Do as I Say (Not as I Do):

The Obamamessiah who was supposed to bring civility to the nation, has now started a race issue. Telling us how he was "Bullied" because of his "Big Ears" and his name. Needless to say, I was all broken up when I heard that. Poor Baby. I never knew that they had a "bully" problem in Kenya. But wasn’t his original name Barry Soetoro? So why would he be “bullied” because of his name?
But OK, I won't jump to any conclusions. How ever.......................................................................
Wasn’t it Barack Obama who said, we have to stop spending lots of money and going to places like Las Vegas? Didn’t he tell us to be budget conscience, Is this another case of Don’t do as I do, but do as I say? But his little Moochie, spends like there's no tomorrow. And lets not forget the First Moocher spending the tax-payers money in a chic five-star hotel on the Costa del Sol in Southern Spain with over 50 of her friends and Hollywood cronies.
And how about Nancy Pelosi fliying all around the world on private Jets.
And they call Michelle Obama the fashion icon for the every woman when she stepped out of the Michellemobile holding a $1,000 tote bag. Or when she had that photo-op in a s\Soup kitchen and a Homeless shelter wearing $500.00 sneakers!
Obama told us that WE have to sacrifice and stop spending, stop going on expensive vacations and stop going to Las Vegas
But since Barack Obama was sworn into office, the entitlement spending has grown 4 percent, and the current deficit is
$ 1 4 , 2 0 0 , 6 5 4 , 6 0 6 , 6 0 8 .00 and the National Debt will continue to increase an average of $4.12 billion a day
But Obama told us that WE have to sacrifice! What does this guy and his wife know about responsibility? Is he and Moochie going to sacrifice? I’m not holding my breath.
Maybe our Dear leader should be thinking about sacrificing instead of throwing parties for his Motown cronies while half of the Middle East is on fire and 10 percent of America is unemployed. But no, the King like Marie Antoinette says let them eat cake! Just like she tells us what we else we should do and can’t do. I never knew Michelle Obama was an elected official, did you? Someone ought to tell her that It's called hypocritical. It's called being completely out of touch with the people that you are supposed to be representing, and that she is tell us one thing and doing another..
But there is some good news! Moochie said that it’s ok for us to eat Turkey on Thanksgiving Day
And how about the number of people and expense the Obama administration spent sending all those people to Copenhagen for the climate change summit. And the Hundreds of democrats and millions of dollars spent on transportation and accommodations to try to make us believe that there was a climate crisis .
There one thing the Obama's really knows how to do is throw a party. And they really have a guest list of the finest as well as the most scrupulous guests.
I have some news for you sick people in Washington..., fix the problems that we have here in America then you can think about all these perks you love so much. That’s why you were elected.

Mrs. Obama’s early flight to Hawaii: Cost you $63,000

* Obama’s round trip flight to Hawaii: Cost you $1 million

* Housing in beachfront homes for Secret Service and Seals in Kailua ($1,200 a day for 14 days): Cost you $16,800

* White House staff staying at Moana Hotel: Cost you $134,400 ($400 per day for 24 staff) – excluding meals and other room.

* Police overtime: $250,000 (2009 costs reported by Honolulu Police Department)