Democrats Don't Lie, They Merely "Miss-Speak"

It seems like a pretty damn safe bet that neither Chris Matthews or Matt Lauer or Diane Sawyer or George Stephanopoulos or Keith Olbermann or even Arianna Huffington and her bloggers won't be discussing this.

“When we took our trip to Africa and visited [Barack's] home country in Kenya, we took a public HIV test.” : Michelle Obama.

"And it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion" Barack Hussein Obama.

Richard Blumenthal : "When I SERVED IN VIETNAM"

Hillary Clinton and Daughter: "We had to dodge Snipers fire when we got off the plane in Bosina"

And then adding: "I was the first first lady taken into a war zone since Eleanor Roosevelt.
And let us not forget that it was Hillary Clinton who claimed to be named after Sir Edmund Hilary!

Bill Clinton" " I never had sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky"

And the Daddy of them ALL....................... Was it merely a "Miss-Speak" or a “Slip of the Tongue” or a case of Momentary Confusion? When in a television interview with George Stephanopoulos discussing his religion, then Sen. Barack Obama stated, My Muslim Faith"

Only YOU Can Decide!