It's Very Encouraging to See That the Progressives Are Reading My Blog,

Can You Hear Us Now?

It's VERY encouraging to see that The Progressives are reading my blog, maybe they will wake up and learn something. I congratulate you on your good taste
Yes, It's not only refreshing and encouraging to see the liberals calling us Conservatives names on their blogs, but it also means that we must be doing something right. We must be hitting a nerve somewhere.
I am well acquainted with the principles of liberalism/progressive’s, lies. So it comes as no surprise to me when I read the lame excuses that they make to cover up their obvious stupidity. I always said that the Liberals suffer from a mental disorder and those who write these nutty things about us or about the Tea Party, or about their favorite targets Sarah Palin, Rush Limbagn and Glenn Beck, it comes to NO surprise. . Get a Liberal/Progressive pissed off and "wala" they post the dumbest things, and may I add the most outlandish lies. Say something about their Dear Leader and look out, they go ape and off the wall. They forget the vile and hateful things that they said aimed about Bush/Cheney/Quayle, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Rush and yes the Tea Party and Reagan. Oh yeah, how soon they forget. They forget when they have called me delusional and childish.

What makes these Progressive sites so hypocritical is that they are usually the first to label any criticism of President Obama as racial hatred. Talking about “HATRED” The left always needs to have someone to use as their an enemy, because they are cowards.
These are the same people who have been violently spewing HATRED towards anything to do with Conservatism. From the Tea Party movement, to Glenn Beck, to Bill O'Reilly
to Fox News, to Rush Limbaugh, to Sarah Palin, to Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, to John Boehner, Michelle Malkin, Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, and even our Constitution!
But when it comes down to the Ass Clown in the White House and his Flabby Wife, they go Bonkers! Let alone the
socialist Obamacare bill.
How’s that for the Pot calling the Kettle Black? Or am I not supposed to use a pun like that!
How can anyone be a fan of that Putz Nancy Pelosi who dresses like a Nazi? And it seems that our “Socialist” president gets a Free Pass to everything that he does.
This administration went beyond dumb last week when Obama and Secretary of State Hillary “her Thighness” Clinton demand that 1st Muhammad Mubarak “Step Down” and now they said the same to Muammar Gaddafi. I wonder who they are dictating this to heads of Foreign States?
It's no wonder that
the President of the United States is actually distrusted by its allies.