Shunning Our Allies and Empowering Our Enemies

It all started on the day of his inauguration which was an utter embarrassment when Joseph Lowery delivered that RACIST Inauguration Benediction . Remember it, the one where he said " brown can stick around. When yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right" That was when the big can of worms was opened. As if we weren't warned by the speech where Rev Wright call White's and American's those awful names. Barack Hussein Obama's first acts as president was to return the gift that was a show of support from Great Britain, the bust of Winston Churchill that had been in the Oval Office ever since 9/11. Winston Churchill to the Britts is like Able Lincoln to us here in America. As is that wasn't enough of an embarrassment. He followed this cleaver act up by shunning and humiliating Bebe Netanyahu the Prime Minister of Israel in the White House by leaving him standing there alone when Obama left to go to dinner. And then by denying Prime Minister Gordon Brown, on his first state visit, the usual joint press conference with flags. Obama didn’t disappoint when he gave those stupid cheap cheesy gifts to Prime Minister Brown and the Queen of England. And just last week when eruptions occurred all over the streets of Egypt, Obama came down firmly on the side of the protesters in the streets, and insisted that Mubarik get out! And we see the something being repeated right now with Obama and Her Thighness Hillery demanding that the Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi get out. He maybe right, but he does not have the right to dictate his opinions to the Heads of States of foreign countries. Just remember those FACTS, and come election day in 2012, don't let your liberal friends shame you into voting for Obama by painting you as a racist.And remember that Obama isn't the only one that wants "Change"