More incompetence from this Administration! Or Was It?

Is there any question now? Is there any question
that we have a Commie Loving Marxist President?
Is there ANY question now that we saw
Lang Lang, a Chinese pianist, playing an ANTI AMERICAN piece on the piano at the White House diner last week!
ApparentlyComrad Hu and Obama and the rest of the Communist Chinese people think the American people are so stupid the nobody even knew that this Rat Bastard Lang Lang, the Chinese pianist was slapping us in the face instead of entertaining us. But the Progressive Marxist's don't even know that you can never trust a dictator. And I'm also sure that our Dear Leader was well aware of the fact. If he wasn't then he is even a bigger Jackass than I thought he was. After all, didn't anyone even bother to check on what this RAT BASTARD little twit was going to be playing?
Why wasn't these Mao-loving Communists properly vetted?Are all these mental midgets under the thumb of Comrade Obozo?
Now Just In case Some Of You Folks Aren't Aware Of This Story, I have it copied below.

Chinese-born pianist Lang Lang in many ways embodies the Sino-American comity that both President Hu Jintao and President Barack Obama emphasized during their summit this past week—which is no doubt why he was chosen to perform at the White House state dinner for Mr. Hu on Wednesday.

So it comes as a bit of a surprise that he is now being praised by nationalist Internet users in China for a perceived anti-U.S. slight supposedly implied in the 28-year-old’s choice of music that night.

Mr. Lang was invited to perform along with a number of U.S. jazz musicians. After bilingual comments to the assembled VIPs in which Mr. Lang said it was a “great honor” to be playing, he proceeded to perform a solo piece, which he introduced as a “Chinese song called ‘My Motherland."

As Chinese netizens have pointed out, “My Motherland” is the theme song for a famous anti-U.S. movie about the Korean War from 1956, titled “Battle on Shangganling Mountain.”

The performance has set the Chinese web abuzz—and more than a few people are convinced it wasn’t an accident.

Apparently this did not insult the Obama's after all look at the dress that Moochie was wearing. Hurray for Diversity

Rumor has it that Barack Hussein Obama has put this tune into his Ipod.