Ultimate Hypocrisy, The Leftist Media And the Leftist Bloggers Wind up with Egg on Their Miserable Lying Scandalous Faces.

Cops say, Todd Palin, is not involved in a prostitution ring or with Shailey Tripp.
The New York Daily News, by Aliyah Shahid
The Anchorage Police Department blasted the National Enquirer’s recent report that Todd Palin is embroiled in a sex scandal involving an extramarital affair with a massage therapist who belonged to a prostitution ring. "It was just guilt by innuendo, nothing else," Lt. Dave Parker told the Daily News on Wednesday. "There’s not one scintilla of evidence that Todd Palin had anything to do with this."

Or perhaps someone only "MISS-SPOKE"

So the whole store was UNTRUE! Gee, What a surprise.
I think that Mr. Obama should do that CIVILITY SPEECH all over again. But this time in ENGLISH. I guess that the left doesn’t understand Kenyan.

Just story is as WRONG and as hypocritical as the other Leftist stories where they jumped the gun and blamed the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords on Sarah Palin. Why didn’t Obama say “Lets not Jump to Conclusions” here?
The shooting of Gabrielle Giffords,
tje federal judge, and that poor little 9-year-old girl were
tragic enough.
Just put the name Sarah Palin in a headline and the lefties will come out from under the woodwork like ants to gang up on the story. She gets blamed for everything right or wrong. As the media and the Leftist blogger did with the “blood libel” remark and the Cross Hairs remark. Let alone the tragic shooting of Gabrielle Giffords, the congresswoman in Arizona .