I'll Put it Very Bluntly, What We've Become Is a Nation of Idiots Under The leadership Of Barack Hussain Obama We Have Become a Nation of Idiots.

Yesterday, “The liberal ninth circuit” federal appeals court struck down an Arizona requirement that residents prove U.S. citizenship in order to register to vote . Can you believe this nonsense is actually happening in the USA ? How dare a judge simply rule that it’s ok for the possibility that illegal aliens can vote? Is this what Obama meant when he was addressing those Latinos yesterday?
Is it unreasonable to ask ALL Americans to require proof of citizenship at the time they are voting? Why is there None required in the United States when you appear at the polls to vote?
Is it racist when I have to prove I am a US citizen to get a Government job? I know that I don't have any problem with proving I am a legal citizen of the USA, and I’m sure that most of us feel the same way about it. We have to show ID etc every time we get on an airplane don’t we, and we have to show our passports every time we enter or exit any other country. Isn’t voting jsy as important?

Yesterday I hear on one of my Conservative Radio Stations that Voting Ballots were handed out in the prisons in Cook County (the same Cook County that is the most corrupt County in the most corrupt State in the Union) so that the inmates could be able to vote in the upcoming election. This is also the same corrupt Cook County that forgot to send out ballots over seas to our Fighting Troops! And the deadline has past.
Also last Monday, three van loads of Hughes High students were taken last week during school hours to vote and given sample ballots for only for DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES and then taken for out ice cream. And they were told that they would receive extra credit for voting. How do you like those apples? And you Libs are going to tell me that there is no Voting Irregularity going on! I guess that Obama and his Rat-Pack know that the only way they can win is by cheating and buying votes even if it’s by illegal’s or by criminals.

We Should Be Proud to Say We Are a Citizen of the United States of America and I'll Be Happy to Prove It