The Offices Of The President, Does NOT Come With A Free Pass To Do Whatever He Pleases.

No Siree bob, The United States Constitution describes the powers of what the President can or can not do without the approval of Congress.
The offices of the President, does not come with a free pass to do whatever he pleases. In case you care, to do so is unconstitutional. Neither You or your predecessor George Bush get a pass on breaking the United States Constitution. Mr. President, remember that Bill Clinton, was impeached for lying about something a lot important then what you are doing right now.
But really, does this surprise anyone? Well it shouldn’t! Unless you are one of those blind liberal supporters or should I say followers, that w
ill back Obama no matter what. Unless you believe that it’s your Liberal obligation to stand behind anything that he says, does, or tells you to believe no matter what. In case you don’t know what that really describers the answer is “A ZOMBIE”
Yes, Obama think the Constitution does not apply to him? He thinks that he can “Blame Bush” and the rest of the Conservatives/Republicans for standing in his way to destroy America.

If you want some real and direct evidence of this, you don’t have to look any further then the comments made just this morning by Chuckie Upchuck Chuck Schumer. When he was CAUGHT during a conference call instructing other Democratic Senators to call Republicans by newest Democrat Mantra. "EXTREME". Though this term had been used by Madam Nancy Pelosi for the longest time, Chuckie Upchuck Chuck Schumer (when he thought that he not being heard by the press) that he was told by Barbara Boxer, and Blumenthal along with other members of the Democratic Caucus instructed this week to use the term “EXTREMISTS”." to paint House Speaker John Boehner and the rest of the Teaparty movement. Chuckie Upchuck Chuck Schumer is nothing but a little Weasel and a messenger Boy for the Liberal party. And he has always been a Hillary Clinton Lap Dog.
Getting back to Barack Obama’s reckless handling of this newest War, once again said that Moammar Gadhafi MUST step down. Obama says that he is NOT trying to overthrow Moammar Gadhafi, but he does not rule out arming the rebels who ARE seeking to overthrow Gadhafi. Is this anything like "It depends on what the meaning of the word is, is”
Clearly, he is so incompetent and not at all qualified to be President, and now even more then ever before is so very is obvious that he is so in over his head that it has become very dangerous. Dangerous to America. And dangerous to the the rest of the world that depends of America’s leadership. And he either has NO idea of what’s going on around him, or he does and this is his ultimate plan.

He wants to indiscriminately just arm the Rebels and then what? Hope for the best? Hope that the Rebels do what? Shoot the right people? Do we know who these Rebels really are? They could very easily be terrorists who will turn around and attacks us with the same weapons that we supply them with. So what is Obama thinking? I just don't understand how this agenda has anything to do with us. What are his real motives? Where is this “WAR” going to lead us and how many American lives is he willing to sacrifice for his “ HUMANITARIAN MISSION”
And how can these liberal supporters just blindly follow him every time in every crisis no matter what it costs and no matter how many Americans he puts in Harms way? There wasn’t any reasons for Obama to authorize an attack on Libya without Congressional approval. The UN passes a resolution and that’s the end all of everything? The UN is not the answer. They never were, they have their own agenda and that agenda never suited the United States before so what the sudden shift? Didn’t Saddam Hussain break the UN’s resolution when Hans Blix the Inspector was thrown out of Iraq? Where were the UN supporters then? Where were France then? Where was the Liberals support of George Bush then? In case some of you Libs forgot it, it was called UN Resolution 1441 .... A resolution that was unanimously adopted and approved by the UN, otherwise know as the United Nations Security Council.

Bottom line is... We are bombing him all day long, every day in the week, including his Compound and yet we continue to say that we are not targeting him.

And on another even MORE important note:
And now we are learning that many of these so called “Rebels” are connected to or have allegiance to , or are sympathetic to, or have connections to al Qaeda. So one has to only wonder how many of these weapons that we are supplying them with will eventually end up killing our own Troops?
Any questions or comments on that my Liberal readers? Congratulations Obama, once again you didn’t disappoint me.
Now do you know why I don’t like this President?

Now I ask you Liberals, I really don't expect you to agree with anything that I have said here, but ask yourself when you are alone in a closet where no one can hear your answer... : Does this make any sense to you? Don’t you think that we should know who we are fighting and who we are supplying with arm before we fight for them? Come on now, your in a closet, no one can hear you. SAY IT!