After much controversy about America’s involvement in Libya, President Barack Hussein Obama is finally ready to give a speech during prime time and “try” to explain to us Americans what the heck in the world are we doing in that God Forsaken Country. . Obama will address the nation Monday night at 7:30 p.m. to discuss our Military operations in Libya. I just hope that they don't pre-empt my favorite program "House". And if anyone cares to watch it, Good Luck to you. And if anyone wants to believe anything that comes out of his mouth, Good luck to you!
So,if your really care about what Obama is going to say on Monday, then tune in. I’m sure the world is waiting with baited breath to hear that BS. Here is what I for one think about Obama and Libya .

I don't give a rat's ass about what Barack Obama is going to say on Monday, I don’t care how he feels about that creep Gaddafi, or Libya, or Libyans, or about
Only the brain-dead Obama-supporters will believe a word he says about take your pick, the 'Muslim Brotherhood' or about Hugo Chavez, or Hillary Clinton or about anything that he has to say. In a nut-shell, I won’t listen to this jerk, in my opinion he's irrelevant, I can’t stand him, and whenever I see him or I hear his voice I feel as if want to puke

In a nutshell, I am against this new war, I can not understand what we are doing there and why we got involved there in the first place. I would not waste one American life on any of these vermin. The Libyans have dealt with and wanted this creep Gaddafi for some 40 years, so why are we trying to change them? Is not any of our business to. They get what they deserve. We can not be the Policeman of the whole wold. And besides, we already know that Congress was not consulted first, so why the heck is he being allowed to carry this on, and on, and on. Obama promised that there will be No Troops On The Ground, yeah right! Give me a Friggin break! An ABC affiliate in North Carolina says that there are ALREADY more than 2,000 U.S. Marines are on the ground in Libya.

This is in no way a so called “HUMANITARIAN POLICING”
The Attack on Libya is Not Merely a No Fly Zone—But an all out attack on Libya, hence the launching of 100's of Tomahawk Cruse Missiles, and American warships and aircraft carriers and Aircraft bombings.
Putting it bluntly. Obama's war on Libya is unconstitutional. The UN can not tell us what to do and when to do it. Only Congress can. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 (50 U.S.C. 1541–1548) provides that the President can send U.S. armed forces into action abroad only by authorization of Congress
This guy better be a one-term president or America is up the creek.