The Two Most Powerful Men On The Face Of The Earth. And The Decline of the USA

I never thought I would see the day when the Communist flag would fly next to the most beautiful flag in the world , The Flag of the United States of America on American soil. And in front of the White House!!! Considering that the Commie flag stands against anything and everything that Old Glory stands for. I guess the Commander in Doubt is overlooking China's horrible Atrocities and their Monstrous treatment against the human rights of its people. How dare he include the Patriotic American people in his lack of respect for this country.. Our Forefathers s would be turning over in their graves if they could see the mockery and the lack of respect that he shows us and the rest of the world.. He has once again trampled all over Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, I am sick and tired of the way this man bows and caters to these Foreign Pissants and makes a mockery out of this still great nation. And I am sick of being called a racist because I disagree with his socialist policies and his daily acts of treason. . Say what you may, but I sure do miss George Bush. Who knew how to follow American protocol and did not drag our Construction though the mud.

So I guess that the General Tsos Chicken went over big last night. But, but.... I think that Someting not right here! Was this mistaky or was dis done here on perpuss? But since when does a foreign flag, of any Nation fly in front of an American flag in America ? As far as I know and I think that I know pretty dam much about American protocol.

No other flag is to be flown even at the same level as the American flag, let alone in front of it.
But I guess that since that we have borrowed all those trillions of dollars from this country, that we owe them the courtesy of breaking our FOOLISH AMERICAN PROTOCOL!
But who am I to judge?
And I guess that just like the General Tsos Chicken, our American protocol is just to be looked at as being Tasteless, Bland, Flavorless and Not Enough Hot Sauce.