Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Birthday, America

While we all celebrate the 4th of July this weekend, go to our Bar-B-Que’s,

and to our kid’s Little League Game and honor the red, white and blue. We still must wonder whats in store for us after the parades are over. Obama is in the White House for over two years now and Democrats are still in control of the Senate. Say what you want to say but Obama must be held accountable not only for the past two years and for his failure in running this country, but for the damage he and his appointees have done to America. America is on the decline and it gas been since day one of the Obama regime. As we know by now Obama is a Marxist, and Marxist s hate capitalism. Thus Obama hates America. At least the American that we all have grown to love. But America is strong, the American people make it strong and whatever Obama has in store for her is not working. It’s not working for one reason, and that is because US Republicans/Conservatives won’t let it work. We have been fighting Obama and his Socialist agenda ever since he showed his evil spots. And we will continue to fight him until we are rid of him (in 2012). I am convinced Obama is bound to lose the 2012 for many reasons. The main reason is because I really deep down don’t think that the American people are as dumb as they appeared to be when they voted for that Community Organizer, that leftist friend of Domestic Terrorists. I really deep down don’t think that the millions of suckers that voted for him have seen and opened their eyes that Obama’s "Hope and Change" is not the phenomenon or the miracle that they expected. The only “Change” that occurred was Barack Obama is now living like a KING, and Moochie Obama is living like a QUEEN. And us Racist Teabagging right wingers are stuck holding the bag, and paying for it.
But of course there are many other reasons why Obama will be House Hunting in 2012, There is also the matter of an sky high unemployment rate , the steady decline of the dollar, the housing market in the toilet, the price of Gas situation, the new war in Libya, the National debt that is now more than $14 trillion and counting, put all these together with the fact that Obama has been Bowing to just about everybody. Kissing the ass’s of the Palestinian’s, while stabbing Israel in the back.. Appointing Communists/Socialists/Progressives to his Czar positions and advisers. Proposing amnesty for illegal aliens in order to gain voters. And the beauty, giving the American people the worst health-care reform bill that anyone could imagine. A bill that will not only raise taxes in the worst possible time to raise taxes, but will cause a increase in unemployment, as employers are going to be laying off people because they won’t be able to pay for their healthcare. He has failed with abiding by the War Powers Act, he has not kept his promise about closing Gitmo, he has allowed and embraced the tactics of ACORN, and how much did Obama and his family vacation cost us Taxpayers? How much did the Moocher spend on her staff and her vacations? Most likely more than the budget of a small Country! Do you miss President Bush yet? Yet the Lefties/Progressive’s continue to blast Sarah Palin and have now added Michele Bachmann to their list to destroy. Make you think of the word PRIORITIES. Why, are they so hung up one destroying these two? Why not any of the other Republicans? What is this an overwhelming feeling of admiration, for Barack Obama and the Moocher? They have done nothing but sponge off the system. They have milked the Golden Goose dry. While the rest of us are trying to live within our reduced budgets, yes, the rest of us have to drive our cars less, buy smaller cars get rid of our SUV’S, eat less and eat out less, and travel less, and vacation less, anf go to the movies less and take our kids to sporting events less, and the list goes on and on . Yet, our President has spent more time and money vacationing and playing Golf at the tax payers expense than any other president in US history! And Michele Antoinette, couldn’t care less. As if she says. “let them eat cake”! And as I type, The Moocher and family, and friends, and her entourage of servants are on a “ official” what is it called today a “Fact Finding” visit or a “ Goodwill” or a trip to “ Inspire Africa’s Youth “ or whatever visit to Africa with Mom, Cousins, and Daughters, and a Niece and a Nephew, that also included a safari in Botswana. While she has made a few ‘ Official visits, meeting with leaders and talking education, and this and that. And it was reported today that she is meeting her friend and TV icon Oprah Winfrey! Wow. Isn’t that a shocker. How much has Michelle Obama’s vacation trip to Africa cost? For security reasons, the exact figure is unknown and not going to be reported. . The estimates range anywhere from $2 MILLION DOLLARS A DAY to $10 MILLION PER DAY, depending on how many vehicles, airplanes, security people, servants, and equipment from America was brought along for her use. My guess is that she and her entourage, including staff, Children, Her Mother as Well as Cousins and Friends is probably costing $100 Million dollars. It costs $200,000 dollars an hour just to fly Air Force One Uh, did i neglect to say that it is costing “US” $100 Million dollars. Not her!