The Disgraceful Liberal “One Nation Working Together” Rally

This IS what happens when you have the vermin bussed in from the ghetto's. Clean up? Why that's someone else's responsibility, just like everything else in their miserable, hate filled lives. Most of them didn't look like they missed too many meals and you can bet their anger is at their free ride coming to a close in November. They wanted to make their mark. And that they did. If the signs are any indication, these people are none to bright! Then again, what can you expect from Liberals/Progressives? There were two types of people gathered at that rally, the Slobs and the bigger Slobs. I have no doubt that the majority of them were there because they were promised a free lunch! Most of them looks like Al Sharpton’s typical professional hooligans from Harlem. They just could NOT have been the GREEN JUNKIES who are always preaching about preserving the planet and the environment.
At the Glenn Beck rally hundreds of thousands of Conservative thinking Americans who wanted to have their voices heard and who loved America. They were the ones who descended on Washington DC to participate in a rally to honor America hosted by a talk show personality who felt as they did.

And Their Classy Signs Were Proof! This picture is worth a thousand words.
At this new sham of a rally, slightly over ten thousand liberals many of which proudly chanting their love of Socialism descended on Washington not even know the reason why they were there.
But why is anyone surprised? This is what they dom this is what happens when you have the parasite class bussed in from the ghetto to make a showing of numbers rather than have people who really care about what they came there for. Let’s face it, we already have Trashed the White House, so why not finish the job? The Left's disrespect for our Capital and the rest of the things we cherished is despicable! These people are a disgrace. I have no other words that I can put into this blog for what I think of these disgusting punks. These filthy people have zero respect for America, and yet
this Moonbat Squad shouts bloody hell if you say a negative word about the Messiah Farce in the White House.

This is what happens when you have the vermin bussed in from the ghetto's.
There were empty bottles, food wrappers, and containers, newspapers, leaflets, thrown away signs, chicken bones and other leftover food tossed all over the place. Why? Because that's what they do! Where as at Glenn Beck rally the people cleaned up after themselves and threw the trash away immediately after the rally finished.
If this rally was any indication of what change the "Green,
half-witted, brainwashed, People" want, then I think I'll stick with my version of environmentalism.
Obviously they think their CRAP doesn't stink.