The Height of Arrogance

National Museum of African American History and Culture Celebrates Black History Month with Obama's plan to build a new museum on the National Mall.
But who are we to question the King?

WASHINGTON -- The Smithsonian Institution would see a $100 million increase in President Obama's budget plan to build a new museum on the National Mall, while his proposal would make small cuts elsewhere at the complex.

The 2012 fiscal year request for the Smithsonian totals $861.5 million. The increase would fund construction of a black-history museum.

Congress has pledged to provide half the museum's $500 million cost. It is scheduled for completion in 2015.

The Smithsonian's budget for salaries and facilities would decline about $5 million. To absorb the cut, the National Zoo will close its Kids Farm. The National Museum of the American Indian will replace a paid interpreters program with volunteers. And a repatriation program that returns sacred objects to American Indian tribes will have a smaller budget for travel and consultants.

OBAMA'S own statement on budget! "But I’m also convinced that the only way we can make these investments in our future is if our government starts living within its means, if we start taking responsibility for our deficits. That’s why, when I was sworn in as President, I pledged to cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term. The budget I’m proposing today meets that pledge -– and puts us on a path to pay for what we spend by the middle of the decade. We do this in part by eliminating waste and cutting whatever spending we can do without."