Arizona’s Politically Correct Memorial Service’s

As if it weren’t enough that the Vicious leftist Vermin had jumped the gun on the Politics of the Arizona Shooting Tragedy. And put the blame on Sarah palin instead of on the hands of the NUT-Job that actually did the shooting and the miserable LYING Doctor Phil wannabe Tucson
Sheriff Dipshit. Surely the sheriff's office knew he was a nut case from the very begining and even prior to the shooting.
But now that there is such CLEAR evidence that it was NOT the work of the Right-Wing Talk Radio Show Hosts, and that Conservatives are NOT just a bunch of Right-Wing hot heads. The Progressive SOCIALIST SLIME-BALL bloggers, the same ones that lost ALL their credibility are now on the bandwagon to discredit Sarah Palin and call her anti-Semitic for her use of the term "blood libel" in her video statement on the Arizona shootings. Poor choice of words? Maybe they were, but was it meant in an anti-Semitic way? Of course not. Just how stupid are these kookie freakin retarded Progressives? They know that she didn’t mean it in that tone, There is nothing at all improper and certainly nothing anti-Semitic in Sarah Palin using the term to describe what she believes are false accusations. And she was correct.
To tell you the truth, I ever heard the term “blood libel” before, and my own wife is Jewish. But it didn’t take the Drama Queen Progressive Obama ass kisser too long before she jumped on the Sarah Palin hate-mobile. Did she understood the historical context of that phrase? I doubt it. It’s not exactly a commonly know term.
Even Alan Dershowitz the well know Liberal Attorney is defending her, stating” There is nothing improper and certainly nothing anti-Semitic in Sarah Palin using the term to characterize what she reasonably believes are false accusations that her words or images may have caused a mentally disturbed individual to kill and maim. I myself have used it to describe false accusations against the State of Israel by the Goldstone Report.” Is Alan Dershowitz another right wing Jew hater? If anyone knows him they would think not as I do.
With the shameless, the liberal media now focuses on Sarah Palin's using the term "blood libel" just goes to show you how much they fear her. ... I am not a Sarah Palin for President supporter, it's not that I don't like her because I totally do, but I don't think she can't win.
I like Sarah Palin, I really do. I think that she is a smart and gutsy Lady who is a true believer in Conservative values and someone that REALLY loves America. That being said, I also think that the Left has already done a hatchet job on destroying her and her family. With the entire leftist media and the Looney Toons in Hollywood how can Sarah Palin stand a chance?
I for one am not a Sarah Palin supporter and I would not want to see her run for the Presidency, but I also do not want her or any other member of the Right trashed for the simple reason that they are a threat to the left. And in this case, I think Palin's response to the blood libel, false accusations that were made against her and others was totally appropriate... And I will fight on her side against all these Benito Mussolini’s that are obsessed to trash and destroy her and her family.
I wonder just how many posts these Leftist ass-wipes have dedicated to attack Sarah Palin?

And as a final note, what the hell was with that Native American prayer from a Mexican Medicine Man? The closest thing to a Pep Rally was Chief Looney Tunes opening the ceremony.
It lasted about 10 minute and it covered everything that God ever put on this earth. He blessed everything from Lizards to Mashed Potatoes.. Shaking Beads and Feathers and what not! . The only thing he didn’t do was to shake a skull full of marbles. Don’t you love a 65 year old man with hair down to his ass-crack. It seemed a bit inappropriate to me... What say you?

I had a hard time telling if he was saying a Prayer or asking for Rain.