Navy Video Scandal: Will Capt. Owen Honors Lose His Job?

Lose His Job? How FREAKIN PC has this country gotten too??

Our nation currently has no immigration or border enforcement controls, We are deeper in debt than Kelsey’s bar bill. Our unemployment is at record highs. The housing market is at bottom lows. Our Dear leader and his Queen of Flab are either on the Golf course or somewhere in a foreign country buying new shoes . The price of oil almost hit $100 a barrel today. A 10-year-old boy on Ohio was charged with murder today for shooting his mother. Our service Men and Women are risking their lives day after day with hardly any reward if any at all. Maybe it’s because they are so involved with trying to pass that stupid Dream Amnesty Bill that will turn millions of current illegal aliens into legalized workers, students, and voters. That’s really what it’s all about, it’s not for the children it’s for putting a few million illegal aliens into the democratic party. And so while Hugo Chavez and Hillary Clinton were having a friendly chat at the inauguration of Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff. And Brett Favre may finally retire. We here in the United States of America are investigating the ship's Captain of two years ago who is now a Rear Admiral, as well as a senior admiral in charge of the naval task force of SEVEN WARSHIPS, not Gomer Pyle! This ship happen to be a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.
And here we are investigating a series of raunchy videos made by some Sailors entertaining each other at sea while their ship was actively deployed to help war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan about TWO years ago! Where is Don't ask Don't Tell? NEW FLASH people these are Adults . Wake the hell up, where is the problem? Have we become such PC Prudes that some Adult Sailors can no longer entertain each other by making a raunchy video and playing it on CLOSED CIRCUIT TV! This was a video made not to be shared with the general public but to be seen by those who were onboard the ship only. It was meant for fun. Theses people were just having some fun, what part of that is so hard to understand?
Do you really want our military people to behave like Queen Elisabeth? Are these people on a War ship or in the Little house on the Prairie?
People have such thin skins today, that it’s getting to be really a freaken shame. I guess that no one has a sense of humor any longer, it just seems that people just want to make trouble for one another and it’s a damn shame because so many real GOOD men wind up suffering over nothing more that a joke. But I never seem to hear any complaints about these idiots so called comedians who make these obscene jokes about people like Sarah Palin and her daughter. Or the Black comedians in these clubs that call white people these names like crackers or the Irish drunk jokes.
Just who are the gutless idiots that are making this into a news story and that will most likely wind up having this Captain thrown out of the service.
I can tell you this, that this country better get real and focus on the important things in the world before we wind up kissing the ass’s of the Chinese and the Arabs. Because it’s things like this and things like Al Sharpton running all over telling the President of the United States of America and the Governor of New York what to do and how to do it.
All I want to say in ending is, come on people get over it ! . If you ask people to go to war, and ask them to leave their families, friends jobs etc, to fight for you and me the don’t get do damn upset if they will blow off some steam by having a few laughs among themselves .

PS Where's the mention of
Obama taking 3,000 people and 34 War Ships with him on his vacation to Mumbai, India! And the fact that cost the American Tax-Payers $200 million per day.

Tomorrow, (Wednesday) the congress will be changing, the lefties
majority will be gone, along With Their Closed Door System (thank God) and thanks to the American voters.
Let the process begin. Start with Repealing Obamacare, Cut the insane Spending, and Get Rid Of Barack Hussain Obama, along with the Queen of Flab and all their crazy ultra expensive vacations along with Oprah and his friends from "The View" who are living a life of luxury at the taxpayers expense.

I’m sick and tired of hearing about all of them. Especially Obama and Moochie living like a King and Queen on our dime and spending OUR money like it’s going out of style, when the economy is in shambles.
And, Hey you liberal/progressive's, Eat Your Hearts Out!

The Navy Captain at center of the scandal over raunchy videos shown on USS Enterprise to be relieved of his Command.