Why Didn’t NPR (National Public Radio) Fire Nina Totenberg for Wishing Jesse Helms and His Grand Children Would Get Aids?

Yes, I would like to know why didn’t NPR (National Public Radio) fire Nina Totenberg for wishing Jesse Helms and his Grand Children would get Aids?
Check out this clip, of NPR’s Nina Totenberg telling the host of PBS’s Inside Washington that if there was “retributive justice” in the world the (admittedly loathsome) Jesse Helms would “get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will get it.” And by the way, Nina Totenberg is still on NPR

According to the rules NPR plays by, shouldn’t Wishing your Political enemies and their Children and Grand children get AIDS be grounds for dismissal?

I would like anyone of my Liberal readers who are defending NPR to give me their answer to that.

In contrast it is worth noting that statement was FAR worse than the personal opinion made by Juan Williams. Lets face it, the United States suffered the biggest attack since Perl Harbor on 9/11, and we saw murders of 13 US soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas
and the very close call planned attacks from Muslim in New York Cities Subways as well as the planned attack from a Muslim in the heart of Times Square as well as dozens of Muslim groups with planned attacks that were stopped in their tracks that could have killed hundreds killed by Muslim. And lets not forget the Christmas Day bomber who’s name is Abdulmutallab, not exactly a Christian or Jewish name. And remember the Muslims who planned to attack Fort Dix, the military base in New Jersey? They wanted to kill as many soldiers as possible,
And how about all over the rest of the world? There was the terrorist attack on a Sydney Australian army base by a member of the Islamic Maniac Association that was meant to kill as many people as possible. And the Mumbai attacks on London and other European cities, so many it’s hard to remember them all.

And here is a Video of FIVE more member of the Islamic Maniac Association who wanted to blow up targets in America.

Wait a second, wait a second, wait now hold on, you said what about Timothy McVeigh?
My answer to that is who gives a damn? He was one in a 1, 000 and he got what was coming to him so screw him and I hope that answers you question.
But this blog is about American's getting fires etc, for using their right of FREE SPEECH. Not abour home grown Terrorists as our Speaker of the House (soon to be replaced) calls them

Thanks Juan for exposing this self professed news organization for what they really are!