It's always strikes me funny when these Sickos, Wackos, and Idiot’s on the Left write these negative posts, remarks, blogs about Conservative people who are not in Politics what-so-ever. Who cares about radio talk show hosts, or President-Wannabees, but they never seem to care what a Liberal, Democrat, Progressive, or whatever the name for those a-holes on the left call themselves these day. For example, when that creature from the Black Lagoon Nancy Pelosi said, “If you want to know what's in it, you have to vote for it.” They never said a world about that INSANE statement. Sarah Palin does not hold a political position, but the Progressive Nut Job, the Queen of idiocy, the Witch of the Left get great pleasure in posting all over the blogisphere that Sarah Palin’s approval ratings are low and that Bristol Palin was bad on Dancing with the Stars. Does anyone you or I know give a crap? I don’t think so. And the same pleasure seems to warm her frozen heart when Glenn Beck lost his show., and the list goes on and on. Do you hear anything from the wicked witch from the Left when a tax cheat like Charles Rangel did what he did, or Blagojevich, or Eliot Spitzer..When Tom Daschle, failed to pay more than $100,000 in Taxes, he got promoted to a higher position. when Timothy Geithner, failed to pay taxes he owed, he was made Treasury Secretary, the so called “Green Czar” Van Jones had to resign because he was an admitted commie bastard. . Obama must be a genius and an angel, because she is never disappointed in any of the things that he has done, even when the “most ethical Congress ever” turned out to be the most UN ethical Congress we have ever had. Too bad Al Capone is dead, he might have been appointed to the Supreme Court. Hypocrisy? I would say so! When you have a President that go to consult with Al Sharpton on his turf, you know we are in big trouble. No one on the left gave a damn whe Reverend Wright said the DISGUSTING thing that he did. And the ALL bought the LIE that Obama never heard any of it. But these lefties will be blaming Bush and bashing Sarah Palin till the cows come home .
And now we have another “Screwball” named Jerry Brown to join the ranks of the Looney Tunes. This is going to be more fun that a dancing Monkey with a peg leg.