First Amendment! What First Amendment?

As we know, NPR has terminated its contract with Juan Williams, one of their senior news analysts, after he made comments about Muslims

The LEFT is trying to shut down evey voice that disagrees with them! And guess what suckers? They are succeeding!
Do you want your tax dollars to go to an organization that suppress Free Speech? Or a Radio Station that suppress Free Speech? Well that is exactly what NPR (
National Public Radio) has done with Political Commentator Juan Williams, one of their long time correspondents, over a remarks Williams made on the O’Reilly radio show. This is an official State run station, a station that is completely funded from our tax dollars, so why should they have the authority and the balls to fire anyone that was only expressing what most of us Americans think regarding Islamic-fascists because they don't agree, and because this is the wish and the will of the Obama Administration.

And what exactly did he say? He simply gave his own opinion, he expressed exactly how he feels on this subject of flying in an airplane with Muslims. How many other of us Americans feel the same way and rightfully so.
Maybe they just should have send him to a liberal PC re-education camp and given him a ankle bracelet until he is rehabilitated.
What exactly is
Freedom of speech, just in case anyone forgot, Freedom of speech is the right to freely say what one pleases, without the threat of their being fired over it. As Don Imas was, because Al Sharpton threatened to boycott the stations sponsors. . And as Juan Williams was this week because of the opinion that he expressed. We have a perfect case here of Compassionate Liberalism in action, brought to you by the NAACP and anyone else who is inclined to go along with or follow these PC’s lies and deceptions. Shame on them, and shame on everyone else that agrees with these dictating Nazis, all of them!!

The old Democrat party that we once knew, the party of Harry Truman and John Kennedy is gone and buried, and sadly they have been completely taken over by the new Progressive Socialists.
How did we lose our freedom and our liberties so fast? How did this country get so far left? So far that we are falling down hill as fast as a boulder on a ski-slope. How were we do stupid as to elect someone that had such a dark past?
We the American people were asleep at the wheel and not listening when George Soros was speaking, and now people like Juan Williams is paying the price.
Do I personally like Juan Williams, no I don't, I usually don't even listen to him, but certainly he earned my respect by talking out about how he PERSONALLY actually feels , instead of trying to bury it as most liberal
Commentators do. And another thing, doesn’t anyone find it unusual that only Conservatives are defending a liberal commentator like Juan Williams? Isn’t there something odd about that? But we all can remember all the bitching and moaning over the Shirley Sherrod firing, can’t we!

When Don Imas was fired, nobody talked about whether or not his free speech rights were violated either, all I heard was threats and promises to boycott him and his sponsors, and called for him to be fired.. And the same went for Glenn Beck when he exposed Van Jones as a Communist. Right here on the Blogisphere, all I saw were long lists of his sponsors to boycott, and I saw them on the very blog of the people that are trying to discredit me.
Many of the people who read this blog say that I am a racist and a bigot and throw around all those nasty terms that the liberals ar known to say. Well guess what? I like Juan Williams don't give a hoot and I will continue to express my views regardless.
Radio and Television stations that express the Conservative view are in great jeopardy right now, the PC crowd and the Obama Administration have put this on the front burner of their “To-Do” list. They have declared WAR with Fox and they really mean it.
Who will be next? Glenn Beck? Rush Limbaugh? The whole Tea Party? All Americans that believe in the Conservative movement? They already have taken away the Fox channel from us, because of Cablevision being the liberal company that they are, who is owned by News Corp, NewsDay, AOL, and would be delighted to keep Fox off the air until after the election. So they care if millions of us are without such a keep TV station, no they are thrilled .

And these liberal idiots still don’t understand why we are so angry with them.

What are we becoming?
Well, it's not working and it’s almost November and America and it's people are able to see straight through it. And yes, we're getting very tired of it.

And isn’t it funny that Whoopi Goldberg supports Juan Williams and has called his firing “Ridiculous”. But she raved and ranted and walked off the set when Bill O'Reilly said almost the same thing. They both made similar Muslim comments, and yet she supported the black guy and called Bill O'Reilly’s comment Bull-Shit! Could it be that she's backing him because she likes his skin color? Surprise, Surprise!