Ah Yes, The News Is Not Good.

Barack Obama if voted into a second term will be the destruction of the America we knew and loved. When we look at what has happened to the American dream, the American Constitution, the American economy, the lack of jobs and the influx of illegal aliens in the past 18 months, it seems that there is a deliberate plan to completely destroy the entire American way of life and even the country as we know it. We can’t even call these people illegal alien any longer now they must be addressed as “undocumented immigrants” A bit of research on the internet shows that there are 60% of the illegal aliens, excuse me I meant to say “undocumented immigrants” who are also known as "illegal border crosser’s," or more properly known as "illegal aliens." In the United States right now. Most of them are from Mexico, Latin America, and Arab countries. The number of illegal immigrants in U.S. is close to 20 million people. Are they working? Yes, most of them are, some of them are not but are collecting food-stamps and other governmental hand-outs. Most of the if not all of them are sending their children to our schools, using our hospitals, and using our tax paid governmental agencies to their advantage.. They are flooding into America more then ever before, why? Because with Obama in power, they smell Amnesty, so why not! But in the mean time, they are using us and feeding off of us and filling our jails as well They fill our courts and our jails because of their use of Drugs, and Drunken Driving, and Murder, and Assault, and Rape, and Robbery and God only knows what else. They know that most of the time they can get away with it. Because our courts are so damn Liberal. And because Obama lets them get away with it, and sometimes even rewards them. Because liberal progressive’s actually do think that this man Obama can do no wrong. I guess that they really do think that he’s the Messiah. The do think that this man is the God sent to save them from the horrible Conservatives, the Demons, the Domestic Terrorists. Obama called on Israel the one and only real Ally that America has/had in the Mid-East to revert their boarders back to the pre 1967 borders. Did anyone ever think that an American President would side with the Terrorists over our own Allies? Let me ask you this, do you remember when they used to ask, Are you better off now then your were 4 years ago? If you can answer yes, then you are either lying or you are in a very small minority.. Was the unemployment rate almost at 10 percent four years ago? Was our national debt at 14.5 Trillion 4 years ago.? Moody’s Investors Service is about to downgrade us to a very dangerous position. The verdict is in, America is in a very serious dangerous position. So, what's wrong with this picture? Could it possibly be the fault of a Vacation loving President? Let’s take a poll. I say Yes. I say what’s going on here in America is far from acceptable. America is in deep trouble. we have more serious problems than overweight and obese children.
And how about our Media? The liberal media and the progressive bloggers can’t find much else to dump on but Sarah Palin, they had to go to court and get the authority to go digging through Sarah Palin’s E-Mails. And then go through all those thousands of boxes that contained Twenty Four Thousand of E-mails and it all turned out to be a complete bust.
They couldn’t be much more pitiful. They'd rather go digging through Sarah Palin’s E-mails then criticize the President for flying all over the friggen country with a load of staff and security and hold up traffic in major cities to raise cash for his re-election. What did they get out of all that? Nothing! They found ZILCH! Not even any news about Sarah’s children that they could fill 3 minutes of the night time news with. Oh Lord how I despise these fools.

And the distraction of a Weiner in the House, is not helping.
The libtatards need to quit looking at the world through rose colored glasses and get real.

Well, I guess that at least the War Against Fat Kids won’t cost our country anything, and won’t kill any of our Troops..