Obama Is At War With Fox News.

White House communications director Anita Dunn announced the official beginning of the Obama administration's war with Fox News. Of course, the battle has been openly brewing for months now. Anita Dunn is and always was a complete moron who has no credibility what-so-ever..

Mr. President, How Dare You Take Away My Constitutional Right To Have am Opinion!

Yet another example of the fact that liberals do not want equality for all they just want to control all, as does Our Dear Leader. But of course this is all nonsense. Why?, Because Fox News was here before Obama was President, and they held the exact same opinions for years , and they will continue to be here long after he's gone. Obama hasn't learned this lesson at all. the Chosen Idiot tried the exact same thing as soon as he was in office, only that time the attack was against Rush Limbaugh, which was his first big mistake. Now he and his flunkies are going after Fox News and Glenn Beck's program. And I guess the next thing will be to shut down all communications that don't agree with him. Whenever Obama screws up, his lapdogs race in to shut up his opposition. What a genius plan that is, silencing or shut down the opposition! Ludicrous? No. Marxist? Yes! No media, no opposition, Period.
And strangely the lefties on these boards can't see the danger in this.
None of the "Progressive" bloggers seem to understand this, or don't want to..
It's a sad state of affairs when people can't tune into a station of their choice and get the news, but would only have it slanted towards the view of the Idiot in Chief. Sounds a bit like China to me.November is not coming soon enough for me, I can't wait until and 2012 when this idiotic imbecile Marxist is run out of office.