Bye Bye Rahm Emanuel, Don't Let the Door Hit You in Your Ass

Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, said goodbye to the White House today, making is announcement to an audience packed with his close cronies who laughed at his at jokes about his abrasiveness and sympathized when he choked up and spoke of his family.

“Because my temperament is sometimes a bit different than yours, Mr. President, I want to thank my colleagues for their patience the last two years,” said Emanuel, who is known to curse his way around the West Wing. “I’m sure you’ve heard some words you've never heard before, and an assortment of combination of words.”

Emanuel also praised Obama as “the toughest leader any country could ever ask for,” and he thanked the president for giving him a “spirit of service” by working in the White House.
Isn't that what they say to all dictators?

Thanks for the chuckle Rahm baby.
And don't let the door hit your ass on your the way out! Now go and screw up Chicago the way you screwed up America.

I'm so sick of these leftists forcing their will on the American people with their lies and bribes.
Bring on November