A Brief And Limited War In Libya. Don't Bet On That.

When American’s asked what the hell is he doing?.

Obama replied : This Is Not a War, It's a Humanitarian Engagement That We Are Engaged In
“A Military Engagement”
So without a declaration of war, he responds in a ridiculous spin calling it a
"humanitarian" effort !
Gee, what a great guy!

We can all remember the then Senator Barack Obama as he was campaigning for the presidency and on the debates he had this strong antiwar platform. He campaigned on ending the wa

Do you remember his saying "As president, I will not assert a constitutional authority to deploy troops in a manner contrary to an express limit imposed by Congress and adopted into law"
He told us how he was going to put an end to the war in Iraq , and bring the Troops home. Bringing Our Troops Home was his most prominent promise. He told us that he was going to keep the peace and ,vowed that all U.S. troops will return home from Iraq by the end of next year. That was last year. Since then his administration has escalated military operations in Afghanistan. Including a troop surge, that by the way went no where. And we are as involved in Afghanistan just as much as ever. And now the President just opened a third front in Libya, so where do you peace loving Obama supporters think were going to get these troops from? Is your brother or cousin or husband or boyfriend going to enlist? I seriously doubt that.
The only difference is that he buddies over at the MSM stopped counting the bodies every day like they did when George Bush was in office. And we stopped seeing the body bags returning home daily. And now we find ourselves deeply involved in a third front. But hold on one minute, don’t get too upset, he told us that this was going to be a “BRIEF AND LIMITED WAR” Yeah right, where have we hear that before? But unfortunately Muammar Gaddafi promises it to be a long and messy one. So who are we to believe, a President who is a liar or a Libyan Colonel who is a liar? Or a Secretary of State who is also a liar. Which one is is shoving BS down our throats again. Or could it be both of them?
And where is the outrage? Where are the protests and demonstrations? The hypocrisy although was expected is more outrageous then the act! As we already found long ago, the Constitution never interfered with anything Obama wanted to do before, when he wants something, anything he just does it.
The bottom line is this. On day one, both Our Dear Leader and our Secretary of State said “ GHADAFFI MUST GO”. Then only 2 days after I heard a top General as well as others in the Administration say , "No, we are not trying to take out Ghadaffi." We only want to protect the innocent rebels. Then we drop a 2 ton bomb in his back yard. Right on or near his Compound. . What changed?" Yes , where is the leftwing outrage? What changed the minds of these HYPOCRITES? And why isn’t Obama is a WAR-MONGER, after all we are still in Iraq and still in Afghanistan now we are on a third front in Libya? He also told us “There is no need for ground forces.” And if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. I’m sorry, but I can’t seem to understand the difference between what Obama just did and what George Bush did except that George Bush has America’s interest in mind when he did what he did., instead of an illegal invasion.
As I type this, the skies over Libya are full of Missiles, Fighter Jets, and Bombs. The ground is full of Tanks etc.

“A BRIEF AND LIMITED WAR” Yeah right, where have we hear that before?
Look around us Folks, we ARE at War!