The Republican New Year's Resolution For 2011

The Republican New Year's Resolution For 2011, Repeal Obamacare, Cut Spending, and Get Rid Of Barack Hussain Obama!
Let's flush the liberal parties rabid agenda along with Obama and his Obamacare Bill down the toilette where they belong. If we are not allowed to keep our own money, then this is not America. We must stop this insane spending as if the money was falling from the trees. The Liberals can spin it all they want to, but the bottom line is that our deficit is skyrocketing and the Chinese are going to own us before we know what hit us. As fir Obamacare, which is another word for Socialized medicine is going to fail and if it is not repealed it is going to bankrupt this nation. The Kenyan Kommie has got to go, make no mistake about that. And the RINO's who are nothing more than LIBERALS/PROGRESSIVES in wolves clothing are no benefit to the Republican party and they either have to get their priorities straight, or they must be voted out as well. And the Tea Party must not stop now, when we hear those lefties calling us names, then you know that we are hitting them where it hurts. Last November was only the beginning. We must keep up the fight and show these lefties that we will not stand for a dictatorship or any censorship here in America. The Tea Party did influence the voters and they did what had to be done. Obama DID sign the tax cut deal with the Republicans, so it showed that we can make a different in 2012.