As World Burns, Obamas Takes Moochie and the Kids To Rio On The Taxpayer’s Dime

Madam Secretary of State Hillary “Rodham- HerThighness” Clinton seemed to take the lead in Threatening, Criticizing, and Intervening into the Gaddafi mess. Did she “Out-Stage” the Kenyan President? Or did she just do as she was told to do as I think she did. Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Who Is The President?

Is our Kenyan hero and our Madam Secretary of State Hillary “Rodham- HerThighness” Clinton getting us involved in another Middle East conflict? If so I honestly would like to know where's the outrage from the media, and from the Lefties? And are on the “Brink of War “with Libya? From the looks of these threats it certainly looks like it, it looks like Iraq and Afghanistan all over again, except Obama seemed to forget that he has to get approval from Congress! Do you lefties remember that? Do you remember when George Bush actually went to Congress got Congress's approval for the use of Military Force, which is a type of war declaration. To the best of my knowledge only Congress can declare war, and Congress did not declare war in Iraq . However Congress and the majority of the Senate did pass a resolution supporting the war, including Kennedy, Clinton, Pelosi, Reid, Albright, and Kerry.
So where are we now? What is Mr. Big Shot Obamba going to do now that his friends , Reverend Wright and Screwy Louie Farakhan are against invading a Brudda. It took him a week to say something about the situation in Japan and to speak to the Nation about the crises unfolding all over the world including Lybia, Hillary is not the President and she is upstaging the Clown form Kenya, who is busy packing his suit cases and Golf bag to go off to Brazil with his Moochie pie.

Obama demanded, yes, DEMANDED that Moammar Gadhafi halt all military actions and attacks and said that if he did not, the United States would join in military action against him

Isn't it funny that no one is calling Obama and Hillary a warmonger! Why doesn't anyone to go on record by calling Obama a Warmonger?
Let's get a few things straight for you stupid, ignorant, uneducated, losers, It's time to stop defending everything that Barry does and says. It’s time to realize that this guy is in this job way over his head. And that he is using this office for his own agenda and his own priorities that seem to be Golf, Basketball, Vacations and Parties where he allows a Chinese Communist piano player playing a Communist Anti American song in our White House.
He is not a leader, if he was, he wouldn’t be running away to Brazil right now and leaving Hillary holding the bag. Yeah, Bush is to blame, if it weren’t for Bush we wouldn’t be having Earthquakes and Hurricanes and the Tsunami’s! What the heck, Kanye West and Spike Lee did. And lets not forget Rosie O'Donnell said that the 9-11 attack was a Conspiracy. But that’s for another day and another blog topic, I know that I have the habit of drifting off in a different subject direction from where I started from, I’m the first to admit it, but that’s the way I think, and I like to say what I think, so sue me.
And while I’m on the subject of changing the subject, did I mention that the Brazilians have been protesting the on coming visit of President Obama and that they threw a a Molotov cocktail into the American consulate in Rio de Janeiro? And you thought that they only did things like throwing shoes at George Bush! Well maybe Moochie the Fashion Queen will wow them with a new pretty dress. I’m just hoping and praying that she don’t get carried away and wear a bikini on the beach.


by Josh Gerstein
Brazilians protesting the imminent visit of President Barack Obama struck the U.S. consulate in Rio de Janeiro with a Molotov cocktail Friday, prompting police to respond with rubber bullets, according to local news accounts. The U.S. Consulate in Rio said one security guard was treated at a local hospital for minor injuries after the brief demonstration. A radio reporter was hit by the rubber bullets, Brazilian newspaper O Globo reported. The crowd was protesting U.S. participation in enforcing a no-fly zone over Libya, local reports said.

Geez, when a jackass in Iraq threw his shoe at George Bush we heard about it for months.
How come this is so hush hush?