Peter King Is Never Afraid To Tell It like It Is.

Jewish couple and three children killed in West Bank.

So much for the Religion of Peace.
(Reuters) - In a horrific massacre, a Jewish couple and three of their young children one was only a few months old, were stabbed to death in bed in a West Bank settlement in what Israeli officials said Saturday was an attack by one or more Palestinians who broke into their home.

And by the way, this wasn't even reported by CNN. Has anyone heard any Muslim leaders speak out against this cowardly act? But the lefty TV stations are still full of Charlie Sheen stories. And who will be eliminated from American Idol.

Remember the Bombing of the World Trade Towers, both of the bombings the first on and the Last one, remember the bombing of the USS Cole?, the Marine Barracks in Lebanon, the Times Square Bomber, the Underwear Bomber, the Shoe Bomber, the attempted Bombing of Fort Dix, the Fort Hood shooting?
Who were responsible for these? Were they Germans, Japanese, Irish, Italians, Catholic's, Jews, Indians? No! They ALL had one common denominator, they were ALL Muslims.
Not to say that ALL Muslims are evil, not at all, but it seems that ALL the Evil ones were Muslims. So why not let Peter King hold these hearings?

Peter King has a very valid point, and good for him to have the guts to say what we think. What are the Muslims afraid of, and why are they so upset at what he said is only because the truth hurts.
Were these Liberals and or Progressives OK when
Nancy Pelosi , President Obama, and Harry
Reid said that the threat was from the "Right-wing extremists", as if Right-wingers were some sort of threat? and that is what the government should be worrying about that? Or when
that brainless and reckless idiot Nancy Pelosi called Right-Wingers, "Domestic Terrorists", people that have HONORABLY served this country and even died for her! But when Peter King says something that has to be said, they compare him to McCarthy. Who are the people that are carrying bombs in the Airplanes? Are they not Muslims? They surly aren't our "Typical White Grandmothers"
Either Janet Napolitano has fallen asleep on this job, or this job is way over her head, because the way it's being carried out is not working. We are punishing and inconveniencing the wrong people.
One freaken idiot who was from the Muslim community put a bomb in his shoe and Millions of law abiding innocent American's are taking off their shoes every time they board an Aircraft. Millions of Americans every day are having their luggage searched, taking off their shoes, and being embarrassed by going through full-body security scanners . And having their privacy violated, by these TSA punks. But God Forbid we profile Muslims. Are we crazy, or what?
It is time for us Real Americans to take a stand. And it's time for Peter King to do his job, the same job that Janet Napolitano can't do. And Eric Holder won't do.
Are we "people" or passive "Sheeple" that are being Bullied by being searched, felt-up, poked prodded, screened, and inconvenienced, by these irritating idiots, these so called protectors of our safety who can’t even put together an entire sentence in English ?
Look, it's no
secret that Islam is at war with us, so whats the big problem? If these people have nothing to hide, and they are not radical Muslims then they should be willing to let us do what we must do.. It is what it is and what it is is a big problem. We are all tired of being PC and ignoring the elephant in the room, it's time to take a stand..
Needless to say that the Democrat's reaction to this was so predictable and terribly obvious. What an embarrassment. Liberals simply can't face the truth. The U.S. needs to be willing to say that Islam is a Clear and Present Danger.
And the
despicable Leftist blogging IDIOTS are calling us Republican/Conservatives Fascists