The Democratic Party of Today! No shame, No morals, No ethics, No personal responsibility!

Long, long, long ago there wasn't much difference between Republicans and Democrats. But that was a long time ago. When men were Men and Women were Women. When Trees were made for shading us from the sun and used for making paper NOT for Hugging. There wasn't a great deal of difference between the two parties. . In fact I can remember when People didn’t vote along party lines but voted for the best of the two people running for the office. Back in those “Good ole days” these wasn’t any such thing as “Progressives” They were simply called Communists. And there wasn’t any NPR’s or Community Organizers, or Privileges to certain groups, or Illegal Immigration, not even a liberal bias media.
But things change as they should change as we learn and we advance. But sometimes “Change” is not always for the better. The two party system has certainly changed. The left of today has totally destroyed the democratic party as we once knew it. The party of Harry Truman and John Kennedy is gone and has totally changed. It changed so much that even Ronald Reagan who used to be Democrat became Republican.
There is no longer the slight difference between Republicans and Democrats. In fact as I see it these isn’t even a Democratic party any longer. Oh yes, they still hold on to the tittle “Democratic party” Why? Because to many of them the “L” word is akin to the “N” word.
A lot of Democrats just can't get themselves to admit it or don't realize what the party actually stands for these days. Is there an obvious "hypocrisy" there.? Sure there is, but be it as it may the fact is that the old “Democratic party” which is now the party of the most anti America’s this country has ever seen. They should be called the party of "Hypocrisy"! A Conservative’s political opinion is looked upon as being a Rightwinger Nutcase. Why? Because we have , strong conservative family values and we are still the Patriotic party that we have always been since World War Two, when the country was united. We still love to go to July 4th Parades, and picnics and Fireworks and we still keep teaching our children to love God and Country. And we still enlist in the Military when we see our country in danger. They can call us Gun Toting, Bible carrying nuts all they want to. But we see ourselves as Patriotic Americans! And we will continue to be the Tea Party Movement, because we want our country back. Back from this phoney arrogant, lying Obozo.
Never before in my lifetime was this country is the terrible shape it’s in today. Never before did we have such a bad economy. So bad the Moody's Investors Service threatened to lower the United States' credit rating! And that my friends is pretty bad. There will be no economic recovery while Obama is still President, and there will be no Job recovery while Obama is still President. And that’s why Obama will NOT be re-elected. That’s it in a “Nut” shell.
And let us not forget the First Lady of Vacations! Does the First Lady think that she and her family and friends have a blank check with unlimited funds paid for by the taxpayers? Do we have to pay for these vacations du jour when we can’t even afford to take even one ourselves?

The Democrats/Liberals/Progressive’s attribute this to White racism, well that’s not new. We’ve seen and heard that old bullshit before because that’s all they have. What else does the Democratic Party resort to in order to win elections? And by the way, the Democrat Party was the party of the Slave Owners.
The race card, the destruction of one’s reputation by throwing out lies about their family, the joke on the late night shows, the hypocrisy by the group of idiots on “The View”! That’s how they win, and that’s why we have Barack Obama, the countries WORST president in our history. And to even surpass Jimmy Carter is a major accomplishment. A president who will be remembered for Bowing and Groveling to all the world Dictators.

Are people like Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Anthony Weiner, and Barack Obama supposed to be “Role Models”

*Note* To My Readers.
Here is a comment left here this morning, addressed to Me and You (my readers)

Sue said...
it's shocking how stupid you are, and your stupid followers too. You are a disgrace to America and are not worthy to walk on her soil. GET FUCKED, PLEEEEEEEASE!!!

I Guess This Proves My Post Above Was Accurate