meals, Knick Knacks and Paddy Wacks .
I wonder just how much this "Official" fact finding vacation will be cost us? Has anyone told this MOOCHER that we are in a RECESSION? Has anyone told her that she is supposed to be setting an example?
Lets see how many of our Lefty Bloggers write about this one! If they get the time, I know that they are still so busy writing about Chris Christie's Helicopter ride.

How can you justify this? It is beyond ridiculous to me. The State of our Nation Is Pretty darn Bad..

Call me crazy, but I think that America is on the brink of collapse.
There are over 25 Million Americans out of work, or who have given up looking for work.
One person in Six is on Food Stamps.
The US Dollar is just about at an all time low.
The price of Gas is at an all time High. And our Dear Leader puts an imposed moratorium on offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
Obama’s decided and made the crucial decision all by himself of going to war and bomb Libya to get rid of l Gaddafi and crush the rebel opponents , all this without going to Congress for approval. Ah, but the King doesn’t need any Stinken Approval! As the result of a Tornado in the town of Joplin, Missouri, over 130 people died, while Our Dear Leader and his Moochie Wined and Dined in London. And drinks Guinness / beer in Ireland while he makes jokes about his Irish ancestors.
All this while back in the country that voted for him, the second deadliest tornado in the History of the United States has kill 130 people and as many as 150 or more or still missing.
Should we be surprised? I don’t know why we should be, we have a president who only cares about reelection and nothing much more.
And don’t you think that Obama's decision to play golf on Memorial Day was disrespectful and hardly presidential as well as being extremely in bad taste on a day when the rest of the Nation remembers and mourns our war dead! It wasn’t as if he never, ever gets the chance. Because this was the 70th time that he has played golf since he became President.
And who knew that the Obamas were the America’s number one party animals!

With parties for Stevie Wonder, parties for Black History Month, parties for Motown Legend, Super Bowl parties, March Madness Basketball parties. Our Tax Dollars at work folks.

Where was the Liberal OUTCRY when Obama took Air Force One on Date Night to New York City? And they had to close the Airport for 4 hours! And during a RECESSION! And how about all the money spent for his security and the limos etc, etc, etc. This my friends was on your hard earned tax dollars .. How out of touch with the times could these people be? Do they just not get it or do they just not care?

And where was the Liberal OUTCRY when Nancy Pelosi took 47 flights on Government airplanes in a nine-month period, all over the world? . But I don't think it is fair to complain when our President takes the day off to play golf, or to party. I’m sure that somewhere, someone will tell us that Bush did it also. Maybe not every week, but I’m sure that he surly did it once or twice.. .
We all know that Nero fiddled while Rome burned , and we now know that Obama Fiddles while America and the rest of the world faces the likes of a crises that we haven’t experienced in several decades.

OK, now lets look at the flip side. The side that the Lefty Loons are posting so merrily on their blogs. Like Sarah Palin having Pizza with Donald Trump! Wow, now theirs a great news item for ya. Or how about New Jersey’s Governor Christie, Uses a Government Helicopter to Get to his Son's Baseball Game! How can anything be more important than that one? I gotta admit, that one is hard to beat.

Yawning, wake me up when you get to Richard Nixon.

I think that pretty much clarifies it, don't you? If not, say your piece in the comment section.

These same people seem to remain silent and ignore the stories when it comes to disgraceful people like Anthony Weiner’s engaging in inappropriate and sleazy acts.

Another Note!