Barack Obama:,The Great Unifier. Wants to Punish the Conservatives!

Ah, yes. Our Dear Marxist Comrade, The Great Uniter Strikes Again.
This would be funny if it weren’t true! But, No it's not funny, because he meant what he said..

PRESIDENT OBAMA: But they are going to be paying attention to this election and if Latinos sit out the election instead of saying we're going to punish our enemies and we're going to reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us, if they don't see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it's going to be harder and that's I didn't think it's so important that people focus on voting on November 2nd. Yes, the President of the United States of America
is now telling Latinos To Punish Their Enemies the Conservatives. "And we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us" This you ever think that you would hear that from an American president?
If George Bush the man that gets all of the blame ever said that he would have been. .. CRUCIFIED by every newspaper and Radio/TV commentator in the country! But when Barack Obama,
calls half of the American population his enemy the Great Unifier who has chosen to Divide the Nation says a outrageous thing like that there is NO outrage.
He called all those that do not agree with his Marxism as "Enemies".
I don't know about you or anyone else, but I'm getting sick and tired of this bozo and his groupies calling me and the millions of others that agree with me these names, such as Domestic Terrorists and now we are "his" Enemies.
And these Leftist MORON'S call Glenn Beck dangerous and
frightening ?

Yes, Barack Hussain Obama, the Great Unifier Has Done His Very Best To Divide America