Obama Finally Speaks Tonight

This insane war started TEN days ago. and he will Finally be Speaking about it Tonight! I wonder if it's because he needed the time to see how things were going or was it because he was so wiped out out from doing the Boogie in Brazil? Since then, Obama has called this thing by more names that Carer has Pills. But the one accepted by his advisers is "A Humanitarian Intervention" Even I must agree that's a really great choice. Even if he took a week and a half to pick it.
Now the big question of the day is will "The Nobel peace prize winner" convince the public, the Congress and me that he is doing the right thing?
And will the majority of the people support his killing people and destroying a Country for the reasons on his Teleprompter, once again telling everybody that it’s all for their own good. And just how much support will he get from his own party? And will his approval rating soar for a president who was nothing more than a Coward running out of the Country with his entire family to Vacation while our boys put their lives on the line in another land dishing out a dose of death and destruction to people that we have no reason to fight with.
And are those Liberal Suckers still buying that
"Change We Can Believe In" BS? And just how long are those idiots on the Left going to stand for this and keep on believing in his "Change"
My guess is that they will never take off those blinders, they will believe in his CRAP until we go down ourselves. After all, he's the First Black President, and the First Black President can not do anything wrong no matter waht, not in their blind eyes. It's always going to be Bush=Bad, Obama=Good. You can't teach an Old Dog New Tricks.
Obama's foreign policy changes like the wind. It all depends on what "Is, Is"
So, will Obama convince you that getting us involved in Libya's civil war is justified? Are you going to buy his snake oil? Are you ready to spend our money dropping more bombs on people's homes and heads, and risking the lives of our service man and women AGAIN?
We're already in two wars, so what's one or two more?.. If you are then when the poll man comes knocking on your door tell him that you are. I am NOT!
Egypt and Libya's problems are none of our affairs, and come to think about it, why didn't Obama go in and bomb Egypt? Or was it because he was home at that time and not on Vacation.
Bottom line, I am against Obama's involvement in the Libya period. "The President does not have power under the Constitution to authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve an actual or imminent threat to this nation."
Ever hear that before? Well you should have, it was said by
Sen. Barack Obama, 12/20/2007