Welcome To The New Republican Majority Congress

First, I’d like to say welcome to the new 112th Congress that will be a Republican Majority Congress. I am looking forward to the end to the fraudulent manner that the previous Congress did their job. And I am confident that this Congress they will do their jobs well and honorably .. Also I am particularly looking forward to the 13 new Republican Senators who make a difference in the Senate. Americans are looking for principle minded leaders. And leaders who will not just rubber stamp and/or be bribed or have their arms twisted by that rotten “Hope and Change”scoundrel in the White House. I’m confident this impressive class of new Republicans will not disappoint me. Unlike the previous Congress who would cave in to anything that The Messiah dictated . Now that the old school of democrats currently known as the progressives have bitten the dust, And hopefully forever. Their incessant venom will be as effective as a tit on a bull. Americans want their lawmakers to cut OUT Washington’s big spending, tackle the debt, get our citizens (yes, I said “CITIZENS”) back to work, get rid of that Insane Healthcare bill that is only going to put us further in debt, and to help create the right conditions for job growth in this country. As for you non-believers on the left, deny all you want to, but that's the way it is and that’s the way it’s going to be for a long, long time.. After Barack Obama get through with his agenda, America is not going to want a Liberal in the White House anymore. For two years, Americans have been telling us that they’re tired of being shut out of the hearings, shut out of the voting process and shut out of the legislative process. They want to be heard. The Tea Party also want to be heard ,and in the November elections they were heard. As far as bi-partisan politics is concerned, take a look at what Chuck Schumer said just this morning about the "NEW" republican congress In case you missed it, I'll quote him. "The new Republican Congress looks a lot like the last Republican Congress," Schumer chided, recalling when the budget surplus left under President Clinton was diminished and turned into a deficit. The GOP's addition of $1 trillion to the deficit "makes you just shake your head and say, 'There they go again,'" he said. Schumer also said that the House Republicans' "reckless" policies will be "dead on arrival" in the Democratic-led Senate. How’s that for welcoming in bipartisanship? Like I said, they ONLY want “Compromise” when they are NOT in power. What is most upsetting to me, is the way the democrats are now looking at our Constitution. Did anyone see or hear what that Horse’s Ass Joy Behar said just yesterday? She said, and I QUOTE! “Do you think this Constitution-loving is getting out of hand?” I guess that she was annoyed at the New ' House Republicans because they were in favor of upholding the Constitution.. Well Yes, Joy, us far-right wackos on the right and the Tea Party members happen to believe in the Constitution. And people wonder why I have such contempt for venomous creature like that. So in closing, I wish the new Congress all the luck in the world, the problems we face her in America today are enormous and we must start to resolve them at once, while we are still able.

And Thank you Tea Baggers!

And the latest news is that Obami has appointed another Chicago Crook to his administration, doesn't he know anyone who isn't a Crook?