"Obviously photoshopped." I Don't Think So!

A commenter who is Obviously a lefty made an accusation on my previous post accusing me of using a " photoshopped" picture of the Chinese Communist Flag flying along with the America Flag and at the same height which is not allowed according to American protocol .

Here is the comment :
"Obviously photoshopped." There are no street lamps on the White House lawn as is shown in the fake photo on this blog.

I bet he didn't see this on the Networks News tonight, nor did you read the same Newspaper that I did. Because if you did, you would have seen this same picture plastered all over. And I would bet thet they didn't "Photoshop" it either. Well OK Dick Tracy, There are no street lamps on the White House lawn. Big Freaken Deal, so I made a boo boo, and called it the White House when I SHOULD HAVE CALLED IT THE CAPITAL! But in any case, This Was NOT "Obviously photoshopped.: as you so erroneously put it. Nor was it a "Fake Photo: as you so erroneously put it again. In fact the same picture was in my daily NewsRag this morning right next to the picture of Ms Obama wearing the White House Drapes.

Another Obamanation!
Me thinks that Moochie needs to get herself a better adviser.